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Mafia au 

Top : Regie 

Bottom : Kane 

( In this story Kane is a intersex so he has a pussy 😊. )


Kane's POV : 


It's been hours since I've been kidnapped because of my mom's bullshit, "When will this nightmare end?" I ask myself.

I'd try to free myself from the chains for the 11th time but as usual I failed again, and again, and again.

"SHIT!" I'd kick my feet in frustration 

I felt as if I was going to go crazy the longer I was kept in this dark room. I could feel stares and I hoped it was just my imagination kicking in.

I'd throw my head back to the wall sighing, I was starting to accept my fate then the door swings open. A person standing the doorway.

 "Was I finally being saved?? Did my mom call the cops for me??" Thoughts running through my head.

"What a pretty surprise."

But no.

"Seems you've been so lonely.." ?? say smiling, unbuttoning his shirt 

"What the hell are you talking about?" I'd ask

 He'd only walked  closer not responding only staring at me. I felt my face getting red as he continued to stare me down. 

I must say, he is really ripped. 

"I remember you." ?? smiled

"How?" I asked

"Your that bastard of women's son aren't you?" ??  asked laughing (THIS IS NOT TOWARDS KANES REAL MOM. SHE IS VERY HOT.)

"I'm ashamed to say yes." I grumbled

"Then I'll make a great puppy out of you." ?? say grabbing me by my hair 

I grunted, looking up at him only feeling humiliated. 

"Your hair looks even better with my hands in it." ?? chuckled

I continued to look up at him as he caressed my bottom lip with his thumb.

"Quit eye fucking me." I mumbled, breaking eye contact with him

"What was what?" ?? asked

"Nothing." I replied

"Don't fucking lie to me." He'd growl, his eyes darkening

"I said quit eye fucking me." I retaliated 

He'd let go of my hair as he hovered over me. I never realized how big he looked compared to me.

"I should punish you for being disobedient and rude." He glared

"What am I? Your son?" I scoffed

"Even better. My sub." He replied

My eyes widen. "Sub? And just who do you think I am?".

"A bitch who wants nothing more but to be fucked relentlessly by their dom." He replied, slowly making his way up my shirt and bra, rubbing my left nipple

"Huh? Boobs? Aren't you a boy?" He was confused

"I'm i-intersex.." I replied breathlessly

"Your just full of surprises, already feeling it?" He smirked

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