Why are you covered in blood?

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(No one's POV)

The girl breathed heavily as she looked at the stranger boy in the woods. His hair was messy and he was staring at her in a comforting horror. He didn't seem scared, but he didn't seem calm.

Five was confused. What we be supposed to say in a situation like this? 'Hey?' 'Who are you?' 'Why the fuck are you covered in blood?'
He didn't know. So he just said.

"Are you.. okay?" Five said in a monotone voice.

The girl didn't speak. She stared at him for a bit and simply nodded her head once. Not breaking eye contact.

"Is that.. blood? Why are you covered in blood..?" Five spoke again. This time with more of a concerned tone.

The girl seemed as though she was about to speak, but she was cut off by sounds of sirens, search dogs barking and men shouting 'we must find her!' 'Where did she go!?' 'She's a Killer!' And stuff like that. The girls head  and half her body turned to look behind her and she saw lights off torches. She turned back to five, scared.

"Help me.." she said in a trembling voice.

Five looked at the torches and then back to the girl. He nodded and grabbed hold of her arm and started to run away from the searchers.

"This way!"

The two ran through the thick trees and gravel roads. Five kept a tight hold onto the girl, his hand becoming blood coated from it.
They found a deep ditch, five dragged her into it and they hid. Their body's close to eachother and the girls eyes tight shut from fear. They were both breathing heavy breaths and their hearts were pounding.

Sounds of dogs and yelling men could be heard getting louder. Five made an indication to the girl for her to stay quiet and she covered her mouth.  The torches got brighter and the sounds became louder.

But then the sounds disappeared and the searchers went away. Saying 'I hear her! She's over there!'
But she wasn't over there. She was here. 20 feet away from them.

The girl sighed in relief and her head fell back onto the dirt wall as she caught her breath. Five did the same. He then looked over the edge of the dirt wall to see if they had definitely left. And they did. There were no where to be seen.

He moved back down and looked at the girl. The blood covered girl. Since they were near street lights, he had a better look at her. Her hair was slightly messy and her eyes were (e/c). She had a few cuts on her cheek and arms, like scraped from a wall. She looked about 13.

"Are you okay..?" Five asked as he examined her face.

The girl looked at him and nodded.

"Thank you.." she managed to say.

"No problem... who were those guys anyway? What did they want from you?" He was genuinely confused and intrigued on what she had to say to answer him.

"Guards. Police. Maybe some doctors.." she says through deep breaths.

"Why were they after you?"

"I escaped."

"From where?"

She didn't speak for a few seconds. Should she tell him? Could she trust him? He did just save her life so, maybe?

"An Insane asylum..." she says quietly.

Fives eyes widened. He stepped back a bit.
"An.. an insane asylum?"

She nodded and looked away. Five then smirks and said "my brothers been in one of them. Think you might know him?"

She shrugged and looked at him. "Depends. What's his name?"

"Diego Hargreeves?"

"Never heard of him."

"Didn't think you would. He's a complete and utter not job, you wouldn't even be as close to being crazy as him." He slightly chuckle a bit.

"Yeh well. I'm not exactly crazy. They just don't believe me.." she says back.

"Believe you with what?" Five asked, sounding eager to hear what she was to say.

She didn't know If she could trust him. He was a kid! Well, he looked like one so he probably was.. it was very unlikely- no. Impossible! That someone else could have the same problem as her. On purpose or not, she didn't think he would be around her age at ALL!

"Nothing. Don't worry about it." She began to stand up. "Thanks for- y'know. Saving me and stuff. I'll be on my way now-"

"On your way to where?" Five asked as he stood up too.

"Uhh.. I dunno? Somewhere?" She says awkwardly as she looked back to him.

"Yeah no. Not happening." Five said. As he started to walk. "You're coming with me"

She stared at him in confused and furrowed eye brows. "What?"

"You heard me. Can't leave a girl like you alone in a place like this now can I?" He says as he kept walking.

She stayed where she was for a few more seconds, watching him, until she decided it was best to come with him. So she did. He didn't even know her name, yet he was being so nice to her. But could she trust him? Could he trust.. her?..

"Do you think I'm insane?" Five Hargreeves X readerWhere stories live. Discover now