Stephan P.O.V.

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It's been a whole month since I scented my mate out. Miranda.She has a fucking boyfriend that she's in love with and refuses to leave. I'm in Nixons office pacing. He's watching me intently.

Nixon has been more like himself since Savannah has been here. The man damn near lives in the room with her. I don't know how he's going to manage when Brittany gives birth next month. He doesn't even have a suite for them nor does he allow her to have a room in the pack house. He has made it clear that we are to deny her every application. He has ordered her to never go to his Alpha Floor.

She is never allowed to go into the Lunas office or suite unless requested by his mother. Which I doubt will ever happen she was disappointed to know he took a chosen mate. He told them that he had searched for his fated and didn't find her. They don't know that Savannah is his fated mate and Luna. She is his luna by law and order of the king. Savannah doesn't even know that she is the Luna of this pack.

I mean she should know she literally does all the Luna stuff behind the scenes. I know that Oran is starting to question why he feels the strong urge to protect Savannah and read into her emotions. He is her gamma so he will always be in touch with his Lunas emotions so he can know how to use his gamma charm on her.

Nixon is going to have to tell the team soon. Especially with how possessive he is over her. For this to be some secret she is the only one trying to keep it that way. She is willing to play the background to protect him. He needs her around. He scents her all the time. Especially when there will be other males around. He will have her in his office for hours sometimes and he will order everyone out from this side of the building. She stays in his private lounge that only he has access to. Only the ones he allow can enter and that is clearly only his Alpha team and her.

Our last two trips he has taken her since only him and I leave. This trip next week she told him she wasn't going and now they arguing so he's been irritable the past 2 days.

"Why the hell do you keep pacing?" He says.
"Because she's fucking here and I can't even be near her."I tell him knowing he feels exactly what I'm talking about.
The man is damn clingy with Savannah and he hates the fact he has to sneak around but that is on him.
"Go talk to her. She is with Savannah they are studying." He says.
"She is in love with someone else." I growl
"I don't think so I seen how she looked at you. Maybe you should talk to Savvy. Tell her fix her damn attitude when you do too." He says with a low growl.
That man is an Alpha but when it comes to Savannah he's like a lost puppy. Unless you try and make a move on her then he is the Nixon everyone fears.
"You know all you have to do is go and tell her you're sorry and you guys will be right back in love."I laugh
"Man I've tried that woman is damn stubborn. I have not seen her in 2 damn days and when I seen her earlier when she came back she ignored me." He growls
"Fool you know why she mad you told her that since she wanted to be around other males that you would take Brittany with you." I remind him.
"I was frustrated but she just had to go and say she would bring another male into my pack." He growls.
They are both quick tempered and hot headed and the next minute right back in love. I have diffused so many arguments this month it's crazy but they both are genuinely happy.
"Let's go see our mates. You have one to make up with and I got one I need to try and win over." I tell him.
"I should not even give her the satisfaction to feel like she won." He growls
"You my brother are whipped. Savannah says they are in the library."I say.
He stands up.
"That woman better be lucky I love her because she really knows how to test me." He says
"Better come up with something better than that she might just bust your lip again."I laugh
"Don't remind me the damn woman just really loves to test my alpha doesn't even know she's Luna and still manages to use the Luna defiance." He says
"I believe that's all her. Hell she knows you would never do anything to her and knows she has you whipped." I laugh
Entering the library. We walk back to one of the study rooms Savannah is in. I hear Savannah and my mate talking about me.
"How is he as a person. You two are close.I've seen him on campus with you a few times." Miranda says
"He is a good person. He is fiercely loyal to that asshole Alpha of ours. He's also loyal and protective of the ones he love and care about. He is a Beta so he is asshole as well. But the man is a great male. He will protect and love you Miranda." Savannah tells her.
I fucking love my friend. She has become more like a sister to me these past 5 months since I found out about her and Nixon. Even when she was not speaking to him she kept in contact with me. She is also the only one I ever would have called Luna. That bitch Brittany never would have been my Luna. Only I know the real reason Nixon chose to mark her. It's literally a decoy. If anyone ever tries to come for this pack they will come for the Luna to weaken the Alpha. She might wear that man's mark but he has no connection to her at all. The man doesn't even see her. Them coming for Brittany will do nothing for the man but them coming for Savannah he would lose it all. That man has loved her since we were 13.
"I really want him Vannah. I'm confused because I also love Philip. I don't know I just need time. My parents expect me to marry him and let him mark me." Miranda says
"He's on his way down here. Maybe you should talk to him. He probably brings that asshole Alpha with him they are almost always together. Or one of the other two assholes."Savannah says and I know she rolled her eyes.
I look at Nixon to see him rolling his two. They are both stubborn and petty.
"You better not let them hear you if they anything like my Alpha team." Miranda laughs.
"I am not worried about that damn man or his musketeers." Savannah says
We enter.
"Speak of one and they shall appear." she says.
"Asshole and musketeers." Nixon growls
She glares and rolls her eyes still very much pissed with him.
"Hey Miranda. Can we talk."I say
She blushes and nods.
"You good girl? Call me when you finish up." Vannah says
"Yeah we definitely need to finish this damn assignment."Miranda says
Savannah stands and walks to the door that Nixon is blocking. I can see it in eyes he wants to argue with her. He told that their make up sex is the top tier. That's probably why he loves picking fights.
She glares right at him.
"Move bastard." She growls.
"Move me."He growls right back
"I'm going to count to 10 and you will be out of my way or I'm going to beat you blue and that asshole over there will be pulling me off you." She says.
I laugh. Miranda looks nervous.
"They are friends. They do this all the time. She knows what she's doing."I tell her
She relaxes and now is amused by their interaction I only step in when necessary.
"I'll like to see you try. I'm Alpha. It will take a lot more than just you to have me on the ground." He says
She must have sent him an image through their mind link because just when he is distracted she pushes him out the way.
"I see you moved." She smirks waving to Miranda before walking off.
"SAVANNAH!" Nixon growls chasing after his mate who just ran from him.
"She really pushed him and ran. That girl is crazy as fuck." Miranda laughs
"They always do that. We are all friends." I tell her

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