02: Revelations

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"I'm the owner of the bar you passed out in, and you're in my house,"
You calmly explained, slightly annoyed.

That seemed to get him to settle down,
"Oh. Did I really drink that much?"

You chuckled,
"You told me you lived on the moon,"

An embarrassed blush flooded his cheeks, though that was short lived as a stinging headache assaulted him.

"Hold on, I'll get you some advil and water,"

He managed to wait patiently for you, quickly taking you assistance when offered.

The painkillers kicked in pretty quickly, and he was able to speak with you again.

"So where is this place?"
He asked, looking around your house.

"Right behind the bar. You really think I'd be able to drag your body far?"

He scratched the back of his head,
"Makes sense. When can I leave?"

You rolled your eyes,
"It's not like you're in prison or something, you can leave whenever you want,"

Sensing he wasn't wanted there and too tired to try to get you to like him, he nodded and headed for the door, though he stopped as he held the handle.

"What is it?"
You asked.


"I'm hungry,"

You sighed, grabbing your keys and heading for the door,
"Come with me,"

Curious, he followed you like a lost puppy into your bar, seeing how it looked in the daytime for the first time.
"How do you like your eggs?"
You asked while putting your apron on.

"Over easy,"
He replied, his stomach rumbling just thinking about food.

He watched you disappear into the kitchen, listening to the tantalizing sizzles and pops of whatever you were cooking, his mouth watering as the smell of it reached his nose.

Soon enough, you came out with his food.

Eggs, bacon, pancakes, nothing too fancy, but a nice western breakfast with some fat in it would be good for someone recovering from a hangover.

Atsumu devoured his food in no time flat, something which honestly amazed you.

"Yer a great cook! Almost as good as my brother,"

That last part kind of annoyed you seeing as there wasn't really a point in bringing it up, but you decided to focus on the compliment part.

"Thanks. Do you have somewhere to be?"

You hoped to god that he had somewhere to go, and it seemed like your prayers were answered as he checked his phone with wide eyes.

"I'm gonna be late to practice! Thanks for the food, I'll be back later!"
He hurriedly ran off, not wanting to face Meian's wrath.

Practice? Was he an idol or something? It would make sense considering his looks.


His Favorite Drink (Atsumu Miya x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now