Alpha Clyde P.O.V

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I'm livid. I slam the door of Nixons office shut. It's only me, him, and his mother. The other 3 assholes are getting handled by their parents.
Nixon sighs.
"Have a seat." He says
My mate sits and looks at her pup sadly. I glare at that bastard and continue to pace.
"How long have you known?" He ask his mother.
I didn't know shit because had I known we wouldn't be here today.
"Since the day she came and told you she was pregnant and you broke her heart in the forest." Mary says.
I growl lowly at that bastard son of mine.
"You seen her challenge me. Why didn't you say anything?" He ask.
"Why didn't you?" She ask
He just sighs in defeat.
He tells us some selfish ass bullshit story on why he did it. I know my child and that fucker did it because he wanted Savannah to himself. He is possessive like me and would not have wanted others around her.
"You are stupid. You are an asshole." I growl. "That girl is far from weak. If anything she's stronger than you. She is the daughter of two first born Alphas born to two purebred Alphas. Her father is the Alpha of BloodStone Pack. Her mother was the daughter of Eclipse Pack Alpha. They left their pack to be together. Back then he was arranged to be with someone else the wars was brutal. They escaped their packs. I allowed him here. I wanted him to be one of my enforcers. He chose to be a patrolman because he wanted a normal life for once. He is still the Alpha of that pack he just runs it from the shadows. You are seriously an idiot." I say.
He stares in shock and disbelief. I pull up there file that only I and my team have access to. He just looks at it in horror. I see regret hit him hard. Good he deserves it.
"Does she know?" He ask.
"No. The boys figured it out but they are content here and lead a happy life. They never wanted the responsibility. The girls were never told." I say.
He just nods.
"Why did they leave?" I ask him.
He says nothing just hands over a file. I have to fight Jerald from coming forward. I feel him turning feral in my mind.i let out a thunderous growl.
Mary is in tears.
"You know I watched over those pups there whole life from a distance. I knew they were yours the day I held Sarai in my arms." Mary says.
"Where is Brittany." I say.
"The king's prison. They came to get her after I caught her and Tim fucking. He's actually her mate and those pups are his. I always knew they were his he came to me. I didn't know they were mates though." He says.
"Is that why you didn't hand him your pack?" I say
He nods.
"I've been training my heir. I just don't know how to get him home." He says.
"You fight like hell. You tell her the truth about everything. You show her that you didn't choose that bitch over them." Mary says.
"Bring my damn grandpups home." I say.
We talk for a while longer and I continue to tell him how dumb he is. He's going to fix this. I know he will. Mary and I head out and go to the Spring family home.
Dwight comes to the door. He rolls his eyes and lets us in.
"Why didn't you come to me? Why you didn't come tell me what my asshole of a son did?" I say
He looks at his mate.
"My child still hasn't told us that she is his mate and that those pups are his." Dwight says.
I just groan in frustration.
"I know you know about the attack. Why didn't you confront Nixon then."I say.
"Because I seen the look in his eyes after it happened. I seen how broken he was when she left. I knew he would have died for them. I went with my gut and said that he had taken care of it. I started questioning my gut over the years seeing as though that bitch was still in this pack and bore his mark." Dwight growls.
"My son is smart but he can be a little slow sometimes. You might want to watch this. Maybe without your mate. It was even too gruesome for my mate." I say
"No I need to see it. I need peace in the situation."Victoria said.
They watch calmly. They nod.
"Does he still love my daughter?" Victoria says.
"Never stopped loving her." Mary says.
'BRING MY PUP HOME!' Dwight booms to me and Nixon thru the link.
'I will.' Nixon says.
We both let out a laugh and relax.
I hope this boy can make this work. I knew he's been off the past 10 years but never expected this.

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