Chapter-9:New Journey of love❤️

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After Two week:-

Keshav's POV:- I woke up in the morning....Since a week, Shaanjh came to meet me daily, Takes care for me.. I don't know if she feels something for me or not.. I just know one thing.. I am nothing withour her... My soul belong to her.. She Owns my heart... She is the one who make me believe in love.. but i am never going to confess my feeling... I don't want to ruin our friendship for my desires... Vihaan is handling office and some other works also.. I am recovered but maa doesn't allow me to work...
She is very possessive for me... 

K's Mom: Ohh... You are already awake...Happy Birthday Beta.. May kanha ji bless you with lot of happiness..

Keshav: Thanks Maa

K's Mom: Go greshen up.. And come downstairs for Breakfast...

Keshav: Maa....

K's Mom: Shaanjh is not here yet..

Keshav: No..No.. I am asking about something else...

K's Mom: Oh..About what?( In teasing tone)

Keshav: Nothinggggg...

K's Mom: Laugh At his attics... I know everything.. My dear son...

Keshav: Yeah..Yeahh,...

K's Mom: So, when are you confessing your feeling to her??

Keshav: Never

K's Mom: Means

Keshav: I don't want to force her 

K's Mom: Take your time Beta....

Keshav: Yes Maa..

****Keshav got a call And K's mom gave him a teasing look by walking outside****

Keshav: Where are you? You are late?

Shaanjh: ummm..I am sorry.. I am not able to come today.. I have some important work... Bye see you soon...

Keshav in mind: She Forget about my birthday?? Maybe she is busy now.. ..

Shaanjh in mind: I am sorry... But i am planning something for you.. Keshav...
                  :happy birthday..May kanha ji bless you

Song On this:-

At evening:-

Keshav Got a call form unknown Number:- If you want to see her alive... Come to *** Garden in 30 minutes...

Keshav: Who the hell are you??? (phone cuts)

Keshav in mind: A new problem..Ugggghh... If something happens to her.. whoever you are... you have face my darkest side...

***Keshav carries his gun and call Vihaan To send whole team of bodyguards..****

Keshav: I don't know Who don't love his life... 

***Keshav reachs garden fuming in anger***

Keshav Pov:- I was fumming in anger ... But suddenly i witness a beautiful decoration... very peaceful environment.... And My heart stop beating when  saw her wearing a black saree.. Backless blouse.. Open Hairs.... minimum makeup... i feel numb.. I don't know where my anger disappear just by watching her..Now i understand whole scenario... but in an instant a whole group of bodyguard came with Guns in thier hands.. Fuckkk.

Shaanjh Pov:- I am hella nervous.. I used a cheap plan to bring him here.. And the owner of this beautiful Idea is my dearest best friends.. i saw him fuming in anger.. But that sudden change in his reaction makes me blush hard.. He was scanning my whole body.. His eyes have different type of spark..I don't know how I am going to confess my feeling.. But suddenly..I whole group of bodyguard came with gun in their hands.. running toward keshav.. Firstly i got scared..
Then i realize.. I fucked up by this stupid plan...

Shaanjh Outfit:-

Shaanjh Outfit:-

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