four. a stupid barn

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"CAN YOU STOP following me already?" Maisie tried walking away from Shane as fast as possible, but he wouldn't give up. Reaper even ran away to Daryl because he was tired of Shane. Why Daryl, anyway?

"Listen," Maisie turned around causing Shane to stop in his tracks, she was done so she was just gonna say what was on her mind, "That kiss was a mistake. I don't like you. Actually, I hate you, now stop following me. Go screw Lori or somethin'." Maisie muttered her last sentence out of annoyance, she didn't even realize what she said until Shane pointed it out.

"The hell did ya just say to me?" Shane grabbed Maisie by her shoulder and forced her to face him, the woman backed away in slight fear. His eyes changed so quickly that Maisie didn't even know if he was faking his emotions or not.

She decided to stay strong, he couldn't do anything in front of the others, right? "You heard me." Maisie looked away just to see absolutely no one was around. She started to quickly walk away again, to the front of the farmhouse where everyone else was.

"Nah, I didn't. Repeat it." He growled, Maisie sped up her steps, hoping to get away from him. She needed to see the others, she didn't know what Shane was like. How he was acting made her look back to the time she kissed him, man did she regret it.

She didn't answer, she chose to keep walking. The light of day reached her eyes, the shade wasn't covering her skin anymore. She saw the group outside eating breakfast. That reminded her about the breakfast Maggie was probably cooking right now, but she didn't want to bring Shane into the farmhouse.

"Answer me, dammit!" Shane harshly grabbed Maisie's wrist and forced her to turn around again, she instead just snatched her wrist out of his hand and pushed him back a few steps before walking away.

She looked up from the ground and saw Daryl holding his crossbow strap with Reaper by his side. She rolled her eyes at the sight, her dog was slowly becoming his and she hated it. Maybe because she hated Daryl because if it was anyone else, she wouldn't care. As long as they treated Reaper right.

Daryl made eye contact with her before walking away, whistling for Reaper who stood up and started running towards Maisie. Reaper almost tackled her to the ground, sniffling her scent and licking her wrist which had a mark on it. Maisie widened her eyes at the mark, she didn't even realize it was there. She was going to try and stay away from Shane for as long as possible.

"Got a replacement for me or what?" Maisie petted her dog's head, the dog just panting in response. She smiled, she loved this dog so much. "What do you see in that dirty guy, anyway? Huh?"

When the dogs just barked twice, Maisie stood up and started walking in the opposite direction of Shane, which was towards the farmhouse. Shane was going towards the barn, everyone seemed a bit more cautious for some reason. Maisie was always the last to know why.

She walked up the steps and saw Maggie who was standing on the porch, she looked worried. She was staring at the others, their camp was further away from the Greene's. Reaper whined which caused Maggie to snap out of her gaze and look at Maisie, she put on one of her fake reassuring smiles.

"Somethin' on your mind?" Maisie asks, walking over to Maggie and sitting on the rocking chair beside her. Maggie sighed, she knew she couldn't lie to her best friend. Her sister.

"It's a long story-"

"I got all the time in the world." Maisie interrupted.

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