Not So Peaceful

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It was hard to believe all of that he'd escaped 5 whole years ago. Aspen had taken the cave and made it his own, what he called a temporary home until he found somewhere new to go. He didn't expect to stay that long, which bothered him for a reason he couldn't figure out no matter how hard he tried.

Aspen woke up shortly after dawn broke the shadow of the night, feeling more energetic than he has in a long time. Stretching, he slowly walked out of the cave and say down on a flat boulder near the entrance. He seemed to do this everyday, not like he had any form of entertainment, but the warm sun was good enough for him. Aspen closed his eyes, letting the warm rays of light soak into his fur. He never questioned why he loved the sun so much, he was a Leafeon, well, to an extent. He never seemed aware that the sun made the golden bands, rings and stripes shine brightly, as if begging for someone to stare in awe. One thing he was grateful for his that he had some important Leafeon genes, letting him use photosynthesis so that other mons could get the food they needed. But all good things come to an end, right?

A nearby bush rustled and Aspen's eyes were open and watching the bush in an instant. He sat there, waiting, anticipating and pondering what could've been in the bush. He started to think it was just a Pokemon passing by before the bush rustled again and the snapping of several branches could be heard. Aspen stood up, on edge because the bush alone was already bigger than he was. He wasn't fond of the thought of being stalk, so he called out. "Hey! Whose there? Show yourself!" As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted it. Instead of one singular Pokemon like he had initially predicted, a pack of Mightyena came out of the bush, all in sync, as the surrounded him.

Aspen clenched his fists as they circled him with hungry looks. He hated fighting but there was no other way out of this situation. He looked around him, counting them whilst strategizing. "Twelve huh? There are twelve of you against little ol' me? How humorous.." One of the Mightyena lunged at him and Aspen side-stepped, which ended up with him getting his left shoulder bitten from behind by another using crunch. "Shit..! Note to self, don't side step when surrounded!" His dialogue got him knocked into a tree by one of them using pursuit.

"Alright enough funny business, get lost!" Aspen shouted, his right forearm and down glowing an interesting pink and purple color. The aura alone made the Mightyena stop in their tracks, staring with wide eyes. They looked amongst each other before charging at him. Aspen stuck out, hitting all of the Mightyena with Spatial Rend before collapsing onto the ground. The space around him was distorted and the Mightyena weren't conscious as far as he could tell. Even after 5 years, this move, and the other powerful moves he inherited from the Creation Trio took all the energy he had to use the moves. Although they were reliable, he always told himself to use it as a last resort. What's worse was that his shoulder was screaming in pain. Aspen sat up, leaning against the tree he was previously knocked into and looked at the sky. His mood dropped when he realized he couldn't use photosynthesis due to the distorted space. "I really need.. to figure out how... to control these moves.." He decided this wasn't the time to rest and got up, which was a struggle in itself. He started walking, after about half an hour, Aspen managed to get out of the space distorted area. His body immediately started soaking in the energy from the sun. He didn't stop moving, eventually leaving and starting to trek across a seemingly endless field. Before he realized it, the sun had set and he had nowhere to rest. It wouldn't be his first time walking in the dark. He used to do it all the time with Cyrus.

Aspen sighed, "Cyrus, please be alive dude. I have so much to tell you. I missed 5 whole years of fun and joy, not including how long I was being experimented on." After that, he walked quietly through the night and as the sun began to rise, he spotted trees far in the distance, but before he could make a move, he was tackled by something heavy. He looked back to see what was pinning him down, but to his dismay, it was a Mightyena. He looked around for others but it was alone. The mon looked at him with hungry eyes before lunging for his neck. Aspen's tail turned to iron and he slammed it against the stomach of the Pokemon, sending them tumbling backwards. He got up, already tired and turned around, and followed up the attack with x-scissor, which he was able to hit three times. He stopped however, because he didn't want to keep fighting the Mightyena after landing three super effective attacks.

The Experiment - A Dope Leafeon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now