chapter 1

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December 7, 1941: the day the world changed forever. President Roosevelt declares the United States will build fifty thousand planes to fight the armies of Hirohito and Hitler-S.S. Officers goose-step through Paris.
The narrator said '' Although no such capacity to build existed... 4. 1940s L.A., an unassuming hangar reads: "STARK INDUSTRIES." Howard Stark, founder of the fledgling Stark Industries, answers his call to duty -'' they show A Young Howard Stark shakes FDR's hand.

'' And builds not fifty, but a hundred thousand planes. An airfield covered in B-29s. Stark bombers in flight, strewing bombs and paratroopers across the sky. Later, Stark's work on the Manhattan project makes the end of the war possible. 'A mushroom cloud in the New Mexico desert. Howard Stark observes with Oppenheimer.

'' Stark Industries would go on to contribute to every major weapons system through the Cold War - '' he continued and showed the Korean War, B-52s, ICBMS, nuclear subs, F-16s launching from carriers. Howard Stark with Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon.

'' But Howard Stark's greatest achievement would come in 1973'' President Ford, holding baby Tony, posing with Howard. Four-year-old Tony building a massive building-block city.   Howard and twelve-year-old Tony assembling a hot-rod engine. with a ten -year older Adeline looking at her brother doing it.

''From early on, it was clear that Tony Stark had a unique gift'' 5. Tony working on TURBINE ENGINES in a hangar full of F-18s.''At seventeen he graduated summa cum laude from MIT. Four years later, tragedy would pass the Stark mantle from father to son'' it showed Howard funeral Tony and Adeline standing with Regan Bush Sr. and Cliton.

" The loss of a titan. But Tony and Addie did not let personal grief distract him from their duty." it showed. Tony and Addie cutting the ribbon on a brand-new ARK REACTOR at Stark Industries West Coast HQ.

'' At twenty-one and nineteen years old, they became the youngest-ever CEO of a Fortune 500 company. And with it came a new mandate'' A laser-guided bomb hits its target.'' Smarter weapons, fewer casualties. A dedication to preserving life. A visual crescendo of America's modern military might.'' Smarter weapons, fewer casualties. A dedication to preserving life. A visual crescendo of America's modern military might.

'' Today Tony and Addie Stark's ingenuity continues to protect freedom and American interest around the globe. A waving American flag superimposed with an Annie Liebowitz portrait of Tony. And as it fades out, APPLAUSE, then A light shines on a podium, revealing Lt. Colonel Rhodes.

''As Program Manager and Liaison to Stark Industries, I've had the honor of serving with a real patriot, a man whose life has been dedicated to protecting our troops on the front lines. He's a friend. And a great mentor. A man who has always been there for his friends and his country. Ladies and gentlemen, this year's ARES Award winner -- Mr. Tony Stark.'' Rhodes said. A spotlight fixes on Tony Stark -- or rather -- his empty chair. Applause wanes, lights fade up.

They were mumbles.   Asking where Tony Stark was. Adeline Stark shook her head of Couse Tony  wasn't here  she could go up but they had asked for her brother . she looked at Obadah Stane looked at her and moved his head to the stand that her brother was supposed to me Adeline walked over to it and smoothing her dress out and walked to the stand she went over to Rhodes and gave her best smile " Thank you for this I know I am not my brother, but I am a Stark and am grateful for this optioned.'' she said she smiled.

Addie lifted with Rhodes. to where her brother was.

Tony Stark was playing craps with a crowd erupting as they all win big. Chips pile up. Tony's flanked on both sides by lucky ladies.    '' think we're having a 'moment' here, but this is actually the logical conclusion of several mathematical truisms'' Tony Said he continued to say things unlit Addie reached him and pulled him out " my goodness Tony.  you're really here when you need to be at the Ares Award '' she said.

'' They roped you and Addie into this thing. '' he asked Rhodey " yeah, they said you be deeply honored if I presented.''  he told him

''ok let's do it " Tony said Addie rolled her eyes and put the Ares stature down " it was already done. "
She told him Tony gave her a look '' That was quick. Thought there'd be more of, you know, a ceremony. Maybe a highlight reel'' Tony said. Tony shakes karma into the dice, rolls again. He craps out. Groans from the table, everyone staring at Rhodey the "cooler".

