Let The Road Trip Begin!

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-On Vacay Island-

"Soooo, I was thinking, Its probably a good Idea if we start discussing our little road trip back to Pop Village?" Floyd spoke as though to break the awkward silence.

"Yeah, So what's the plan guys? Are we looking for anything specific? Like camping or hiking" Branch quickly added. 

The group looked amongst each other as they began to think of all the possible places they could stop by. "Honestly guys I think we should just go with the flow! There is so many places to see on our way back to Pop Village. Maybe we should just stop whenever we see a nice place and just live in the moment!" John Dory had said enthusiastically.

"Ooo YES! I LOVE THAT IDEA!" Poppy said with a little jump to her step. "Omg guys, I'm so totally PUMPED for this road trip! I've never been on one!" Viva replied as she began to pump up her energy. 

Branch and Clay looked to each other then towards the others with a hesitant smile, "That sounds like a great idea John but shouldn't we have some sort of a plan? I mean if we just go with the flow, wouldn't that set us back a bit on time?" Clay then added, "Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with Baby Branch, We should at least discuss how much time we are looking to spend on this trip." pausing for a moment to look at Viva, Clay continued, "I mean we should probably also discuss the reinstatement of the Putt Putt Trolls into Pop Village".

The Pop sisters then looked at the brothers with an expression of understanding. "I think a week would give us enough time to look around. And if we end up finishing earlier, then, even better!" Poppy said shooting a little smile towards Branch. "Yeah, and in terms of the reinstatement of the Putt Putt Trolls, I think we can discuss that when we get back to Pop Village. I think both you and I, Clay, know that they are more than capable of keeping up the Golf Course while we're away" Viva said, now looking towards Clay. 

"Well, that settles it! We'll have a week to look around and then when we get back to Pop Village, we can start talking business" Floyd had said as they all looked amongst each other before nodding in agreement. John Dory then spoke out, "What about you Bruce, are you gonna tag along? We could always drop you off again when we bring the Putt Putt Trolls back to Pop Village!".

"As much fun as that sounds! I still have to look after the restaurant and help Brandy manage the kids!". The whole group look back at Bruce, completely understanding his situation. He then began to speak again, "But you guys are welcome to come back and visit anytime you want! I could even start making some pods for you guys to stay in, the next time you come visit".

John Dory smiled back at him, "Sounds like a plan! Well, guys we should really start heading out if we want to make time to look around!". The all nodded in agreement as they wave goodbye to Bruce and Brandy.


- In Rhonda-

Each troll had separated into their own group. John Dory and Floyd were together in the front with John in the drivers seat and Floyd in the seat right beside it. In the back, Branch and Clay were sitting on the couch catching up on their lives after the breakup and in the center of the room, Poppy and Viva were laying down on their stomachs, making candy necklaces. 


In the front, Floyd couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Hearing the laughter and the warmth of all his brothers in the room, overwhelmed him with feelings of joy. For the first time in a really long time, Floyd knew that everything was gonna be okay. He then exchanged a happy glance towards John before they both looked back up again towards the road. Everything went without saying as they both understood what the other was feeling.


On the couch, Clay and Branch continued to talk about what they had been doing with their lives. "So, How did you become a CPA? And How did you come to find out that, that was you wanted to do?" Branch inquired. 

"Well after the night of the great Bergen attack, we had only begun to rebuild our own troll civilization. At first it was all about finding ways to comfort those who had family members who didn't make it out alive and then it was all about inspiring them all back up again so that we could start rebuilding." Branch was completely captivated, knowing their was more to the story, "Then after awhile, things began to get a little more hectic because we hadn't set up a proper operation of organization yet. Up until that point we had only focused on trying to make the golf course our home. We began to notice that we needed trolls in the agricultural field, trolls to help build homes, and trolls to help build the economy back up again. Luckily for me, there were a couple of experts in the accounting field in the Sad Book Club that I'm in and they were more than willing to teach me a little more about the field. Since then on, I began to take some exams to certify my expertise in the field. And now I'm a Licensed CPA" Clay ended briefly. 

"Wow, that's amazing Clay! I'm really proud of you! You really made a name for yourself" Branch stated. "Speaking of which, John Dory was telling me that you made quite them name for yourself too, back in Troll Village I mean. What have you been up to all this time?" Clay questioned.

"Ohh well Y'know, I helped stop a years long feud between the Trolls and the Bergens" Branch said as he held out his fingers as though he was going to begin listing off all the things he had done but before he could continue, Poppy said from the center of the room, "And He helped create an annual holiday celebrating the two species", Branch then looked at Clay and smiled before they were interrupted again by John Dory saying, "And don't forget about how I even came to find out he was still alive. "Bitty B helped stop the Rock apocalypse and reunited Trollkind." Clay, Floyd, and Viva took a moment to take in his achievements before the smile back at him.

Poppy then continued to speak, "Oh, and he was also Grey for the longest time too" but before Branch could signal off a look to tell her not to mention that part, the whole group had already heard. Poppy then looked towards Branch sorrowfully, knowing she had over-spoke.

"Woah, you where Grey? For How long?" Floyd inquired. Branch look down to the floor before responding, "Well.....Y'know" Now hesitantly lifting up his gaze towards the group, "Like for the past 20 year" he gave an awkward smile.

"WHATTT!!" they all said in unison (With the exception of Poppy). 

John Dory had hit the brake on Rhonda causing everyone to move forward. 

John Dory then looked back at him, "Why didn't you tell us Branch!" now feeling guilty. 

"Because I knew it would ruin the mood. I haven't been Grey for three months now...So I thought that it wouldn't be that important to mention it right now" Branch said hesitantly, "Don't get me wrong, I was gonna tell you guys.....Eventually. But right now, that's not really something I really want to delve into" he finished lightly. 

The group looked at him with a bit of concern but they also understood that he would open up on his own time. Clay then held his hand to Branch's shoulder before pulling him into a hug. 


For the next couple of hours, the space was quiet, In an awkward yet comforting silence.

Poppy was now sitting next to Branch with her head on his shoulder. Very quietly she spoke, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have mentioned that! I should've known better and let you open up when you were ready" she said with extreme guilt in her voice. "It's Okay, you didn't mean to do it. But Thanks for the apology" he responded reassuringly.

Suddenly, A Great Idea came to mind. Poppy then pulled Branch close and whispered into his ear. Branch listen and shortly after Branch gave her a smile in agreement to what she had suggested. 

Branch then got up and asked, "Hey John, Do you happen to carry instruments in Rhonda?", John then replied, "Oh, Yeah I do, there should be a guitar in the back". 

Out of the corner of his eye, Branch spotted the acoustic guitar in the back and went to pick it up before returning to Poppy's side.


Poppy then said, "So, Me and Branch had an idea. Why not play a tune to help bring the mood back up!" She said excitingly. 


-End of Chapter 2-

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