Chapter 01: First Meeting

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hello lovelies,
enjoy the part. i will post once or sometimes twice a week. hope you like it💕

Folow me on Instagram For Update& spoiler :-  Anshi_.writer

Third Person Pov:-

It's such a lovely morning ☀️, but our little sleeping beauty 😴 seems to be enjoying her slumber(sleep) a bit too much! Her mother 👩‍👧 is getting a bit tired of having to wake her up every day. ⏰....

"I am tired of waking her up. Can you please wake your lovely daughter?"Her Mother Said In anger

How about we let her sleep a little longer? her Father said in defend of his lovely Daughter

"Feel free to do whatever you think is best. You are the one who is responsible for her Childish behavior." Shaanjh's Mother said being Frustrated

**(Author MSg:- It's daily routine of Shaanjh's Family)**

Wakeup Beta else you will get late" Shaanjh's F said while trying to wake her up

 let me sleep dadda. just 5 minute😫" Shaanjh Plead in sleepy Voice(5 min= 30 min)

 no more 5 minute. Wake up beta" He again Said

hmm.. I'm awake.😕" She said while closing her eyes

 NO..NO..stand up fastt betaa.. I'm getting late already" He said while make her sit on bed  

 uff.. ok...look i'm awake" She said being irritated

Go and freshen up Fast" He ordered

After some time:-

 umm..papa.. i need to ask you somethingg 🙃Shaanjh said in extra sweet tone

 hmm..boloo" Shaanjh's F replied Being busy
                      (hmm.. tell)
 vo... vo maii...🙃" She said while fidgeting her finger
beta plz tell me fast...?" HE said in frustration

 haann.. vo I'm asking as my exams completed. I want to go out with vaishu(S's bst frnd)" She said in one breath

 ok.. "Who else is with you?"👀" He inquired like typical indian father

 No one just two of uss.. plzz papaa" She answered happily

ok...chle make sure koi dikaat na ho..and inform me if there is some..." He said in casual tone.
                     (okayy.. you can go.. but make sure don't have any problem)

Okayyy...sure i won't be clumpsy and be careful.😅😁" She almost shout in excitement

Okayy anything elsee??" S's father

umm.. loveee youuuu pappaa🥳🥳🥳" this time She shout at the pitch of her voice

 spoil as much as you can"S's Mother(typical indian mother symtoms)

ohhoo.. Let her also enjoyyy"S's Father said in favour as always

hehehe😗😗" She Laughed in teasing tone

 If you both are done.. shaanjh complete household work and study. We are leaving for office" S's Mother said being tired from father Daughter duo

( her both parents are working)


The whole staff is in fear looking at her angry boss. He is scolding staff for their mistakes as he hates clumsy people.

"May I kindly request a through explanation, please?" Keshav shouted loudly

 Sir... voo.... m..maii" An employee fumbled i fear

whatt vo..vooo... mr.sharma??"Keshav Said in anger( he hate clumsy people)

Sir i'm sorryy..."Mr. sharma said while trembling in fear

What do i do of your fucking sorryy??just because of you carelessness we didn't get such an important deal"Keshav said in usual cold tone with spice of anger

sir..vo.." Mr.sharma again stammered

 No more discussion....take your termination letter from my table" Keshav said in firmly
               : everyone go back to your work and remember one things i hate those people who                               makes mistake

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