'' Colore me up.'' Tony said to the Boxman ''My chaperones has just arrived with my '' he said holding the ARES"  Degenerate of the Year Award. Judging from his look, I may have just peed in the kiddie pool '' Tony continue the others the Boxman racks up all of Tony. '' I must now take my ease, along with the House's funds.'' Tony said.

People gawk, snap photos of Tony with their phones. 'A lot of people would kill to have their name on that award. Rhodey told him.'' It belongs to my old man.  They should have given it to him. '' Tony said Addie sighted there Tony went. ''What's wrong with you?  A thousand people came here tonight to honor you, and you leave them with egg on their face.  This award means something, Tony, it's bigger than you'' rhodey started " hold that thought." Tony told. Them

" don't try Rohdy Tony will be Tony " Addie said. He's stopped in front of a roulette wheel.  Puts all his chips down on, nods to wheel operator. ''Put it all on black.  Don't worry -- it's approved. 'Tony said. The Wheel Operator spins -- CLOSE ON - ROULETTE WHEEL: the ball finally settling on red. The Dealer scoops away Tony's chips.

'' just blew three million.'' Rhody ''Yeah.  Don't know what was more exciting -- winning it...or the fact that I don't care I just lost it.'' '' Yeah.  Don't know what was more exciting -- winning it...or the fact that I don't care I just lost it.'' Tony said.

''Everything's funny to you'' Rhody told him "No you're not funny " Tony said " Tony you have a big day tomorrow we have to go now " Addie said grabbing him by the arm and leading him to the door. ''

Addie managed to get her brother out of there and unlit " Mr. Stark '' a voice said. Tony and Addie turned around. to see a blond woman coming to them " Christine Everhart Vanity Fair Magazine.  Can I ask you a few questions?'' she asked Tony "Can I ask a few backs? '' She gives him a disarming smile. Tony waves the security to let her though.

Addie looked at Pepper who was Tony assistant who was with them she shook her head and answered  the phone. Addie sighted and turned her head back to her brother and Christine.

'' You've been described as a Da Vinci for our times.  What do you say to that?'' Christine asked.'' Ridiculous.  I don't paint.'' Tony told her '' And what do you say to your other nickname: "The Merchant of Death?" Christine said.

'' That's not bad'' Tony started Christine and Addie, both gave him a cold stare. '' Let me guess. Berkeley?'' Tony Said ''Brown.'' Christine said.'' Well Miss Brown, it's an imperfect world and I assure you, the day weapons are no longer needed to keep the peace, I'll start manufacturing bricks and beams to make baby hospitals.'' Rehearse that much, Mr. Stark?'' she asked.

''Every night in front of the mirror.  Call me Tony. '' Tomy said.'' I'm sorry, "Tony", I was hoping for a serious answer. '' Christine said, " huh sorry Tony and serious don't mix " Addie said Christine looked over to her " and you must be Adeline Stark " Christine said. she stuck out a hand. Addie smiled a little and shook her hand.

'' Here's serious: my old man had a philosophy: peace means having a bigger stick than the other guy.'' Tony said.'' Good line, coming from the guy selling the sticks.'' Christine relied.'' My father helped defeat Hitler.  He was on the Manhattan Project.  A lot of people -- including your professors at Brown -- might call that being a hero. '' Tony said. ''Others might call it warprofiteering.'' Christine said Addie rolled her eyes. she had the feeling that this talk was going to be a while.

'' come on Tony we have to go " Addie said but her bother her still was talking to Christine. " I will wait in the car " Addie said she was just going to let Tony do what every he wanted to do though she had she had a feeling that this was going to be a long night.

Addie lifted her brother and went to her bedroom she pulled out her journal. and sat down on her bed to write ever since she was a little girl, she keeps her though in her journal. it was something that she felt that there this was only the place that she really be hard .
Dear diary
How long will it be unit i have to babysit my older brother . When will Tony stop having me as a babysitter I think that what I always be for Tony a baby sitter and and fill-in for the company . Maybe I wouldn't amount to something big but that doesn't stop me form wanting to do something else something anything I just don't really know .

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