Chapter 12 Alternate Potion Class

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How are you all ? It's been a while.

I was thinking about trying something different so I thought of writing how the potion class happened in this universe.

Also a surprise.....

It's Harry's pov.

Italics for spoken dialogues.


Harry p.o.v

It was almost a week since Harry had started studying as a first year at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry. For the boy who has slept in a cupboard under the stairs it was like a dream to live and study magic in a castle. And to make this experience a lot more worthwhile, Harry had made two new friends : Draco Malfoy and Ron Weasley.

Ron was in Gryffindor like him but Draco was in Slytherin. At first he was scared because he had heard some unflattering rumours about the Slytherin house and even Hagrid himself had disliked that house. After all since that annoying Parkinson was also the member of the Slytherin house has almost confirmed that statement to him that all Slytherin are evil. But now he believe that maybe it was mere superstition since Draco was the smartest and sweetest guy he had ever meet. Nothing about him screams evil in any way. And Ron has no problem in talking with him despite being in the rival house.

Some senior Gryffindors and Slytherins had gave them odd looks at first but they quickly dropped their acts when Fred and George not so subtly warn them to prank them if they dared to say anything. No one wants to face the warth of the demon twins.

However there was a downside of wizarding world as well. Since he was the only person who wasn't killed by Voldemort and somehow responsible for making him vanish at the mere age of one means that Harry was very famous. Whispers followed him the moment he left his dormitory the next day.

"There, look."

"Where ?"

"Next to the tall kid with the red hair ?"

"You mean the blonde one ?"

"No, I mean the other one with black messy hair."

"Wearing the glasses ?"

"Did you see his face ?"

"Did you see his scar ?"

People often lining up outside classrooms stood on tiptoe to get a look at him, or doubled back to pass him in the corridors again, staring. It was really starting to bother all of them, especially Harry who went bright red, who just wished to concentrate finding and remembering the routes.

Draco got annoyed so much that he got a detention for punching a second-year Ravenclaw in the face.

"What did you do that for ?" Ron has exclaimed.

"I hadn't got my sugar. I was feeling touchy. "

Ron just gave him a long look. Draco just sighed in defeat.

"Alright, he was saying that Harry was a arrogant sod and you are a blood traitor." He refused to meet their eyes.

Harry despite being touched had realised one thing that day. To never make Draco angry. Perhaps there was a reason why he get sorted into the Slytherin house after all. He can get all kind of mean if he was provoked enough. He made a fifth-year Hufflepuff cry by his mere words for god's sake ! He actually was the devil with the disguise of an angel. Harry privately made a note to not get on his bad side.

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