The Devil's Prison!

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"Oh, great. This is just PERFECT! Of course these two idiots have to do a bunch of extra shit and exhaust themselves. I know one thing, I'm sure as hell not carrying these morons!" Callisto started her long ranting session as Freya looked around the depressing environment. "Maybe we should worry more about how to get out of here rather than insult them..." As Freya looked around she could safety say they weren't anywhere near home. The ground below them was a dull grey and the sky a really, really dark red color. The sun was red and barely gave off any light and the air was heavy and uncomfortable to breathe.

In the distance, how ever were structures. One stood above them all though, a castle. It was clearly massive, as it looked big even from how far away they were. Freya raised a paw and pointed towards it with one of her digits. "Maybe we could head that way. Someone might be able to help us or at least give us a bit of information..?" Callisto turned to look at the castle that seemed to cast a never ending shadow and scowled. "I don't know about you, but the last thing I want to do is venture into some big eerie castle in hopes of finding some kind of help. That's like a young Pokemon walking into a creepy house of some complete stranger!" Freya growled softly as she sat down between Aspen and Ignatius, running her paws along their chests to make sure they were still alive. "Do you have a better idea? As far as I can see, that's a clear indicator on where we need to go."

Callisto simply rolled her eyes and sighed as she crouched down to give the two unconscious mons a closer look. They weren't dead, that's for sure. But they did seem to be in a lot of pain. "Fine. I'm going to take back what I said earlier.  We're obviously gonna have to carry them. Not like we can just drag these two. Let's just hurry up. Try to be gentle." Freya watched as Callisto gently lifted Ignatius onto her back, the mon's fluffy cream colored mane pressed against the back of her neck. One of the Umbreon's ears flicked as the luminescent circles on her body lit up. She then stood up and nodded to Aspen. Freya stared at the unconscious Leafeon, her mind replaying everything that happened up until now. They barely knew this mon, why were they going through all this trouble just to help him out? They could be relaxing at home or having fun around the village, but instead they're helping out Aspen, who upon actually looking him up and down, Freya realized he didn't look like he did when he first appeared at the village. He actually looked like a leafeon and not some walking catastrophe. The Sylveon pressed one of her blue paws against the Leafeon's side. Her eyes widened in surprise at how soft his fur was. It was messy and unkept, but it had this natural softness to it that resembled a soft pillow or a soft and fluffy blanket.

Freya wrapped her ribbons around the sleeping mon's limbs, before carefully hoisting Aspen onto her back, keeping the ribbons around him like a rope to ensure he wouldn't fall. She frowned as the Leafeon's head rested on her shoulder, his cream colored fur clashing with her white fur. How could one mon cause them so many problems in such a short amount of time? It felt like Freya had missed a few chapters in a book or something. She couldn't help but feel angry at him. She knew it wasn't his fault, but everything was fine until he showed up. This Leafeon and his stupid problem with legendaries, his stupid problem with scientists, his stupidly tragic backstory that she still didn't know and his stupidly soft fur.

"You done checking him out, or do you need five more minutes?" Callisto's teasing voice broke through Freya's thoughts and she immediately tried to defend herself. "I wasn't checking him out! Besides, there's nothing about him that even remotely interests me!" Callisto laughed at the Sylveon's quick remark and began walking towards the castle. "I never said anything about you being interested in him." The Sylveon rolled her eyes and followed her sister as they made their way towards the castle. They walked in silence, either padding side by side or one taking the lead. The glowing rings on Callisto seemed to help Freya's vision, but she couldn't help but feel like they were constantly being surrounded and whatever was there just didn't want to step into the light.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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