Chapter 3 ~ Revolutionary

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~~~Not My Art~~~

Sunny was alone, flying through the cool desert at night when suddenly, she heard a twig snap behind her. "Hello?" She called, confused, she continued flying. She heard another sound, this time, of wings fleeting past her. "Ummm...Hello..?" She asked again more cautiously this time. She stopped and turned all around her, she saw nothing but desert sand. Suddenly, a HUGE gust of wind kicked up and Sunny was tossed and turned, crash landing onto the ground, she heard a thud beside her, and the sound of... talon-steps? But there was no one there, or so she thought...

As the sound of talon-steps got closer, she realised that there was more than one pair, there were...two? Stubling together, seemingly trying to walk in unison, but failing miserably. "She turned around, frightened, and tried to make a break for it, into the sky, but that would not be, as a talon whipped out, and grabbed her back leg pulling her in for a...hug?

She tried to fight it, although their grip was too strong, "Sunny," a voice said through laughter, "it's me." To Sunny's surprise, her mother, and Prince Smolder, were standing in front of her, with her mother holding a shiny, silver chain in her talons. "Isn't it pretty?" Thorn asked, Sunny laughed, "It's more than just pretty, it's magic." Sunny's eyes shone as she said that last word, she was astonished at how her mother had gotten her claws on it though. "How did you get it?" Sunny asked. "Oh, Smolders' little pet Scavenger Rose (Remember the dragons found out Flowers real name (Rose) in book 15 or something?) gave it to me," Thorn answered casually, twiddling it between her claws. "Quite a nice little gift... wouldn't you agree?" Thorn smiled at Sunny and she smiled back. "Anyway, the reason that we have cornered you out here in the desert is because..." Thorn started, "We're getting married!" Thorn and Smolder finished in unison.

"EEEEEEEE!!!!" Sunny squealed, "I'm so happy for you guys!" Sunny rushed up and hugged them both, "I guess I had better get used to calling you dad now!" Sunny smiled at Smolder, "Gee, it's gonna take a while to get used to that!" Smolder scratched behind his head and chuckled. Sunny snuggled up between both of them, and they all fell over in the sand, in a big dragon pile. "Ahhh, It's nice to have a family again." Thorn said, "It is." Smolder replied, "It really really is." Sunny added

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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