03: Brotherly Advice

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"Samu, can I ask ya something?"
Atsumu nervously spoke through the phone.

"No, yer not allowed to flirt with my employees,"

Atsumu clicked his tongue,
"I'm being serious!"

There was a pause at the other end before his brother spoke,
"Fine, what's yer problem this time,"

Atsumu sighed, taking a moment to think. Was he really going to ask this?

He whispered,
"When did ya realize that ya liked... y'know... guys?"


"So which guy's unfortunate enough to have yer sights on him?"

Atsumu yelled at his phone, Osamu's laughter being able to be heard from the other end.

"Fine, what made ya think that then?"
Osamu asked, still recovering from his laugh.

Crap. If he told his brother what had happened to him, then it'd totally would seem like he had a crush on you!

"Shut yer trap I asked ya a question first!"

He heard Osamu sigh, which was a pretty good indicator that he'd won.

"I was with [you choose the man], then we locked eyes. My stomach felt weird after that, and him putting his hand on my shoulder made it feel even weirder,"

Atsumu raised a brow,
"Ya sure ya didn't eat something weird?"

"I didn't eat anything weird, and let me finish!"
Osamu scolded over the phone.

Osamu continued,
"I kinda knew in high school too, just didn't wanna think about it,"

Thinking back on it, there might've been a guy or two Atsumu might've been interested in, but just didn't know why.

Atsumu groaned,
"This is all too confusing,"

"Nothin' wrong with liking guys, but for the record, I did it first,"

"Yer only first cuz you knew what the word was first! If I knew I would've figured it out way before ya!"
Atsumu argued.

Were they really competing over who figured out their sexuality first? Yes they were.

"Anyways I wouldn't worry about it, if ya like guys, that's fine, if ya don't, that's also fine,"

Although Atsumu didn't get quite get the answer he wanted, he decided that he was done with the topic for the day.

"Anyways, lemme tell you about practice..."

"Welcome in!"

Atsumu heard you call out to him as he entered your bar, taking a seat at the bar table close to you.

"Just yourself today, Atsumu?"

He couldn't help but feel glad he told you his name.

He nodded,
"Yeah, they're all off with their lovers,"

You chuckled,
"Sounds annoying,"

"I know right! Ya wouldn't believe how much they talk about them!"

You smiled at him, placing a drink in front of him,
"I can imagine. Here, I'm trying out a new mix,"

He stared at the drink, hesitating.

"Oh cmon, it's on the house!"
You encouraged.

Might as well then.

He took a quick sip, and quickly went for another, and then another, and that kept going on until the glass was empty.

"This stuff is great! What'd ya put in it?"

"It's just a simple iced tea lemonade. I tried putting some extra mint in there along with some rock sugar. I'm glad you like it,"

He gave you a happy nod before ordering a drink and some food for himself. To be quite honest, he wasn't so sure what he should've been doing at this point.

A part of him wanted to strike up some conversation with you, but you were working and he strangely didn't want to be a distraction.

Didn't seem like he'd have much of a choice though, as right after you gave him his food, you took a seat right next to him.

"Don't ya have to take care of yer customers?"
He asked.

You shrugged,
"It's a slow day. If they need anything, they can ask me,"

His eyes locked with yours, and he listened to your next words,
"Besides, I wanna get to know you a little better,"

He gulped nervously, needing to take a long drink of his iced tea before deciding what to say. You were literally handing him an opportunity to talk all about himself for an indefinite amount of time, why was he hesitating?

Well, to be honest, he didn't want to get rid of his mystique. You didn't really know too much about him, meaning that he'd be able to create intrigue and a reason for you to keep talking with him.

So he began with a story, leaving out some details, and playing down others. Rather than flat out telling you he was a professional volleyball player, he just told you he enjoyed it. After all, he didn't want to befriend someone who was just in it for the fame.

Every time your smile or laugh graced his senses, his heart couldn't help but beat just a little bit faster. You ended up sharing a little bit about yourself as well, and using his expert judgement, Atsumu judged that you were a seemingly reliable person.

As he finished up his drink, you slid him a piece of paper, knowing he'd leave soon.

"My number. Give me a heads up sometime and I'll make you something special, kay?"

With a stupid grin that he tried to subdue, he stashed the paper away in his pocket, saying his goodbyes before leaving.

It wasn't even a step out of your place before he put your number in his phone.

Making friends was a lot more fun than he remembered.


Damn I need to update these

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