Nixon P.O.V

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My baby girl is truly a blessing. She is perfect. She is also a daddy girl. Savannah says we are obsessed. I can't help it she has me wrapped around her little fingers.

I had a whole day to spend with them and I was not about to let my team and their family coming to meet my baby ruin it. I will tell them the truth. I know I'm about to argue with Oran and Lance.

I'm sitting holding Sarai to keep me calm. Her scent calms just like Savannah's.

I see Savvy get up to go to the door.
"Hey. How are you?" She asked them.
"Good girl. How are you?" Rachel ask.
"Tired as hell but good she's worth the sleepless nights." She says.
The three men walk in first and freeze seeing me holding her. Stephan walks in and comes to take her.
"Hey uncle baby." He coos at her.
The ladies walk in behind Savannah. They stare between us.
She sighs and looks at me.
"That's Nixon and I daughter Sarai." She says.
The ladies look at her in shock. Oran and Lance glare at me.
She always said her child's father was her mate who rejected her.
"You knew?" Miranda asked Stephan.
"About them?" He ask
They all nod. He looks at us and nods.
"I've known since the beginning along with the Alpha King. I also know that both of them are stubborn as fuck and love each other." He says
"Why the fuck did you not say anything. Why the fuck did you reject her for that whore Nixon." Oran growls.
"What the fuck was I supposed to tell you. That I rejected the woman I've loved since 12 because of my pride and selfishness. Or that I've regretted everyday since the words left my mouth. Jared never accepted the rejection. She is my mate. That is my fucking pup." I growl back.
"Yes asshole exactly that. That's what you were supposed to say." He growls.
"You truly are an asshole. Who else knows besides Jo and Stephan." Lance growls.
"You two are not about to keep growling at me." I snarl.
They growl again and I stand. Savannah comes and stands in front of me.
"Savannah." I say.
"No." She says.
Stephan brings a crying Sarai over and Savannah hands her to me. I relax.
"I'm sorry baby." I say kissing her face as she calms.
Oran and Lance calm down.
"Vannah you could have told us." Miranda says
"I know. I just didn't want the unnecessary drama. No one knows not even my family. Oran you knew back when we were sneaking around with each other. He wanted to tell you but I didn't want anyone knowing." She says.
"I figured but wasn't for certain. I knew he was possessive as hell and would always make sure you were in his eyesight or reach at pack events. I knew that you could calm him by just being around I should have known because anytime you guys were off he would be damn evil." Oran says.
"Why Nix. You have always loved her." Lance says.
Stephan rolls his eyes at me.
"I was selfish and dumb." I say.
"Still is." Oran says
'Does she know that Sarai is your firstborn.' Oran links me
'No I'll tell her.' I say.
"Let me see my damn niece. Her father is truly a bastard." Oran says
We all laugh.
"So this is where you have been spending your nights this week." Lance laughs. " I should have known."
"How do you guys like parenthood?" Miranda smiles.
"It's exhausting. She loves being held because someone doesn't like putting her down. I'm surprised he hasn't taken her back yet." She rolls her eyes.
"A daddy's girl." Miranda and Rachel laugh.
"You swore you were having a mommy baby." Rose laughs.
"I still have time." She laughs.

We enjoy our time together. They agree that it stay between us that's present here. Savannah cooks dinner since we all are here and enjoying Sarai. I go in the kitchen to pour her some milk.

I pull Savannah into a hug.
"You ok?" She ask.
'Yeah I knew they would be pissed. I love you Savvy. I always have and will. Thanks for everything. Especially my daughter and allowing me to be in her life even though I don't deserve it.' I tell her thru the link.
'You deserve it. You may have pissed me off when I first found out but since she's been here you have been a huge help. I hope you know I appreciate you.' She says.
I lean in and give her a quick kiss. She looks up at me and smirks. We are still holding each other.
"You've been waiting for that." She laughs
"Of course since the day you challenged me in the forest." I smirk.
I lean in deepening the kiss this time. She responds. I can fix this. I'll figure out how to make this work. I love her and my daughter. This is my family.
"Don't make another one." Oran says while walking in.
I growl in annoyance. She bursts out laughing.
"Go feed my baby." She says as the ladies walk in.

We enjoyed a meal. After everyone left we bathed and put Sarai to bed. She's only going to be in there for like a hour before one of us puts her on our chest. Most likely me.
"I'm about to pump and clean the kitchen." She tells me as we head downstairs.
I mostly sleep on the couch. I know she is really trying her hardest to be safe with her heart when it comes to me so I don't push.
The kiss today told me that I can fix this.

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