You Know What's On My Mind

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In my haste to leave, I couldn't escape Alexei's grating voice as she remarked, "Oh hon, you missed a stop," in that irritatingly cute tone of hers. Exasperated, I muttered, "I told you not to call me hon,  say Estella," under my breath. Ever since I exposed Alexei, she had become a constant source of torment whenever my dad wasn't around. It seemed like there was no respite from her relentless presence. As I hastily grabbed a banana and stuffed it into my backpack, I tried to block out Alexei's persistent reminders about being late for school. Slipping on my headphones, I cranked up the volume to drown out her agitating voice. Finally making my way out the door, I was unexpectedly ambushed by a hug from Alexei. Pushing her away, I was met with the disapproving gaze of my dad. I couldn't help but roll my eyes in frustration, realizing that there was no escaping Alexis's intrusion, even for a brief moment.

"See how she treats me?" Alexei murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper, as if she thinks I can't hear her. There's a tremor in her tone, a mix of frustration and fear that makes my stomach twist. "There's something off about that girl, James. I'm certain of it. Maybe we should consider sending her away or something."

Her eyes dart around the room, as if the walls themselves might be listening, and I can see the flicker of anxiety behind her carefully crafted facade. The suggestion hangs in the air, heavy with implications, and my heart sinks at the thought of separating from someone I've fought so hard to protect. The tension crackles between us, a chasm widening as her words seep into my mind, each one a reminder of the fractures in our fragile family.

"Don't say that. She was probably just upset or angry, but I have to agree with you. She never used to act like this... Not when Bella was still alive, but everything changed after she passed away," James responds, his voice tinged with a mix of sadness and frustration."

Oh... yeah, I'm so sorry. It must have been really difficult for you to move on from her. She must have been an incredible person," Alexei says, her words laced with sympathy. I couldn't hold back any longer.

"You wouldn't understand," I blurted out, my emotions bubbling to the surface.

"Enough is enough. I'm fed up with this," Alexei exclaimed, her voice rising in frustration, each word sharp and loaded with meaning. The tension in the air felt electric, a palpable force that made it hard to breathe. "Listen, Estella, if you don't shape up, you'll find yourself on the streets, struggling to make ends meet."

Her eyes bore into mine, a mixture of anger and concern swirling in her gaze. I could see the worry etched on her face, but it felt misplaced, almost condescending. The threat hung between us like a sword, cutting through any semblance of understanding.

"Do you really think that's what it would take to get through to me?" I shot back, my voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside.

At that moment, my dad stepped in, his voice calm but firm. "Alexei, let's not escalate this. Estella's been through a lot. She needs support, not threats." His gaze shifted to me, softening. "I know things are tough right now, but pushing her away isn't the answer."

I felt a flicker of gratitude for his defense, even as Alexei's frustration simmered just below the surface. The room was thick with unresolved tensions, but for the first time, I felt a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, we could find a way through this together.

"Who does she think she's fooling?" I scoffed, my voice echoing through the hallway as I made a beeline for the door. Glancing back, I caught Alexei leaning in close to my dad, her hushed whispers raising the hairs on the back of my neck. As I spotted my bus in the distance, a surge of temptation to skip school and vanish washed over me. But I couldn't leave my dad alone to deal with her manipulations. I knew I had to come up with a plan, and it was going to be a game-changer.

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