Pretty Little Lies

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It's final—I'm ditching school today. The decision pulses through me like adrenaline, a reckless thrill that drowns out the guilt. I know my dad is off celebrating with his new fiancée, taking her out to dinner, completely oblivious to the storm brewing in our home. It's almost laughable how easily he's wrapped up in his new life, while I'm left to untangle the mess that Alexei has created.

This is my chance to do some serious snooping, and I can't let it slip away. My heart races at the thought of finally confronting the truth. I can already picture the moment: the look on her face when she realizes I know everything. I'm going to expose Alexei once and for all, and she won't see it coming.

With each step I take toward the door, a mix of excitement and dread twists in my stomach. What secrets lie hidden behind closed doors? What will I uncover about the woman who has wormed her way into my father's heart? As I lock the door behind me, I can't help but feel a sense of purpose. Today is the day I reclaim my narrative, and I won't rest until I bring her deceit to light.

I can feel the adrenaline surging through me as I plan my next moves. If it comes down to it, there might even be a little blood in the mix. I don't want to kill anyone, but if I have to, I won't hesitate. This is about protecting my family, and I'll do whatever it takes to ensure that she pays for her betrayal. Today, I take control.

I waited and waited for what felt like an eternity until my dad and his awful fiance finally left the house. Every minute dragged on, my curiosity gnawing at me about what they could possibly be doing together.

As soon as the door clicked shut behind them, I took out my house key, feeling a rush of determination. I unlocked the door, stepped inside, and secured it behind me, locking it tight. I needed to ensure they wouldn't somehow come back before I was ready.

Climbing up the stairs, my mind raced. Would my mom be proud of me for what I was about to do, or would she be disappointed? Deep down, I was sure she'd be proud. She probably wanted Alexei gone just as much as I did. I felt the darkness of that thought settle in—maybe even dead. But not yet. I needed to gather my evidence first. Today was just the beginning.

***Time passes***

After hours of relentless searching through old documents and files, I finally stumbled upon a letter that had been exchanged between my mother and our home assistant, Alexei. As I unfolded the yellowed paper, a sense of dread washed over me. The contents were unsettling, revealing layers of deceit that left me feeling deeply concerned.

The letter detailed conversations that hinted at secrets my mother had confided in Alexei—secrets that were never meant to leave the confines of our home. It painted a disturbing picture of betrayal, with Alexei manipulating circumstances to her advantage. My heart raced as I processed the implications. This wasn't just gossip; it was a direct threat to my family, and I could feel the urgency to act.

I couldn't let this stand. Armed with this new knowledge, I knew I had to expose Alexei for who she truly was, no matter the cost.

***Letter*** Dear Bella,

I received your letter, and I want you to know that you don't scare me at all. The nerve you have to think you can intimidate me is astounding. Don't even think that just because you've stumbled upon the truth, you can blackmail me into silence. I won't be coerced or cornered.

I know your secret, the one you've fought so hard to keep buried, and if you even consider revealing mine, you'll find yourself facing consequences you never saw coming. This isn't just about survival; it's about reclaiming my voice and my power.

You may think you're in control, but trust me, the tables are about to turn. I'm not afraid to expose you for who you truly are, and when I do, you'll regret ever underestimating me.I received your letter, and I want you to know that you don't scare me at all. The nerve you have to think you can intimidate me is astounding. Don't even think that just because you've stumbled upon the truth, you can blackmail me into silence. I won't be coerced or cornered.

I know your secret, the one you've fought so hard to keep buried, and if you even consider revealing mine, you'll find yourself facing consequences you never saw coming. This isn't just about survival; it's about reclaiming my voice and my power.

You may think you're in control, but trust me, the tables are about to turn. I'm not afraid to expose you for who you truly are, and when I do, you'll regret ever underestimating me.  I will make you pay, you'll be begging for mercy.

P.S. If you tell anyone about this letter, you'll face the consequences.  I'll get rid of everything you love! Starting with Estella! You better do what I want, or else!

***End of Letter***

"I knew it!" I yelled, my voice echoing with fury. I had always suspected she was up to something. That witch was blackmailing my mom, and I couldn't let that stand. Determination surged through me. I'm going to get her. I'll make her pay for everything she's done, and she won't see it coming.


"What the—" I exclaimed, my voice echoing in the hallway as I raced down the stairs. The sight that greeted me through the window made my heart drop: not just one, but several police cars parked in front of my house, their flashing lights casting a chaotic strobe across the front yard. The tension in the air felt palpable, like a thick fog settling around me.

I hesitated for a moment, my hand gripping the doorknob tightly, before I opened the door just a crack. The cool breeze rushed in, mingling with my anxiety as I peered outside.

"Excuse me, ma'am, are you Estella King?" one of the officers asked, his uniform crisp and intimidating. The formality of his tone sent a jolt through me. Ma'am? Seriously? I bristled at the term; I wasn't that old. It felt condescending, as if he couldn't see me for who I really was—a teenager caught in the middle of a nightmare.

"Yes," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper, each word feeling heavy with dread.

The officer's expression shifted, his brow furrowing with concern. "I'm afraid there's been an accident involving Miss Alexei Rae and Mr. James King."

Panic surged through me, sharp and suffocating, as if the air had been knocked out of my lungs. No, this can't be happening! My mind raced with frantic thoughts, replaying moments of my dad laughing at the dinner table, the way he looked at Alexei with a softness I never thought he'd have for anyone but my mom.

"Accident?" I echoed, my voice trembling. I felt a chill creeping up my spine, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on me like a heavy fog. "What kind of accident?"

The officer shifted uncomfortably, his gaze dropping for a moment. "It's serious, ma'am. I need to ask you some questions."

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, a relentless drumbeat that echoed in my ears. Everything felt surreal, as if I were trapped in a nightmare from which I couldn't wake. I fought to steady my breathing, trying to gather my thoughts, but the overwhelming fear clawed at me. What if something happened to my dad? What if this was just the beginning of a nightmare I couldn't escape?

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