The trip home begins

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-On Vacay Island-

After the events of saving Floyd and providing safe passage for the trolls of Pop Village to come and witness the first official performance of Kismet and the new edition of Brozone. It was finally time for the Pop trolls to load up the Caterbus and head back home.

The Caterbus had been parked just outside the entrance of "Bruce and Sons and One Daughter" restaurant. There in the conductors seat, sat Cloud Guy awaiting for the many Pop trolls to load up the bus so that they could then begin their voyage back home.

One by One, Poppy and Branch guided each trolls aboard, telling them to watch their step as they excitingly stepped to their seat on the bus. Out of the corner of her eye, Poppy could sense the two familiar figures of her dad, King Peppy and her sister, Viva, who where slowly approaching the Caterbus. As they came closer into view Poppy had just finished up loading the last group of trolls onto the bus before turning to walk towards her newly reunited family.

King Peppy spoke, "Hi honey, I was just talking to Viva about how happy I am that we are all together again" he smiled happily and extended one hand towards Poppy and the other toward Viva. He then continued speaking, "Now, I know I've haven't been any good when it comes to telling you about the past but I promise that from now on I'll try to be as truthful as I can be". Having said this the sisters exchanged glances endearingly and lightly squeezed their fathers' hand in earnest before they both spoke, "You Promise? No More Lies? Only the truth and Nothing but the truth?" they were now starring back intently at their father. "Yes, of course!" he replied, "Though, I guess we could discuss more of the topic on our way back to Pop Village".

Only a small distance away, Branch had been watching endearingly at the exchange between the newly reunited family and steadily held is clenched fist near his mouth and lightly cleared his throat as though to get Poppy's attention. Poppy and Viva then looked up and noticed the widen expression upon Branches eyes which looked intently at them both before looking back towards the entrance of the restaurant and lightly nudging his head upwards as though to signal them of something. Having been interrupted by Branch's awkward exchange, King Peppy turned back to face his daughters with a confused expression upon his face. That's when suddenly, Poppy spoke out abruptly.

"Actually Dad, Me and Viva where thinking of heading back to Pop Village with Branch and his Brothers. We were discussing this earlier today after getting back from Mount Rageous and we all thought it would a fun Idea to get to know each other a little more. And what better way than to have our own little road trip back to Pop Village! ...... All together!" Viva had nodded in agreement before staring back at her father with a smile. King Peppy then began to speak," I Think..." but before he could finish his sentence he was stopped abruptly again by Poppy, "PLUS, um its seems like the Caterbus is pretty full, and we wouldn't want to feel squished now would we?! And there is plenty of room in Rhonda for the rest of us trolls to fit" she quickly ended. King Peppy then laughed before beginning his sentence back up again.

"There is no need to explain things to your old man Poppy. I completely understand! I was actually gonna say that I thought it would be a great idea for you guys to have a little sibling bonding time anyway!" Before he could start back up again, he paused for a bit to look reassuring at his daughters, "We can talk a little more about the night of the great Bergen attack when we meet up again in Pop Village but for now, Go have fun! Bond a little! And make sure to take lots of pictures if you take any detours during your road trip!". Poppy and Viva then glanced blankly at each other before giving him a big hug and guiding him towards the entrance of the bus.

As the bus began to move, the sister yelled out harmoniously and said, "Bye Dad, See you in a couple of days", through the window, their father looked back at them both, smiled, and gave a little wave goodbye before mouthing the words "Goodbye, See you soon".

After bidding their father adieu, Poppy and Viva then look back to Branch and began to walk towards him. Branch then extended his hand towards Poppy and their hands interlocked. Together they began their walk towards Branches brothers who were happily conversing amongst each other.

-Branch took a moment to take in the scene and gave a happy little -sigh-

He began to think to himself. It had seemed as though it had only been yesterday that he had been locking himself in his bunker and from the rest of the world too. Never in a million years would he have ever thought that he'd be reunited with his brothers while simultaneously attaching himself to the Queen of Pop.

Now taking time to reflect, Branch realized just how little time had actually passed between each one of his adventures with Poppy. Only three months had passed and Poppy had already improved his life in so many different ways. He couldn't help but look down towards Poppy, who was now laying her head upon his shoulder.

Poppy then felt the gaze of her beloved, and looked up to stare back at him. He looked at her with such awe, completely captivated by her fuchsia eyes, how did he get so lucky as to find a troll so loving and caring of any troll she had come across. Poppy interrupted this train of the thought with a light giggle before speaking up and sheepishly saying, "What, is there something on my face?".

"No, just that my biggest fear has come true" he said jokingly.

Poppy gave a little glance of confusion before he brought of his hand up to cup her face and swipe her bangs under her ear, "I looked into your eyes, two pools so deep, that I dove in and found myself so captivated that I forgot to come back up for air" he said only half jokingly. Now, Blushing, Poppy rolled her eyes before giving him a tiny smile and wrapping one arm around his neck and bringing her other hand towards his lips and tapping lightly, " Quite, the smooth talker, aren't you?". She then brought her lips towards his to close the distance once again like they had previously done on Mount Rageous. Feeling the electricity that ran through their lips, Branch slowly lifted Poppy by her waist and spun her around, to which she responded with a small squeal. Setting her down, he placed his head down on hers before they both let out a loving sign

Completely captivated by one another, they hadn't realized the audience right in front of them. All of the sibling look at one another and began to smirk, "Woah, get a pod you two" John Dory said teasingly as his sibling broke out into laughter.

Now, Poppy and Branch could only look back up at them with cheeks tinted pink and full of embarrassment.


"Soooo, I was thinking, Its probably a good Idea if we start discussing our little road trip back to Pop Village?" Floyd spoke as though to break the awkward silence.


-End of Chapter 1-

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