Chapter 7 - Academy Days II

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Naruto was used to the Forest of Death. He had been training there for a while, so he knew the many dangers of it, and all of the ways through it. He knew that Sora would most likely be in danger if he let her train alone, so he sent a wood clone to follow her.

The wood clone sunk into the trees and emerged in a tree that was near where she was training. She was just practicing ninjutsu and taijutsu. The clone noticed that her chakra control was really good, but her reserves weren't the biggest. Suddenly she switched to practicing kenjutsu. The clone smiled when he saw her channeling wind chakra to her sword. The moment the wind chakra was evenly distributed throughout the sword, the sword flew out of her hand a skidded towards a tree in the distance. "Agh! Why does it never work!" She said while running towards the sword.

The clone smirked. The reason she couldn't channel the chakra very well through the sword was because of the material of the sword. The sword was made of regular steel, just like Naruto's scythe. If someone wanted to channel chakra through their weapon easily, they would have to make sure said weapon was a strong material and was treated with chakra, so it would react well to adding chakra to it. Naruto got past this by surrounding the scythe with a layer of chakra so he could channel his affinities to the blade. This was a good workaround, but it unnecessarily wasted chakra. Naruto knew he needed to get a new scythe a some point.

The clone followed Sora where she was going towards her sword on the ground. Just as she was about to pick it up, she was knocked back. A massive centipede broke through the ground near the sword. The centipede rushed at Sora, aiming to kill her with a brutal headbutt. Sora thought, 'Great. Two life threatening attacks in the same day. And this time Naruto isn't her to defend me. Wait! What am I thinking! I'm an Uchiha I shouldn't depend on anybody to protect me!' Sora braced herself for the inevitable hit from the centipede. She closed her eyes, but the impact never happened. She opened her eyes to see 'Naruto' sealing away his scythe, and the centipede cut into several pieces on the ground. "This is the second time I had to save you today. What happened to not needing my help?"

Sora, flustered, responded, "Shut up, I could have easily taken down that centipede. You just got in the way." The clone raised an eyebrow and sunk back into a tree. Sora scowled. She was saved yet again by the person she hated. She glared at the tree that the clone went in, and went back to the clearing to practice. She tried and tried, but failed every time to successfully channel elemental chakra to the sword. The clone was inwardly chuckling in the tree above, observing her predicament. After 30 minutes of repeatedly trying and failing, in a fit of frustration, she slashed her sword towards a tree.

Before it could hit the tree, the real Naruto appeared in front of her.

The blond easily caught the sword blade with his chakra covered hand to stop the sword from cutting him. "You're doing it wrong. Well, not really, but with the material for this sword, and my scythe, you can't channel chakra through it without it rejecting the chakra. Trust me, when I first tried it, I got electrocuted so badly my hair was standing up the whole day." Sora glared at Naruto. "So how do you do it? Don't act like I didn't see you covering your scythe blade with lightning chakra." Naruto sighed. "Well, since I can't afford a chakra treated scythe right now, I came up with a workaround to that problem. Just create a thin layer of chakra around your weapon and channel the elemental chakra into the surrounding layer of chakra."

Sora frowned. Was it really that easy? She backed away and channeled chakra to her tanto to create a thin layer of chakra surrounding it. She then channeled her chakra again, but this time, instead of covering the sword, she channeled it through the layer of chakra, and it was fire chakra, and immediately when she did that, the layer of chakra burst into flames, covering the sword blade. She grinned, looking at her success, but scowled when she realized that Naruto had helped her yet again. "You know I would have done this for my next try. I didn't need your help." She said, knowing full well that it was a lie.

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