pt 7 gone and injured

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Keigo Takami (hawks) POV:
I groaned as my phone started to scream at me, I sat up and quickly answered it "hawks did aki get away?" Nezu's squeaky voice came from the other end "yeah sorry I tried to stop him but he got away" I lied "..okay we'll just have to find another way to get him" he told me as he hung up, I quietly sighed as I got out of bed "well shit he probably knows" I Mumbled as I got changed into my hero gear(?).

Neito monoma POV:
I woke up to my alarm going off, I quietly sighed as I turned it off, I looked to the side of me excepting to see izuku but I didn't, I slightly panicked as I quickly sat up.

'He didn't come home!?' I thought as I got out of bed and quickly ran downstairs.

I entered the living room to see izuku asleep on the couch, I sighed in relef as I walked to izuku, I looked at the time to see that it's 8am "Hey izu wake up" I said as I gently shook him, he softly groaned and slightly sat up "Hey love" he Mumbled as he dragged me into a hug, I quietly chuckled as I cuddled into his chest "come on let's get some breakfast" I said as I pulled away from him, he slightly nodded, I got up just now noticing the jacket on the couch that was on izuku "Hawks gave me his jacket.." he Mumbled as he picked up the jacket "woah soft" he Whispered with a slight smile as he got up and put the jacket on my shoulders, I put my arms in the jacket, the sleeves falling over my hands, izuku softly chuckled as he gently grabbed my hand "come on I want food" he said as he dragged me to the kitchen.

I sit down as izuku started to make breakfast "what ya making?" I asked with a slight smile as I rolled the sleeves up on hawks' jacket "scrambled eggs, bacon, and sausages" he told me as he continued to cook, I nodded as mei entered the kitchen "smells nice" mei Mumbled as she sat next to me, izuku placed a plate of food in front of me and mei "thanks izu" I said as I started to eat "thanks zu" mei Mumbled as she started to eat sleeply "we're moving today by the way" izuku told us calmly, I qickly ate and got up "bags are in our room" he said as he started to clean up "okay thanks izu!" I shouted as I ran upstairs.

Izuku POV:
I softly smiled as I sat in front of mei "I'm happy we're moving it was starting to get cramped in here" mei said with a slight chuckled "right come on let's go get our bags then move into the new house" I told her as I got up and grabbed her now empty plate "okay!" She shouted as she went upstairs, I quickly cleaned the plate and put it in the box where all the plates and stuff are, I put the box near the door before heading upstairs.

I slightly smiled as I walked into mine and neito's bedroom "ready to go?" I questioned as I grabbed my already packed bag "yep!" Nei said popping the 'p' I quietly chuckled as I took nei's bag off of him "I can carry it izu" he told me "it's fine now come on" I said as we left our now mostly empty bedroom.

We all made our way to our new house with some boxes and bags.

I quickly opened the door to our new home and softly placed a box down "woah" nei Mumbled I softly smiled at him "oh by the way there's a basement that could be our inventing room" I said as they all put some stuff down "sounds cool" mei told me, I looked at my watch to see '12pm' I quietly sighed "you guys make dinner I have somewhere to be" I lied as I left our home.

I quietly sighed as I got some shopping/groceries and quickly made my way back home "izuku hawks is behind you" Amei told me "mhm" I hummed back as I got to my front door "where is he now?" I asked "sky scraper" she told me "thanks" I said as I put the bags down and knocked on the door before running away.

I pulled my mask on before I climbed up the skyscraper "Oh hey hawks didn't know you'd be here" I said with slight sarcasm "aki!" He shouted as he jumped up "you shouldn't be here" he told me as I sat on the edge of the skyscraper "oh well" I said with a grin "you shouldn't sit so close to the edge aki" Hawks told me as he sat next to me "okay dad" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes "so what are you doing here aki?" He asked "you brought me home thanks for that" I said with a slight smile that he couldn't see "your welcome?" He said slightly confused with a soft smile "see ya tonight" I said as I left.

~later that night~

I sat on a roof waiting for Amei to come back, eraser and mic  jumped on the roof and sat next to me, I ignored them slightly mad at them for capturing me "izuku there's two guys beating up a guy" amei told me "bye lovers!" I said as I ran off.

I looked down into the alleyway seeing a knocked out girl and two guys laughing, I slightly grit my teeth as I silently jumped down behind one guy and knocked him out "fucking brat" the other guy Mumbled as he charged at me, I punched him in the face letting my anger slightly take over, the guy smirked "izuku watch out!" Amei shouted as the guy stabbed me in the stomach with his razor sharp tail, I groaned as he stabbed me again this time in the leg making me collapse on the floor holding my stomach, the guy chuckled as he brought his tail up to slice my throat but before he could a scarf wrapped him up and pulled him back "izuku!!" Amei shouted worriedly "I-i'm okay..." I Mumbled with tears in my eyes "Hey aki look at me" someone said I slightly looked up through blurry eyes to see hawks and mic in front of me "Hawks.." I Mumbled before I passed out.

Shouta aizawa POV:
Hawks picked up aki "Hawks go to ua recovery girl should be there" I told him as he quickly flew off "come on we need to get to ua" I said as me and hizashi ran to ua.

We entered the infirmary to see aki with his mask off with a oxygen mask on(?) And bandaged up with a blood bag and an IV connected to him, zashi slightly gasped "chiyo is he going to be okay?" I asked as I sat next to aki's bed "he's gonna be fine just some scaring and probably physical therapy" she told us.

Hawks POV:
I quickly went to aki's house to see a note on the door 'hawks we moved go to blueberry lane(idk) find the white house if you need us -aki' I read before quickly making my way to his new house.

I knocked on the door, a girl with slight long pink hair opened it "hawks?" She asked slightly shocked "it's aki he-" "something happen to izuku!?" (Idk I'd she knows he's a vigilante) shouted worriedly as a blonde boy appeared next to her looking worried "come on you over grown chicken take us to izuku!" The blond boy shouted I nodded ignoring the insult.

We entered the infirmary "izuku!" The blond boy shouted as he ran to aki-izuku? "Shit.." the pink haired girl Mumbled under her breath "hawks who are they?" Aizawa asked me "aki's friends" I told him "why did you bring them here?" He questioned crossing his arms "I went to tell his family that he was in ua and injured" I explained as I sat next to him and hizashi, nezu entered the infirmary "aizawa take these kids to your house" he said as he walked to chiyo and started to talk with her, aizawa sighed as he got up "come on let's go" he said as they left (with mic).

Shinso hitoshi/aizawa POV:
I looked up as the front door opened dad, papa, neito, and mei walked in "neito, mei?" I questioned neito looked up and ran to me hugging me as he started to cry I hugged back slightly confused and worried "what happened?" I asked "izuku's injured.." mei Mumbled with tears in her eyes "hitoshi take them to your room" dad said with a slight frown as I took them to my room.

I sat on my floor, neito asleep on my bed and mei asleep on a bean bag I slightly sighed as I slowly fell asleep.

I'M BAAAAAACKKKKKKK\(^o^)/ until next time my loves!~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26 ⏰

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