Through Thick and Thin

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- Somewhere along the Forested Valley-

All groups had separated into their own designated areas to either gather or set up for the bonfire. Somewhere along the edge of the Forested Valley, Clay and Viva stood searching for thin sticks or at the very least branches that could be whittled for roasting marshmallows. Having decided that it would probably be best to search for sticks on the outer edge of the valley, they had entered the valley just enough to still be seen through various pine trees that surrounded them. As they searched they held a comfortable silence before it was abruptly interrupted by Viva's commentary of the surrounding area.

"Ahh, what a cute little valley, everything here is so lively and free! It smells so...... earthy" she contemplated her wording of the fragrance which was elicited by the forested greenery before her initial contemplation came to a halt and she smiled brightly at Clay.

For some reason he couldn't help but give her a toothy grin, the smile she gave him had reminded him of the moments in which they had just met each other and had only then started to get to know each other. It had been such a long time ago, that he couldn't help but feel some sort of pridefulness in the long-coming of their friendship. When he thought back to the day when they had first met, he remembered how Viva had led the group with such a head strong determination and he thought about the charismatic nature of her persona.

On the exterior she kept focus at the task at hand, finding a way out of the tunnels and out into a world unlike any they had come to know of, but she never let her determined smile falter which he came to identify as one of the traits that he loved so dearly about her. Even if it was evident to him that behind that determined exterior, lay the pain of grief and loss, she didn't show it and he knew deep down that she felt just as unsure as to what was to come as the other trolls did which made him all the more sure that he should be the troll to aid in her venture out into this new world

"Yeah, it's really nice out here! If I'm honest, I'm just glad we finally get to enjoy the beauty of the outside world.......up until about a week ago, I wouldn't have ever imagined being reunited with my brothers and much less to find out that the Bergens and trolls live in harmony"

"I know right! Though it does make me wonder how much we missed out on by never leaving the golf course." She said with a bit of hurt in her voice. "I mean, did you hear about all the adventures Branch had with Poppy?! I just can't help but feel like those were all moments we could've been a part of If we had just ventured past the barriers of the golf course. If only......" She said, trying to figure out the peculiarity of her emotions. Viva didn't take herself as someone who dove head first into a pool of pessimistic thoughts, she usually found ways to distract herself before she could even get to a point like that.

Unknowingly, Viva was now looking to the ground as she walked deeper within the valley. Clay only followed along before he noticed the slight frown upon her face, very evident that she was lost in a train of thought.

Now coming to a stop, he held out his hand toward her own and stopped before she could walk any further, "Hey, don' t think that way. We didn't know that the Bergens and trolls were living in harmony! Look, there are a million things that I can talk about, things that I deeply regret, things that I wish I had done, and things I wish had been a part of but we can't just spend life thinking about all the things that could've been! We have to think about all the things that we are absolutely gonna do, and right now, I say we get some sticks and go make some more awesome memories with them right now!" Now standing confidently and giving her a reassuring smile, Viva took a moment to take in the information before her face brightened up again.

" YEAH! You're right, I may not be able to go back in time but at least I can make up for lost time now!" She said before continuing, "And hey, look at you giving a big ol' inspirational speech!" She said with with her eyebrows raised and smirk on her face, "Usually, I'm the one who does that, I am the fun side of the operation, remember'

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