Chapter 2 The World is busy celebrating while I am mourning

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This chapter is a little sad one. Nothing serious except for a few depressing thoughts. You can skip if you are uncomfortable, it will not affect the reading too much.


Gen p.o.v

Ever since the month October has begin, I had become depressed. No one knows why a baby is this sad but I didn't care. Knowing what was about to happen made me feel depressed. I was just a baby, I know that it was not possible for me to stop what was about to happen, but I still felt guilty.

I was in general a happy baby. So seeing me in this state was baffling my family. Not enough for everyone to send me for a checkup at St. Mungo hospital, but still enough to make everyone worry a lot. I tried to appear normal, but my emotions were mostly like a baby's and not like a teenager's so it wasn't working really well.

Not a lot was known about James and Lily Potter, only the bits and pieces of what Harry knows was known to us. They were almost unreal, just an idea of what type of person the could have been if they had survived. Now after seeing them as real people, they genuinely feel as nice people, Harry could have a happy childhood that he deserves. Instead Fate had decided this to them.

James Potter was just as what I imagined him to be. Handsome, smart and overall a very funny guy. He was so full of life that his presence alone can bring happiness in a gloomy atmosphere. He was clumsy too and most of the time get in trouble. Obviously Harry get his so called Potter luck from him, trouble follows this guy like a stalker.

He was really sweet with me. He often jokes with dad that I was going to be his daughter in law someday especially after that incident where I grabbed Harry's palm just after being born. Dad often jokes with him that Harry would surely make a good son in law. Although they both jokes, they weren't exactly opposed of the idea though.

Lily Potter on the other hand was quite beautiful,lovely, calm, gentle and quite mature than her husband. She was really like an angel walking down on earth, she was that sweet. If anyone was as motherly as mom, it was her. She often babysits me and my siblings whenever mom and dad were busy. She was one of the most responsible person I had ever seen.

How could I be happy knowing that two of the most nice people, one of the most adorable couple in the world was about to die ? That everyone's life was about to change after the Halloween.

Knowing that Harry would suffer hate by his so called family the Dursleys for like 11 years of his childhood while all he deserves was love and affection was not making my mood better. How a person could do that to a child in jealousy for something he can't even control ? I can never understand.

A funny and handsome guy who always tickles me to make me laugh was about to get wrongfully imprisoned for 12 years in one of the worst place in the world without even a trial. This was beyond injustice, he could have given Harry the childhood he deserves. But no that will not happened and I can do nothing about that.

A guy who was one of the most gentle ones I had ever known, who always made sure to read to me and my siblings bed time stories while mom and dad were busy with the order buisness was about to live miserably for 12 years with no steady jobs. He will be alone for 12 years and I can't do anything to stop him or to ease his pain.

I never had felt so helpless. I want to prevent all of this to everyone happen but what a baby can do when she can't even speak or walk ?
While I would certainly make sure that they all live the life they deserve but it has to wait for little longer. When I was old enough to actually capable to change things. But still I can't help but be guilty.

I can't even say goodbye to them. It will be years before I will see them again. I will even see James and Lily sure but in the afterlife. But yeah I will definitely meet them again. All of them. I had this hope in my heart but still I was feeling pain from the separation which hasn't even officially happened yet.
The dreaded day had finally came. The day that was caused many in the wizarding world to have a reason to celebrate after 11 years of war. But to any Harry Potter fan this was the day where everything felt apart. The start of the time when trouble would sneakily come to harass our favourite characters every year.

The 31st of October 1981. Halloween. As far as I remember everything seemed to go wrong on this day no matter the year. With James and Lily Potter dying to the troll, opening of chamber of secrets, Sirius Black breaking in school etc. One would think that maybe this day was jinxed. Which is quite unfortunate since Halloween is my favourite festival.

So when I woke up from a nightmare of what was coming tonight I for once cried out my heart. I was crying so hard that one would believe that I was put under the cruciatus curse. So it was no surprise that mom and dad were in the room in about 10 seconds after I started crying.

Despite their best efforts it take a long time for them in order to stop my crying. I stopped but was gloomy for the rest of the day. While I hate making everyone worry about me, my baby body was not cooperating with my 17 years old mentality. If I was in distress in either physical or emotional way, I would just start crying and it was more harder than usual to actually stop.

The day has come and gone. Entire Wizarding world was astonished as no one knew how Harry survived. They celebrated, they hugged and cried with joy. Everyone was having feasts and parties all over the England.

My parents were sad of losing two good friends but were mostly relieved that at least now their children were not in constant danger anymore.

As for me, while everyone was celebrating I was busy mourning. Mourning for all the lives ruined today. One day, someday it will get better. I will make it better.

I promise.


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