O' Polemos Archise

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The subjects of the Hellada Kingdom were pleased with the ceremonious day of 5th September 1752, where just an hour was left for the new and successive regime to begin in the Kingdom where one shall find entitlement once again the moment, the Emperor and Empress together officially declare war against Hellas, their next princely enemy state which they never could accept as their ally. The arrangements were already done and all that did await this moment further was the arrival of the Emperor Agamemnon and Empress Alexia who would together pass their crown of sovereignty over the Hellada state upon the shoulders of Prince Xenofon Gallanis and his consort, Princess Sophie Galanis! The palace was crowded with the uproar of its subjects and were awaiting the present moment of their life where as soon as the entitled crown of the new regime would survive and reiterate, the war against their enemy, Hellas would be declared and now there would be no obstacle stop them from waging a war of vengeance against their rival Greek state, whom they never recalled as the part of Greece ever in the lifetime. This was the bitter truth that saturated in the heart of every person who belonged to Hellada, and it was all about time that would really now change everything and bring a new unwanted reign of blood and war in the Greek Empire.
“Emperor Agamemnon and Empress Alexia, Our Majestic Highness have arrived and are about to enter the corridors of the palace, with their throne on the stake of being passed to their respective successors and our Majesty, Prince Xenofon Galanis and Princess Sophie Galanis. I request all the subjects of the Hellada Kingdom to settle down quietly and show your attributes of respect towards the majesty, failure of which will result in severe punishment!” The head of the council of ministers of the Hellada Kingdom, stated in his aggrieved, absurd low voice and set forth on his way towards administering the way where would arrive all the Majesty with all the regardful governors and subjects impatient to welcome them on their side. The turnover of the course of events seemed real and it seemed that the peace in the Greek Empire will soon refurbish into violence, threat beyond the means of repair. It took around few more minutes for the respective Emperor and Empress to arrive with royal outings and welcomings being offered over them as a tribute of farewell and utmost dignity to empower the new successors with the brilliance of capturing the land of Hellas and ruling over it with their symbol, the symbol of Hephaetus, the Greek God of Fire. The smile engulfed with pride on the face of Emperor Agamemnon Galanis portrayed his vile wish to recover his lost reign of power in the Hellada Kingdom since the past decade where he rose to fatal outings and failures against the Hellas, whose ruler Emperor Adonis Makris, father of Prince Theodore Makris, set out a trap of betrayal for himself and fooled him into the parameters of friendship and recovery away from the past threatful rival relations between both the Greek Kingdoms! Emperor Agamemnon Galanis had made a big mistake by trusting Emperor Adonis Makris which made his Kingdom suffer a terrible loss of 1659 lives including 231 prisoners who were his subjects and were executed in the Hellas Prison! He still remembered every bit of it and that was the reason his descendant Prince Xenofon Galanis had taken the vow about waging a Imperial war against the Hellas and gain complete control of the Kingdom by assasinating Emperor Adonis Makris and the heir of the Makris royal family, Prince Theodore Makris.

As soon as the royal Emperor and Empress had settled on their respective thrones for one last time, Emperor Agamemnon Galanis, raised his hand to silent the aggressive uproar of his subjects upon his arrival and signalled them to look in the direction in front of them where stood two young shadows briefly moving towards them, in the spotlight of the Palace and of all the spotlight of their throne, the throne of the Hellada Kingdom. With every passing and cultivation of the clock, they moved closer towards the inhibit of the palace where would they receive the applause of extreme dignity and respect to start a new beginning and begin the period of vengeance against their neighbour princely state of Hellas, in the most gruesome manner the face of this Earth has ever seen. Their steps approached closer and closer towards the impatient subjects, the impatient council of ministers and restless Royal Majesty, who stood on his place with the feeling of pride in his eyes to discover his heir elope away from the shadow, and emerge as the strong face of an Emperor who would wage any enemy beneath his feet at one shot of his Kingdom’s extremely brutal warfare and criminal punishments. He had the depth of boldness in his eyes as he walked closer and closer towards the subjects of his Kingdom and of all towards his own respected father, the Emperor of this Kingdom who now wanted to put this throne upon his own blood, reviving this monarchy for another entire generation. The Royal family of Galanis would always remain at the Head of this Legislation and one day at the Head of the Imperial Greek Empire too. That day was not far away and Emperor Agamemnon Galanis could spot this in the eyes of Prince Xenofon Galanis, his successor and the pure blood of his long voyage on this planet. His patience and vigour to redevelop their country, their economy, their Extremism and of all their Imperialism would now prove to be worth it. Just a matter of few more minutes and the judgement against Hellas and its filthy dignities would be made.

