01: Lonely Drunk

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"Ah don't be so sad Tsum-Tsum! I'm sure you'll find someone soon! Just like how I found my Akaashi!"
A loud owl tried to cheer up his teammate.

The blonde clicked his tongue,
"Ya can't say that when the two of ya were high school sweethearts!"

He took a long swig of his beer,
"God I need a girlfriend,"

Besides Bokuto, his other teammates were out and about with their significant others, with Bokuto staying with Atsumu out of concern. That didn't last too long though.

Bokuto received a text, and based on how red his face got and how quickly he left, it must've been something good.

That left the blonde alone in your bar, with him getting the occasional stare from your other customers. Sure he had his fair share of admirers, but dating one of them seemed wrong, and all his previous relationships usually ended with that month's girlfriend breaking up with him.

Sometimes it was because of the long distance that playing volleyball entailed, sometimes they weren't compatible, and other times they couldn't handle his personality for too long of a time.

Either way, it always ended up with him at the bar, your bar.

You tried to stay out of your customers' business, partly because you didn't really care, and partly because it just seemed like a lot of trouble you didn't want.

But this drunk man was practically a regular now, drinking his heart out before having his friends drag him off back to where they stayed.

And that was exactly why you felt your heart drop when his friend left him. Who the hell was gonna be the one to take him home?! You didn't know where he lived, and you sure as hell wouldn't let someone with his good looks be taken home by a stranger.

"Another- *hic* one!"
Atsumu called, setting his empty glass on the counter.

You raised a brow,
"You sure about that? You've already had a lot to drink and-"

He scoffed,
"Psh! I can handle it!"

Slightly pissed off, you gave him another drink, a move that would prove to be your undoing.

He took a long drink from the beer, letting out a satisfied sound once he finished,
"See! I told ya I could..."

His sentence trailed off as he fell asleep, snoring loudly soon after.

Thankfully it was close to closing, so there weren't any other bar-goers to witness this pathetic display, but that also meant you had to deal with a passed out drunk.

You poked him,
"Hey. You. Wake up,"

No dice.

You groaned knowing that you shouldn't have given him that last drink, and quickly cleaned up the bar before going to the passed out drunk and picking him up.

"Hey, where do you live"
You asked, hoping that maybe, just maybe he'd give you an answer,"

"The moon,"
He replied.


Against your better judgment, you brought him to your house which was right behind the bar, and set him down on your couch, letting out a tired sigh afterwards. Lifting a limp body wasn't easy at all.

You took his phone from his pocket and set it on the coffee table in front of the couch, hoping someone would call to pick him up. After an hour of waiting though, you gave up, and decided to just go to sleep after locking up all your valuables and the door to your room.

Sure you'd help him out by bringing him in, but there was no way you'd trust him not to try and murder or steal from you.

The next morning when you woke up, he was still dozing off like a baby, snoring a little too loudly for your liking, but whatever, you got yourself into this mess, you only had yourself to blame.

Just as you turned away from him, you heard a yell.

This is why you stay out of people's business.


Don't drink too much alcohol its expensive

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