Lost In The Past

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I could feel my frustration building as my dad's girlfriend continued to prattle on, completely oblivious to my presence in the room. The thought of her becoming my stepmom made my skin crawl, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of disgust. I made a mental note to find a way to break them up before it was too late. I was well aware of her true nature, and I was certain she knew that I saw through her facade.

As I turned to leave, I caught a glimpse of my dad kneeling down, his hand disappearing into his pocket. My heart skipped a beat as a sense of dread washed over me. It couldn't be what I feared, could it?"Alexei, every day with you, is a blessing, and I want to spend the rest of my life by your side. Alexei Ryan Rae, will you marry me?" My dad's voice rang out proudly, and time seemed to stand still as I struggled to process what I was witnessing. I was left speechless, unable to comprehend the turn of events unfolding before my eyes. This couldn't be happening."Oh, honey" my dad said to his girlfriend as she continued to talk, I was disgusted it's like they don't even know I'm here. I rolled my eyes. I couldn't believe that this woman might be my stepmom, Hopefully it doesn't happen anytime soon and I'll have time to get them to breakup. I couldn't let this get the best of me I know the truth about her, and I'm sure she knows that I know.

 My dad's girlfriend prattled on, seemingly oblivious to my presence, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of revulsion. It was hard to fathom that this woman might soon become my stepmother. I desperately hoped that their relationship wouldn't progress too quickly, giving me a window of opportunity to somehow intervene. Despite my internal turmoil, I knew I had to maintain my composure. I possessed knowledge about her that she was likely aware of, and I was determined not to let her manipulation go unchecked.

***Time Passes***

"Alexei, can we talk?" I whispered assertively, my voice barely masking the frustration bubbling within me. In response, Alexei turned towards me, her eyes filled with genuine warmth and excitement. "Oh, honey, call me mom," she said with a wide smile, her joy evident in every word.I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself. "No, it's fine." I felt a surge of emotions welling up inside me, a mix of sadness, anger, and confusion. I couldn't believe she had the audacity to tell me to call her mom. As I fought to control my emotions, tears began to flow down my cheeks, each one a testament to the turmoil raging inside me.It wasn't supposed to happen like this. My dad, mom, and I were supposed to live together forever, and now he's with Alexei. The pain of the situation weighed heavy on my heart, and I struggled to come to terms with the new reality unfolding before me.

"Oh, honey, are you okay?" Alexei whispered in my ear, her arm sliding around my shoulder in a condescending gesture. I shrugged it off, pushing her arm away with a defiant nudge, and shot her my fiercest stink eye. I wanted her to feel my contempt and understand that I was not someone to be trifled with.

"Okay, listen," she insisted, pulling me closer as if to exert some control over the situation. "I don't know what you want from me, but I just want us to be a happy family. If that means we need to get along, then so be it. You're sixteen—act like it!" With a dismissive flick of her hair, she turned to walk away, clearly thinking she had the upper hand.

"Now you listen to me!" I yelled, my voice cutting through the air with a fierce intensity. "I know everything! If you think you can get away with what you've done, you're sorely mistaken. I will expose the truth, and when I do, my dad will leave you. You're only here for the money, trying to buy whatever you want, but I will ensure you face the consequences for what you did to my mom!" Each word dripped with conviction, fueled by the righteous anger boiling inside me.

"You... brat!!!" Alexei screamed.

her voice filled with rage as she stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. A triumphant grin spread across my face;  I had accomplished exactly what I set out to do. I had scared her, just as I wanted. The exhilaration coursed through me—I wasn't backing down, and this was only the beginning of my fight to reclaim my family.

~If you enjoyed the first part, I encourage you to read the next chapter. Your feedback is appreciated, so please don't forget to hit that vote!

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