496 6 7

Top : Bae

Bottom : Kane

* I wanted to try something new (again). *

* Warning !! - Stretching, -Public humiliation, -Live broadcasting, -Choking, -Ropes, -Drugged Sex, -Praise & Belittling*

* I got lazy, and didn't wanna make a cover for this one sorry *

If you don't want to read about any of these, please click off now.

You have been warned.


Author's POV :

Kane woke up in a cold room, his wrists bound together and a blindfold that blocked his vision.

"What the hell.. what is going on? Where am I?!" His mind swirled in confusion.

He could hear somebody setting something up and little chuckles that he could easily recognize. "Bae?!"

He asked hoping for a response.

Kane panted heavily as Bae slowly walked up to him, grabbing him by his chin.

"So beautiful." Bae smiled

"What are you doing.. let me go!" Kane yelled

But Bae wouldn't listen and force fed Kane two "Viagra" pills, pouring in some water after.

Kane refused to drink it, so Bae stuck two fingers in his mouth.

Leaving Kane no choice but to drink it.

"Good baby.." Bae praised

It took some time for the pills to take effect, and when they did Kane was as stiff as a rock.

" You look so pretty like this.. " Bae chuckled like a lunatic

Kane couldn't even understand what Bae was talking about, his mind was in a blur.

It would take Bae some time, but Bae put Kane into the doggy position after putting a up fight with him.

" Still fighting, even though your hard as a rock and sensitive to touch. " Bae grinned

" Now let the fun begin.. " Bae laughed as he began his live stream

Bae was shocked at how many were joining at once, eager to see a new toy to break.

" Hi everyone, as you can see this live stream will be a little bit different. " Bae said caressing Kane's ass

" Please welcome my special guest, Kane Ratan! " Bae happily cheered

The Chat :

BigD144 : HOT !!! 🔥

Kitten34nya : Fuck him in that pink tight hole !! <3

Gaylord69 : He's so cute, LETS BREAK HIM !!

Princessxsxx : Does it squirt or cream ?? I'm dying to know !!

user39910 : Fuck him senseless !!

UWUGIRLXC Donated $10,000

Lifesucks2 Gifted A Dildo !

" Seems they love you already, Let's give them what they want. Yeah? " Bae hummed grabbing a black dildo

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