Chapter 14 - Land of Waves III

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Naruto sighed. Today was the day that Kakashi had expected Zabuza to return, most likely with his hunter ninja companion. They had been protecting the bridge builder for the past five days, and no one had come to attack him. Today, however, Zabuza would probably be there to try and kill them all. Naruto got up, and met up with the group. Hiruko was still sound asleep, so the group decided to just go without him. As they left the house, Naruto quickly created a shadow clone, because he figured Gato would try to capture or kill Tsunami and Inari, as leverage against Tazuna. The group walked with Tazuna to the bridge, and Tazuna and the other builders started working on the bridge. Everything was going well, until Naruto heard someone speak, "Ninja Art: Hidden Mist Jutsu" Naruto sighed, as that was a secret jutsu that people of Kiri used, and Naruto knew that Zabuza had finally arrived, as he was a ninja of the Mist.

Hiruko's Perspective

Hiruke groggily got up. He looked at the clock, and instantly realized that he had overslept. He got up, put on his shinobi gear, and ran down the stairs. He was about to leave the house, until he heard screaming near the kitchen. He ran towards the direction he heard the screaming from, and he saw two men with knives, trying to attack Tsunami, and the little brat, Inari. Inari screamed, "NO! PLEASE DON'T HURT KAA-CHAN!" The men laughed, and punched Inari in the arm. "We're not going to hurt her, yet." He turned to the other man, and asked, "You think we can have a little fun with her before Gato-sama gets her?" The other man nodded, and grinned. Hiruko grit his teeth, and yelled out, "Gentle Fist: Eight Trigrams! 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 Palms!"
he said, as he used his palms and fingertips to strike both of the men. The men were knocked unconscious, and slumped to the ground. Hiruko smirked, and Tsunami tapped his shoulder. "Huh?" "Hiruko-san, the rest of your team is at the bridge, protecting my father. You should go help them. Don't worry about us." Hiruko grit his teeth and nodded. He ran towards the bridge, to try and help with the effort.

Naruto's Perspective

Naruto was a little surprised. He thought Hiruko was just some weak, stuck up Hyuga, similar to Sasuke, but he was pleasantly surprised when he easily took down the two thugs sent by Gato. Naruto was going to get rid of them himself, but Hiruko did his job for him. The clone dispelled itself, giving Naruto it's memories.

Naruto, back on the bridge, gained the clones memories, as he saw from the corner of his eye, Hiruko running towards the bridge. One thing that Naruto was not expecting, was that Gato had sent an entire army of his minions, so it was going to be a little troublesome, dealing with them, along with Zabuza and his subordinate. Kinato and Natsumi were using kunai and shuriken, and the occasional jutsu to fend them off. Sasuke was spamming the Fireball Jutsu, although his was pretty small, and only got two or three thugs at a time. Sai was using his beast scrolls, and Rimara was using her tiger summon. The two had a competition of sorts, seeing how many men they could take down. Hiruko was striking tenketsu points left and right, and the army was starting to dwindle in numbers. The Jonin were attacking Zabuza, and the fight was pretty evenly matched. Naruto and Sora were going against Zabuza's ally, and Naruto was a little surprised that they had a kekkei genkai, the ice release. Naruto deduced that they were part of the Yuki clan, as they were the only clan, that he knew of, that had the Ice Style bloodline.

"Ice Style: Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals" Large mirrors made of chakra enhanced ice formed out of the mist in the air, and they surrounded the two Genin. Naruto grit his teeth, as he recognized this jutsu from a book he had read. The user would hop between every mirror, moving imperceivably fast, and throw projectile weapons at the target that was encased in the mirrors. Naruto looked the Sora, and they nodded. The Uchiha switched on her Sharingan, so that she could react to the senbon that was thrown at them. Naruto didn't dodge them, but he blocked them all, by hardening his skin with wood. The wood absorbed the impact of the senbon, and the senbon themselves. The blond didn't want to inform anybody about his kekkei genkai, so he made sure to have the wood blend in with his body. Sora looked at Naruto and slightly widened her eyes. The senbon were being absorbed into his body, as if they phased through him. She snapped back to focusing on the senbon, and narrowly dodged another. Naruto muttered, "Fuck it. I guess I'll have to reveal something." Naruto, without speaking, formed a larger then average Rasengan, and smashed it into the dome of mirrors. Sora had lost her focus, and didn't see a swarm of senbon fly at her.

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