Chapter 2 - Training Early

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Naruto looked behind him.

There he saw someone who was the last person that Naruto would have thought to watch him train. "What did you see?" Naruto said with a look of worry on his face. "Oh I saw enough. Do you want to explain what you just did?" Naruto was thinking of ways to get out of this confrontation. He himself didn't even think he could have done a Wood Style jutsu. He was just as surprised as they were. "If I'm being honest, I don't even know myself. Please just don't tell anybody. I don't want to deal with anymore complications then I already have to." She smirked. "Oh you don't know? Sure, I can keep a secret. But I'll need something from you too." Naruto sighed. He was contemplating on what she would ask of him. Would she ask for the Hokage's autograph? Money? To harvest his organs? He bit his lip, "Sure, what do you want?" "I saw you doing that fire jutsu earlier-" "Were you stalking me?" Her face immediately became flushed, "No! Anyways, if you'd let me finish, can you teach me that fire jutsu you did earlier?" Naruto sighed, "Oh ok. Sure I can do that hold on let me get my scrolls." He reached into his storage scroll and pulled out the scroll for Majestic Fire Annihilation and Great Fire Annihilation. "The jutsu I did earlier was called Great Fire Annihilation, but I was trying to perform Majestic Fire Annihilation. I can show you how to do Great Fire Annihilation, but not Majestic." The girl replied, "Thats fine. Just show me."

They spent the rest of the morning training on the fire jutsu. Naruto had to admit, it was more fun training with other people. He had actually enjoyed training with her. He also managed to do 3 more wood jutsus by the time for lunch rolled around.


"You have the reputed Wood Style, and can't do one wood jutsu?  That must be so embarrassing." Naruto, agitated, said sarcastically, "Oh, it's not like I JUST found out I had Wood Style. Besides, the only other person with Wood Style was Lord First, and I doubt there are any books or scrolls on Wood Style." That was a lie. There were many scrolls for Wood Style in Minato's office. Naruto had some in his storage seal, but he didn't want to take them out, as that would lead to even more unneeded questioning. He remembered one wood technique. It was the Wood Clone Jutsu. Naruto already knew how to do the Shadow Clone Jutsu after reading about it in the Scroll of Seals. He had been using the Shadow Clones to train at an exponentiated rate, but he doubted they would be of use to do another type of clone jutsu, let alone a clone jutsu from an advanced nature release.

He kept on trying to do the jutsu, but he kept on having no luck. He sighed and look over, "Hold on, let me go get something. I'll be back." She nodded. As Naruto headed back to his house, he noticed that his parents were training his siblings in the backyard. Seeing this, he felt a pang of jealousy towards his siblings. He shook his head and thought, 'I can't be distracted. I have to be back soon, or she'll be suspicious.' He went into the forest near the Namikaze household. He then unsealed the Wood Clone Jutsu, Wood Dome Jutsu, and the Binding Branches Jutsu. He could have learned more advanced wood jutsus, but that would take more time that he didn't have. He quickly learned all three, doing the hand seals rather sloppily. He didn't need to master it, or even be good at it. He just need to learn it, and head back to actually start to master it.

He head back to the training ground and said, "I left a kunai at home." She looked at him weirdly "Okay..." They continued training until it was time for lunch, and during this, he mastered all three of those wood jutsus.

Flashback End

As they left the training grounds, Naruto asked, "What do you want to eat?" "I don't know... anything really." Naruto grinned "Alright, were going to Ichiraku!" 'Ichiraku?' she thought, "Is that the ramen place?" "Yeah, lets go," motioning her to follow him. They got to Ichiraku, and while they had their ramen, Naruto spoke, "How is that fire jutsu coming along?" "Fine, but I would want it to be bigger. It uses a lot of chakra at the moment, though." "Also, I noticed a while ago, but I'll ask right now. Why do you train by yourself? Why don't you ask your parents to train you or something?" Naruto's just looked down to his ramen before looking back to her, "They are too busy training my brother and sister." With that, they finished up their ramen and head back to the training ground. 

