Elevator Incident (141)

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Y/n is new on the Task force 141. He is the only omega on the team but he's hasn't told anyone yet.

He is in the elevator with his whole team:Price, Gaz, Ghost, Soap, Keegan, Roach, Konig, Alejandro, Rudy and Graves.

When suddenly, the elevator stops. Y/n is stuck with the men that are all alphas...

Y/n gulped as he was pressed in the middle of the entire group. Then the worst thing could ever happen to Y/n.

His heat starts.

Y/n was panicking as he crossed his legs. He was praying that the guys wouldn't notice as his omega scent filled the whole elevator...

Price could already smell the heat in the air.

"What's that smell" He said in his deep voice before a thought came to him...

"Is somebody-" He didn't finish the sentence as he gave the rest of the guys a look, they all understood what Price meant.

Y/n froze as he gulped and leaned over and pressed the help button.

Price started to smirk and grabbed Y/n by the arms.

"Y/n..." Price grinned as he said his name, Y/n could see that Price's tongue was flicking back and forth out of his mouth.

Y/n blushed a bit. "Y-yes sir?"

Price grinned as he bent down and sniffed his neck

"Are you in heat?" Konig asked.

Y/n gulped. "Yes. I am. And yes I'm an omega but I never told you because I was scared. I had no idea I would go in heat this early." The omega said quickly.

"Is this your first time in heat?" Price chuckled as he looked at Y/n with a small smile, the men all stared at Y/n curiously...

Price bent down further and grabbed Y/n by the waste, he started to lift him up.

"How old are you again?"

Y/n gasped. "N-no this isn't my first heat and I'm 34 sir." The omega said as his eyes flickered to everyone in the elevator as his tail swished.

Graves couldn't take his eyes off Y/n, and the rest of the men had similar reaction.

"Damn..." Price muttered under his breath as he carried Y/n even closer to him, the rest of the men noticed that Price seemed very calm compared to when they all first saw Y/n's heated scent.

"Well anyway um. Shouldn't the elevator be working soon?" The omega asked nervously.

Price smiled before leaning down, he began to whisper in Y/n's ear.

"I'm not really concerned about the elevator just yet... I'm more concerned about this"

Price gently grabbed ahold of one of Y/n's wrists and began to lift up his wrist up to his mouth, Price smirked as he started to gently lick Y/n's wrist.

Y/n could hear the other guys murmur, they were all intrigued by the scene that was unfolding...

Y/n gasped as he felt himself being pushed up against Ghost. Y/n was now being pressed against Ghost and Price.

Y/n moaned softly. He couldn't help it. All the men were so hot.

Y/n also noticed that Konig seemed to be watching the scene that was unfolding a bit eagerly...

It seems that Konig had been wondering what Y/n would look like when he was all heated...

Price was looking up at Y/n, he smirked as he licked Y/n's neck softly...

"Good boy" He whispered.

Y/n gasped again. The omega knew that none of these men knew where his scent gland was.

Price's tongue slithered down towards Y/n's scent glands, he gently began to tickle the omega's scent glands as he smiled up at Y/n.

Y/n gulped. But he wasn't going to be telling these men where his scent gland was.

He smirked as he pushed price away and moved into the corner away from the group.

"No. If you guys want me and wanna know where my scent gland is, then your all gonna have to work for it. So whoever does want me raise your hands." The omega said, looking at Price, Gaz, Soap, Ghost, Konig, Keegan, Roach, Alejandro, Rudy, and Graves.

They all raised there hands, they really wanted to know where the Omega's scent gland was.

They began to surround Y/n, the men were almost salivating as they stared at the omega before them, Y/n made every alpha's heat go crazy.

Y/n was shocked. Y/ns smirk was back as he leaned against the wall. "Then work for it." The omega said.

"Hm." Price grinned and began to walk towards the omega, the rest of the men followed...

Price's tongue started to flick out of his mouth and he had a sly look on his face, he couldn't wait to find out where Y/n's scent gland was.

Y/n kept quiet as he let Price look for his scent gland, which the Captain did not find.

It was Soaps turn now.

Soaps's nose was practically twitching as he sniffed around Y/n's body.

He licked his lips as he looked all around the omega's waist, looking high and low before looking back up at the omega.

"Can I have a hint?" Soap asked in a soft voice, his tongue flicking out of his mouth repeatedly.

Y/n shook his head. Soap didn't find it as Roach egearly took his turn. The mute was much more gentler then Price and Soap.

Roach began to sniff around Y/n's neck, he made sure to sniff deeply and breathe in as much of the omega's heated scent as possible.

He slowly began to move down, his nose twitching as he sniffed along Y/n's body, trying to see where the scent was coming from.

But unfortunately Roach didn't find it. Y/n giggled when Roach started to sign wildly.

Roach kept on searching, his hands began to move along Y/n's waist and sides, he became a little more desperate as his body couldn't take it anymore, he needed to find Y/n's scent gland.

Price was grinning as he saw Roach become desperate for his scent, he was enjoying the scene that was unfolding in the elevator.

One by one all the alpha's tried to find Y/ns scent gland but none of them could find it.

Y/n smirked. "Aww that's a shame." The omega giggled as he ran a hand down Graves chest.

Graves couldn't take his eyes off the omega, his eyes were starting to go slightly blurry as he watched the omega's fingers run down down his chest...

"You're making us desperate here, Omega" Graves said through clenched teeth.

Graves slowly started to move himself closer towards the omega.

Y/n hummed as the elevator lights got turned on and it started moving.

The doors opened signalling that it had reached the dorms. "That's a shame guys. Looks like you all have to try and court me if you want me." The omega smirked as he walked out of the elevator, swaying his hips.

Y/n disappeared around the corner and headed to his room, leaving the alpha's alone...

The alpha's were all stunned for a second as they watched Y/n sway his hips as he walked out of the elevator.

"He's playing hard to get..." Soap mumbled.

Price was still thinking about the omega's words, he couldn't believe that Y/n was trying to play hard to get.

"Well boys, it seems like we're in for a fun night" Price smirked.

Ghost huffed. "fuckin hell."

They all looked at each other and glared.

"I'm courting him." they all said in unison.

Uh oh...

Anyone want a part two? ❤️also new chapters of broken soldier will be coming soon ;)

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