Sold To A Heart Less Mafia @12

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Slowly kookie opened his eyes got scared to see himself in a very dark room. He prayed to every God to send his hyung to save him.

Just then he heard a deep voice. Yes how can he forgot the owner of this voice?
Kookie really became very happy and felt relieved.

Kookie :hyung please save me. I know u r right beside my bed please talk something. Some bastard kidnapped me

Just then

Tae :how dare you to call me bastard?

Kookie can feel a sting pain in his left cheek. He was shocked. This is not the first time for our poor kookie to get beaten. He actually faced more than this. But the thing which is very painful is that his lovely hyung, his crush, his future husband sorry only he dreamed about that. He was in the edge to broken down into tears. But still he managed to say...

Kookie:n_no hy_ung I didn't say to u. I was cursing....
That mean...

He turned his face to side of his bed.
**somewhere in seoul**

There is a boy working in a early morning at a restaurant. It was only 3:30.sooo much early for us right? When all were sleeping and enjoying in their dreem land here this kid sorry man was working. He works as a waiter in a restaurant which is very famous. Actually it is well known for a perfect place for date couple.

What date? In the early morning? 😔

Yes. Don't curse me now actually that restaurant has a special feature which is the waterfalls. Yes waterfalls it is just located near a waterfall from where the date couple enjoy their romantic date.

The restaurant is very famous for its own specialty. All the rest of the day the restaurant got closed yes weird right?

And here that boys shift will be completed at 8 o'clock. Actually he had a night shift yesterday which going to continue for one month or less than that.

And the rest of the day the waiters has to clean those date couples romm and should rearrange them. It really became a disgusting work but what can he do.

(That boy:?)

? Completed his shift and went to his room which is very small but he can adjust with it. He sleeps till 10:30 and again he goes to work as a waiter in a club. Sometimes he will take his meal but many times if he is sleepy more Than hungry he just sleep till night.

And don't worry about his parents because he is a orphan.? Is just 17years old(same as kookie). He left the orphanage at just 15 cause a motherfucker tried to rape him. And him being a brave boy he managed to escape from him and also that orphanage.

If he is brave he can complain to someone about that mf right? But that mf belong to a rich family.
? Didn't remember that mf name all he remembered is his surname "jeon"

*somewhere on earth *

There was a man seating in an arm chair. In front of two men.
(now don't use ur ff knowledge) cause

They were actually in a meeting. But?? Is listening to them with his dark aura (someone plz say to him that he is In a meeting hall not in his basement)

Soon the meeting completed and all left the room nono they literally ran from that room cause they are about shit their pants.

?? And his secretory came to?? 's office.?? Take his seat in his CEO chair and..

?? : what is today's remaining schedule after this meeting?

(his secretary:hs)

Hs: another meeting at ur club with some gun dealers

?? Just nod his head and signed her to leave.

At night***

? Was serving drinks to crazy and spoiled people. Just then club manager came to him and..
M:today u have to wear this dress.
? :y?
M:cause there is an imp guest here and they only want pretty people there
? Got disgusted with those words. (y ull know later)

? :ok
M:make it fast get urself changed and go they can't wait too long.
? :all these rich people r like this (mimicking manager)
They can't wait too longggg
M:wait did u just mimicked me on my face?
?:any doubt
M:ur fired
? :ohh tgen I'll see who is going to serve that soo called vip today.
M:okok just iam u one chance because that vip is the owner of this club. And I don't want u to be late so go fastt

? Didn't liked the dress at all it was a maid dress but now he can't refuse cause he already blackmailed the club manager. If he refused wear this then he'll be fired for sure.

(the outfit)

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(the outfit)

Soon he arrived in front the door with a tray of two bottles of cocktail and scotch also two glasses.

? Knocked the door. The door was opened by a man in black has a gun in his hands.? Thought maybe the owners bodyguard

? :d_drink?
Bodyguard :come in(cold)

When? Entered he can feel all those men were staring at him. He got uncomfortable with unnecessary attention. Some one noticed it and

?? :head down(deep voice)

And less then a sec all lowered their heads
? Placed tray on teastand blw the two couches and

? :w_which one sir?
He asked to the gun dealer he said cocktail.? Poured it and was about to give him then again that same deep voice stopped him.

?? : stop
He turned towards body guard and

?? :ask manager to send another maid.
Bg:ok boss

?? :and u only serve me
? Nod his head and gave him that glass. Another maid came and served that gun dealer.

After meeting got over.? Was standing at the corner because?? Ordered him to stay till the end of the meeting. So he was standing there being scared.

All left the room.?? Ordered body guards to leave the room. Now they are alone.

?? Slowly started to come towards?

?? :How much per day?

? Widen his eyes. Now he understanding y this man was always checking him out time to time.

With taekook***

Suddenly kook closed his eyes eyes due to sudden light. He slowly opened his eyes their was standing his hyung with emotion less face.

Kookie stared Tae for sole seconds. Soon he understood that his hyung was staring somewhere else with lust ? In his eyes but where? To know he too followed his hyungs gaze and he looked his body. Till now he didn't noticed it. His hyung stare made him notice that he was
And tied to the bed. Tears were flowing through kookies eyes. He turned his head towards his hyung just to see that evil smirk on his emotionless face.

., *., *., *., *., *., *______❤️💔

Sorry for late update but yesterday I completed this part but that got deleted and now I am again completed this part. It feels like hell for me to use phone with high fever 🤒

I'll introduce those two new characters in the next chapter till then...

Stay safe❤️💜

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