"Alright, you can go back home now, your parents are probably worried. Good job on the Great Fireball Jutsu!" She smirked, "One last thing. Fight me," Naruto was taken aback, "What?" "You heard me. Lets fight! You aren't scared are you?" Naruto scowled, "Of course not. Are you scared?" She grinned. "You wish. 3... 2... 1... go!"

They launched towards each other. They were quickly engaging in a taijutsu battle. She seemed to have the upper hand until Naruto swept her legs and she fell to the ground. She quickly picked herself up and rushed back in with a punch. Naruto caught it and parried it. When she saw a kick coming towards her head, she quickly jumped backwards and yelled, "Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu" Naruto quickly weaved some handsigns and slammed his hands to the floor. "Earth Style: Mud Wall Jutsu" A wall of earth rapidly rose out of the ground and stopped the fireball from reaching Naruto. Naruto pulled out a kunai and blocked a shuriken coming his way. His opponent smirked and started doing more handsigns. "Fire Style: Pheonix Fire Jutsu" As several small fireballs flew towards Naruto. Naruto leaped into the air and yelled, "Shadow Clone Jutsu" as 5 more Narutos appeared in the air and grabbed the original. They threw him towards her while the original started weaving more handsigns. "Wood Style: Binding Branches Jutsu" As tree branches emerged from the ground and restrained his opponent. He landed right in front of her and point a kunai to her neck.

"I win!" He said grinning madly. She looked at him and groaned after he released the branches. "You may have won today, but I will get much stronger the next time we meet. I will beat you easily next time" she said pridefully. Naruto sighed, "Yeah, sure. Make sure your at least a challenge next time" he said while smirking. "Anyways, I'm gonna head back to my house." Naruto looked at her walking away and yelled, "Bye!" She looked back and waved. She looked like she was going to keep walking, but she turned around once again and asked, "Do you want to train together again tomorrow?" "Sure!" She smiled and ran off towards the Uchiha Compound.

Naruto continued training with his 40 kilogram weights. After doing more physical training, Naruto pulled out more scrolls. He looked at the scroll for the Rasengan. He figured it would be good reliable technique to know. It was a compressed ball of rapidly rotating chakra. He figured the hardest part of it would be the shaping of the shell for the chakra. Before attempting the Rasengan, he pulled out a small piece paper out of his pocket. He thought, 'I should probably check my chakra nature before I try to do anything with the Rasengan' He held the piece of paper and channeled his chakra into it. The paper first wrinkled, then it became wet and soggy, and finally the paper crumbled into dust. Naruto was a little shocked. He knew he would have water and earth, but he was expecting wind because that was his fathers chakra nature. He was pleasantly surprised when he found out he had lightning instead. He had a slight smile on his face as he created 300 shadow clones, while he practiced the Rasengan. 

By the time he had to go back to his house, he had mastered the Rasengan. He had tried to add a chakra nature to it, but it failed miserably.


Naruto had gotten the Rasengan down. He was just trying add some kind of nature release to it. He had tried adding water to it, but the rotation of the sphere just sprayed the water on his face. He then tried adding earth chakra to it, but as the rocks formed on the surface of the Rasengan, the shell of the chakra orb broke, and the chakra was dispelled, and the rocks launched away from his palm. He sighed. He was tired and low on chakra. He finally tried adding lighning to the Rasengan. Arcs of electricity were rotating around the Rasengan. The orb started emitting electricity all over its surface. Naruto looked in disbelief. 'It's working!' He thought. Right after thinking that, the ball of chakra exploded in his face, and the electricity immediately dispersed. Naruto then sighed. 'Maybe some other day...'

Flashback End

He went back into his house, and immediately went to his room. His family was eating. Kinato and Natsumi didn't even notice. Minato looked to the stairs where Naruto went, and Kushina just shook her head.

Naruto was upstairs studying his scrolls and practiced seals. He made a storage seal small enough to fit onto a bandage wrapping on his wrist. He had an idea on what to put in it, but he had to wait before he could follow through with this idea.


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