Inpu and Magnus learn about Bryan

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{𝐈𝐧𝐩𝐮'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕}

Magnus and I were being given a tour around the camp, by Xylo, Son of Hades.

So far, it looks pretty cool.

Though..there is one thing that is bothering me.

"Hey, Xylo?" I asked, looking at Xylo.

"Yes, Inpu?" He asked.

"Out of all the campers mentioned, you haven't mentioned a Child of Aphrodite? Are none of her Children attending Camp Oasis?" I asked, curious.

"I noticed that too." Magnus said, agreeing with my question.

Good to know I wasn't the only one curious about that.

Xylo tensed up. "There, was an..incident, last year. A sword called the Seductive Rose, was given to him by a stranger. It corrupted him, took control of him, and wrecked havok, around the camp, killing many campers, and setting the titans free. He was freed from the Seductive Rose's influence, but..the camp isn't exactly on good terms, with him." He answered, still tense.

I blinked owlishly. Where have I heard that weapon name from..??

Magnus frowned. "So..he's isolated from the camp, for being, essentially possessed, his morals and personality twisted, and being used as a puppet? Is that going to happen with every camper who gets possessed by an object, or being?" They asked.

"No, of course not!" Xylo exclaimed.

Magnus's frown deepend.

I frowned too. That..didn't sound fair in the least. Wait, now I know why that weapon name sounds familiar!

"There's a book back home, in the family library! It mentions some things about the Seductive Rose!" I exclaimed.

Magnus looked me, their eyes lighting up in recognition. "That's right! That's the heavily coded book, you were only able to decode a few things from, right?" They asked.

I nodded my head 'yes'. I then looked at Xylo. "Essentially, what I was able to decode. Said, that the sword can twist ones common sense. You don't have to grab it, just for it to begin influencing you. You said a stranger gave this, Child of Aphrodite, the sword, right?" I asked.

Xylo nodded, with a frown. "Yes. What about that bit of information?" He asked.

"Well." I began. "Since the sword can twist ones common sense, even without having physical contact with it. That means, ones common sense can be screaming at them, to not take anything, from a stranger. Or not to take anything you don't know anything about, even if it's from someone you know. But the sword can be whispering to you, to take it. It's words are like poison. A poison that is, extremely hard to fight against." I explained. 

"Essentially, this person, could have immediately been on guard, and about to refuse taking the sword. Only, for the sword to whisper to them, and influence them to take it." Inpu added.

"We're not trying to guilt trip you, or telling you how to recover from the traumatic experience, you and others, went through." Magnus stated. "But, victim blaming, and victim shaming, is not something I can get behind, nor condone."

I nodded my head in agreement. "We'll respect your decision, on not wanting to interact with this person. But, if we decide to interact with them, don't get huffy at us. As it is, ultimately, our decision, on who we interact with." I stated.

Xylo didn't looked pleased at this bit. But, he also looked to be in thought. So, maybe, he's thinking about what we said.

"What's this persons name, anyway?" I asked. "It feels like we're labeling them as 'this person', or as 'Child of Aphrodite'. Which labeling, doesn't feel right." I stated.

"His name is Bryan." Xylo answered.

"Cool." Magnus said. They looked curious, suddenly.

"Do you think he'll have any experience with hair dye, and nail polish?" They asked.

Xylo looked in thought, at this. "I..honestly don't know. Due to the Seductive Rose corrupting him, no one really, got to know what he's like. Nor did anyone really get to learn what his hobbies and interests were." He answered.

"Really, about the only thing we learned about him, was that he's not a morning person. Though, whether that was genuinely true, or the Seductive Rose, draining his energy, I'm unsure. And, that he's vegan." He added.

"Oooh, now I'm even more curious. Where's Bryan staying at, anyway? Or, well. Where do you think he could be staying at?" Magnus said/asked.

"Well. Aphrodite does have a summer house, more like summer mansion, really. That's close to camp. He's likely been staying there." Xylo said.

"May we go there?" I asked. "You don't have to come with us, if you don't want to." I added. "You can point us in the right direction, and we can go from there."

Xylo looked hesitant. "I'll join you two. You got me thinking on some things. And, while I honestly don't know if I feel ready to face him again. I have been a complete asshole, with the whole, victim blaming, and victim shaming. He, really shouldn't have been left alone, like that. And considering it's been a year since that happened. He's likely a trainwreck." He said.

I winced. Yikes. That recent, yet long ago?

"Lead the way then." Magnus said, gesturing for him to lead the way.

Xylo started on his way, and we followed him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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