
965 44 3

June 2023

The late night breeze was hard hitting with every step Elena took. She wasn't sure of what the time was, yet the moon had almost hit the top of the dark sky.

The blondes hands wrapped around the metal chain that held up the swing she sat on, the cold metal sending chills down her spine. She lifted a hand off the swing, pointing at the sky "the stars make a cow over there."

Jesse furrowed her brows, following the girls finger "the fuck? How drunk are you that's clearly a pig"

"No!" Elena groaned at her own loud voice "it's a dog."

"What?" Jesse questioned loudly "what is wrong with you."

"A lot" Elena answered, wrapping both her hands around the metal chain, she pushed up off the ground and began to swing.

"Lena!" Jesse called out "you're gonna throw up."

Elena shook her head "no I won't" she laughed

"Elena!" Jesse groaned "stop swinging! You're gonna make me throw up."

"You're no fun" Elena grumbled, capturing the ground with her foot, the swinging came to an end. "Oh fuck" she cursed, nausea catching up to her

Jesse giggled "I told you so!"

Elena sighed, pushing her swing towards the metal poles, she leaned against them. "I'm so tired."

Her eyes began to drop. Jesse shot up from the swing "hey! Don't fall asleep on me"

A soft slap on her cheek woke Elena back up.

"Bitch" Elena snapped, startling herself, her head slammed into the pole behind her.

"Oh my god" Jesse clamped her hand over her mouth to keep her laughter in "are you okay?"

"Assualt!" Elena cried out "ill send my niece after you, she may be small but she's horrifying with a nerf gun."

Jesse rolled her eyes, sitting back on her swing "yeah, yeah, I'm more scared of Katrina then Harper."

"My sister?" Elena lousily questioned "she's just a small teddy bear with a drop of attitude, trust me when I say she plays with baby toys more than she plays your stupid sport."

"Stupid?" Jesse repeated, insulted

Elena hummed "so goddamn stupid."

"What makes it stupid."


Jesse's eyes wondered back over to the blonde, catching the girls eyes dropping. "Hey — hey Elena!" She stood up quickly, more concerned than she had been last time. "Come on, wake back up."

Jesse took Elena's hands, tugging at her arms "Elena you can't go to bed, you probably have a concussion or something."

Nothing, Jesse cursed under her breath "I'm gonna have to slap you again, I am so sorry."

With a deep breath, and a sound of Jesse's hand hitting Elena's face. Elena woke up with a gasp.

Jesse let out a breath she didn't know she was holding "thank god. You can't do that."

"Everything about your stupid sport is stupid." Elena replied.

Jesse gave her a look "you nearly scared me to death and your back to talking about how stupid my sport is."

Elena gave the girl a sloppy smile "your sport is so stupid."

"How drunk are you?" Jesse placed the back of her hand to Elena's foward "you have to be a lightweight"

"With the amount I drank after Leah cheated on me — which apparently never happened — you'd think I'd be better." Elena replied

"Leahs stupid"

"Football stupids."

Jesse sat back down on her swing "Stupid Leah plays stupid football, she only gets worse."

"I loved her, so much." Elena mumbled, her eyes starring foward, watching as the river in front of them quietly lingered. "Why would she do that." She questioned with a stammer.

"I don't know, Elena" Jesse softly spoke, almost afraid anything she could say would break the girl.

"How am I supposed to forgive her." Elena frowned "she ruined me, for months — for years. The things I wrote never even captured half of the feelings I felt after she told me about her and Jordan. And now she tells me all of it was fake, that she only said it because she was too afraid to ask me to marry her? If she loved me, how could she even forgive herself? How could she do that to me?" Her voice grew quieter as she spoke, before she began to choke on her words.

"I can't do it" Elena cried "I hate her, I hate her so fucking much that she still makes me love her after everything she has done. I feel wrecked, my heart feels empty and the thought of love makes me throw up now. I feel so alone even with others around me. I gave her everything I possibly could, I fought through my problems, I saw my therapist multiple times a week, I hated seeing her. I did everything I could to fight my own battles just to lose the war."

"I'm sorry" Jesse spoke.

A small laugh bubbled through Elena's tears "don't be, I get a free therapy session out of this"

"Fuck—" Elena's hands clasped over her face "everyone knew the truth and no one told me, my own bestfriends knew that Leah and Jordan never happened — fuck I'm not sure if that's even the truth anymore, Leah could be saying that to make herself feel better — to make the situation feel better. But everyone knew. No one thought to tell me. Everyone chose her over me. Now I hold the grudge, I hate them all."

Jesse watched the blonde the entire time, her brown eyes never leaving Elena's face. "Leah doesn't deserve you, none of them do."

Elena stayed still. Her eyes trained on the peaceful water. "I fear I'll never find love the same way."

"You deserve so much more." Jesse said. "Instead of letting you cry and rethink of bad memories, we're gonna get you home, to your nice, warm bed, where you can dream of unicorns and sparkles."

The brunette stood up from her swing for the third time, reaching the palms of her hands out to the blonde "what do you think, Gorry?"

Elena looked up at the brunette, the moonlight displaying against Jesse's face "I think your freckles are the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen."


Maisie speaks!

Y'all, two updates in two days in crazy (boutta go back into my writing slump)

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