“I, the Emperor of Hellada Kingdom, for the last time, order everybody to stand at their place, still, motionless and tribute your offerings to the new successor and the regardful Emperor of Hellada, Emperor Xenofon Galanis!!” Emperor Agamemnon Galanis uproared his vile words in the air with the wide-spread support of all the subject, ministers and governing officials and ordered every person to bow down to their new Emperor with respect and dignity. Yes, he had finally dethroned himself from the legislation of the Hellada Kingdom and now the crown of governing this monarchy, this legislation was in the hands of the true heir, and the successor, Emperor Xenofon Galanis.

As soon as the coronation had taken place, the crowd of the subjects cheered with pride and joy, for at last their wish to reclaim the fallen respect and dignity of this Kingdom now had new hope. Their expressions claimed their new approach towards living in the Kingdom of their sovereign Emperor Xenofon Galanis and all that would dig an end towards this event would be after the coronation of Princess Sophie Galanis as the new Empress, and the one who would amend the first order in this Kingdom, where all that was expected right now was nothing else but the brutal declaration of a heinous war against the Hellas! Hellas was comparatively lesser in its widespread region of extent with respective to comparison with the Hellada but the tough infantry and warfare often led them into declining any acts of threat against them on the borders. But this time, the things were different and Hellada had strengthened itself again like before, like it was a decade back before its compassionate downfall.
Princess Sophie was already very much depressed and concerned, which could be judged by the expressions she wore on her cheeks, still with glossy powder and natural make-up but whatsover unmoved and ugly in its beauty, today. Her feelings of disregard and betrayal towards the promise she made to Master Theo was making her feel guilty and she swore within her heart that she by no means could do this. Her heart repeatedly told her to run away from here before being crowned the Empress of Hellada and wage a war against the Hellas, but sadly her mind held her back out of the fear of being killed, being murdered or executed out of the anti-national acts of declining the Emperor’s order as per the Legislation no matter who the person is, the respective’s consort, or the Empress of the Hellada Kingdom, herself. She did feel selfish for thinking only about herself but if she ran away from here, either way Emperor Xenofon Galanis would wage the war against the Hellas, resulting in nothing but just her non-involvement in the brutal declaration of this forthcoming war. Inside, her voice only spoke two sentences and maybe that were her destiny, now as the Empress of Hellada and later as the true friend of Master Theo. She tried to regain herself and as soon as she was about to wipe her tears, the Emperor looked in her eyes with concern.

“Heaven’s sake! What happened, Princess Sophie?! Why thee crying?” Emperor Xenofon Galanis asked with concern in his eyes and moved forward towards Princess Sophie who eventually turned around her expressions and tried to act normal in front of him once again. She was trying hard but somewhere Emperor Xenofon Galanis had realized that something was wrong with his consort. He made sure that the subjects and ministers take no notice of it and gently spoke some words in her ears.

“Fear no fear Princess Sophie, beause I will always be there to help you and your life. Trust me, this declaration of war might sound absurd to you as you might not be aware of our history, but the Kingdom of Hellas will have to pay for what it did to us a decade back, worsening the bad relations we already had induced in the past few centuries. I am on my way to reinstate peace back in the Greek Empire through the policy of Imperialism and Extremism. It will do no harm to our people but just theirs, I promise thee and I promise thee safety.” You must go on…

He said his words and reclined back upon his feet near the throne where he would put the crown of the Empress on the head of his consort, Princess Sophie Galanis. He looked in her eyes with extreme confidence and entitled her to come forward and be crowned as the Successor of this Kingdom, the Empress of this Kingdom right by the mere touch of his hands. His command was supreme and there she, Princess Sophie realized, maybe she had lost the war long before it had started.

“I, I, the new Empress of the Hellada Kingdom and the successor to thee Revered Empress Alexia Galanis, vow that the Kingdom of Hellada now declares war against the Hellas with ultimate legislation of Imperialism and Extremism to bring justice to our own people. The Kingdom of Hellada will henceforth tolerate no conditional disputes with the Hellas and we will not abolish this war until we imperially capture the whole of Hellas and establish our own Legislation over the whole Greek Empire!”

She sentenced them with her own voice, but the words did not belong to her.

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