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,,𝙄 𝙩𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪, I'm moving. Far, far away from you," I argued with what I hoped to soon be my ex boyfriend. He yelled and threw anything on site that he could see. He took what he knew was my favorite vase and smashed it on this ground. This infuriated me further.

"Callie, if you step out that door, I will spend the rest of my life chasing you so I can beat you to a fucking pulp." "You need me," he suddenly said in a caring and understanding tone. He did this a lot. The manipulation he always knew that I was weak for it. But not this time. This would be the last time I hear his voice. I prayed and prayed every night, that another day, I'd have the guts to leave him.

He forcefully grabbed my arm, pausing me temporarily from packing. "Please baby," he whined. His voice indicated he was about to cry, but I couldn't care less in the moment. I yanked my arm away from him and continued to stuff anything I could into my suitcase. tears started to form at the corners of my eyes. I didn't understand why— other than I was scared. Scared to death that he was actually going to kill me. I couldn't even believe I was dong this right now, in front of him.

I zipped up the suitcase and put it on the ground. He blocked the door and crossed his arms.

"I knoww it's hard, but just give me another chance! I promise you, I can change. I will for you. You are the best thing that has happened to me, Calliope." My breath hitched as he called me by my full name, rather than my nickname.

"Jonathan, get out of the way," I threatened. I got ready to punch him, ram into him, or anything in self defense. To my surprise, however, he calmly moved out of the way. I took this chance and bolted to the door. I needed to make my flight. If I didn't, this would've all been for nothing.

I was right next to him in the door frame, and he whispered something. It as incoherent, and I barely cared enough to even listen. I opened the front door, slamming it closed once I was outside. the cold air blew onto my hot, flustered body. I made sure not to waste any time and went to my car. I threw the suitcase in the backseat and went into the drivers seat.

Once I locked the car, I finally took my first breath of the night. I glanced up and saw him looking out the front window. I turned on the car engine and backed out of the driveway. I memorized the route to the airport previously. I made it part of my 'escape' plan, in case I didn't have a GPS or didn't have enough time to pull it up.

I pressed on the gas pedal, hard, and made my way to the airport as fast as possible. The lights flashing past me only made me dizzier, and more scared.

It was after 30 minutes I made it to the airport. Only then, it dawned on me I needed somewhere to go. I thought of everyone I knew from Florida. There was Arizona, but she still lived with her parents. Running out of options, I could only think of one other person. Jake. He had his own house, we were close friends, he wouldn't mind.

My hands raced to grab ahold of my phone, quickly unlocking it to click on Jake's contact. I called him, even though he was probably asleep. I put my phone up to my ear and listened to the tone.

𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜... 𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜... 𝙧𝙞-

I heard the dial tone stop, and listened to the familiar voice on the other end.

"Hello? Callie? Are you okay?" he interrogated. I never called him without texting first, so he was rightfully worried in a way.

"I'm fine. I'm coming to florida," I let out quickly. Too quickly maybe. I hoped that he picked up what I put down without my having to actually ask.

"What?! Why?" he continued to ask. I didn't want to tell him the details of my relationship, why I was leaving.

"I- nothing. I just need a place to stay. And someone to pick me up from the airport. I'm there in 6-7 hours give or take," after the last word was said, I held my breath, scared of his response.

"You want to stay with me?" he said, sounding obviously dumbfounded.

"You were the first person I thought of," I lied. I just needed him to believe it so I had somewhere I could be and feel safe. It wasn't a complete lie either- he was the third person I thought of. That's close enough.

"Oh. Well, sure. I'll.. come and pick you up," I could tell he was tired. It was then I felt bad for asking all of a sudden, guilt washing over me like that.

"Thank you Jake. I owe you so much. I'm going to the airport now. I'll see you soon." I waited for his goodbye and then hung up. I took a deep breath and then opened my door. I stepped out into the cold air once again. I grabbed my suitcase from the backseat and rolled it with me inside.

Airport security was hell. It was hard to get through with the lines so long and dreadful. I was scared half to death I wouldn't make my flight, and this would all go to trash. Thankfully, I did make it through and onto my seat on the plane. It was a window seat, which was my favorite. I smiled and leaned back, feeling safe for one of the first times in years. I didn't have Jonathan hovering over me. I didn't have anyone. It felt amazing. I could do anything I wanted, anything I've wanted to do for years.

I looked out the window and saw the ground very far down, even though we weren't in the air yet. There was an announcement just then, informing everyone on the aircraft to put on their seat belts. I fastened one on myself, and tried to sleep. The adrenaline in my body wouldn't allow me too, however, just letting me close my eyes and think. I fantasized about what my new life would be like. Perfect, fancy, everything I've ever wanted.

A couple hours into the flight, I finally felt a wave of tiredness wave over me. I let it take over. My mind shut off, and I was only left to dream.

𝘴𝘵☆𝘳𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘳 (𝘢𝘭𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘴𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘧 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳)Where stories live. Discover now