Link didn't flinch as Myra sat down beside him, keeping his eyes locked on the river, deep in thought.
Why couldn't he remember anything? All he wanted to know was who he was and who made him the person he is. He clearly has had some kind of training. He was able to climb up that tower and face all those Bokobolins before. Holding a sword didn't feel unfamiliar.
Actually, it was such a reassuring feeling, holding a sword.
He was strong. He was a fighter.
But why? Why did he become a fighter all those years ago? Just because he's The Chosen One, like the King said? Apparently he was Zelda's knight, but why?
What made him so special?
"I made you a plate." Myra held out a rather large plate, almost overflowing with food. "You seem like you're hungry."
Link's eyes lit up and took the plate, immediately digging in, all worries disappearing. He had helped Myra prepare the food in her house, but he had restrained himself from tasting any of the food in the process. Myra knew her way with the food and the entire place smelled delicious.
And now he was given a platter of that delicious looking and smelling food.
Link dug in immediately, Myra smiling in amusement. Both times she offered him food, he was filled with excitement and energy. She wanted to speak to him some more, but with him busy eating, his hands weren't free for communication.
Link laid down in the grass after he finished eating, letting out a sigh, resting his hands on his stomach. Myra giggled softly and turned towards him, still sitting in the grass. "Can I ask you some questions, Link?"
Link's eyes left the sky, looking at her instead, giving her a nod.
"Where did you travel from?"
"A cave."
Myra blinked, frowning softly. "I think I read wrong-"
"I came from a cave." Link sat up with a small sigh. "I almost died 100 years ago and I was put in a Shrine of Resurrection and now I'm healed 100 years later."
Myra stared at him with wide eyes, shocked at the information and his absolute bluntness.
"The dead King told me that." Link signed, telling her everything he knew. "I have no memories from the event because of the Resurrection. But the King said I have to save his daughter, Princess Zelda, because I was her knight."
"Princess Zelda is alive?" Myra whispered, bringing a hand to her mouth.
Link nodded and pointed to the castle to their left. "She's holding off Ganon. I need to get to Kakariko village and speak to Impa for further directions."
"I know Kakariko village!" Myra perked up. "I can take you there! I know Impa too! I used to visit there all the time with my family."
Link hesitated, chewing on his lip, remembering what Ember said. "It's too dangerous." Link signed, watching his hands tremble.
God, yesterday was... something. He wakes up in a cave, practically naked, and is met with an entire world he doesn't remember. Then some old man sends him to some shrines with his Sheikah Slate after he activated the towers? Link was still confused about that, but there were towers and shrines across this land that he was supposed to go to.
The man turned out to be a ghost, because that's a normal thing Link assumed. Not just any ghost, but the King that Link served under. Zelda's father. And Link has an entire responsibility to save Zelda but...
But he has nothing.
He has no strategy, no memories, and no confidence to go save her. He felt weak. He knew something was missing, more than just his memory. His old self was missing.