Sold To A Heart Less Mafia @9

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*Next morning *
Right now both are in the bathroom taking bath no actually Tae is the one helping kookie to bath.

As u all know from ur ff knowledge, the next morning was very pain full. For kookie. Our poor kookie can't able to walk properly and his back was hurting like hell .

Tae duty was to carry kookie all the time without getting irritated actually he was very proud of his doings and he was always busy in admiring the cute pouts and complaints of his prince 🤴.

They done with bathing and now Tae is carrying kookie towards the dining table not before he dressed kookie all. In bunny dress.
On his way he did carried a cushion which was on couch 🛋 but kook was confused for that. And he really felt happy and loved when Tae placed the cushion on his lap and made kook to sit on that cushion so that he can't hurt his baby boy.

They cumpleted their break fast and enjoyed their day Tae bought so many ice creams for kookie and also he massaged his legs.
At night*...

Kookie was sleeping peacefully in his hyungs arms.

Tae:  baby bu I love u. U did something to my heart that I can't even stay away from for a second.......

But baby bu  how can we say that devil easily changes into angel 😏

Iam sorry boy but for me my Mafia king place is the first thing. Priorities matters.

Now I think  the rat has been in my trap.. But still


After all I am known to be heartless for a reason Babe 😏

(with that he kissed kookie till he satisfied and he went to his wardrobe. He placed his palm on a wall  then a wooden door came into vision he entered that door and the door closed automatically)

(we don't what happened inside that door I think we will know that in next chapter) *

*Next morning *

Kookie wake up on the bed and found that he was alone he searched all the mansion but still. He didn't found taehyung. He cried alot and fall asleep on the floor in his hall.

He woke up at evening and he called him but still there was not a single clue of his hyung.

But now he noticed one thing  that from the minute he woke up his head was hurting so bad he just ignored it and he called his friend group they said they will help him

Next day all the 6 members went I search of Tae.. But they didn't found him

Kookie got scared and started to cry on the alley
But the poor boy didn't noticed the smirks their hyungs were exchanging which  indicates they are hiding something from that boy who started to trust them badly.

...,,,, **°§×ק°**,,,,...
Sorry for the short chapter but I just don't want to reveal the secret so sorry for the short chapter.

Love you guys have a good day 😘💜💜🌹

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