Special Part 2: Epilogue

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Fon's hands shook as she reached for her phone, dialing emergency services with trembling fingers. "Please, hurry," she whispered urgently into the phone, her voice thick with emotion. "My fiancée needs help."

As she waited for help to arrive, Fon stayed by Khongkwan's side, her heart heavy with worry. She brushed Khongkwan's hair back from her forehead, murmuring words of reassurance as she prayed for her beloved's recovery.

As the ambulance pulled up to the resort, Fon's heart raced with anxiety. She watched in anguish as the paramedics rushed towards them, their urgent movements a stark contrast to the serene surroundings of the resort.

"Fon, please stay calm," one of the paramedics said gently as they approached. Fon nodded, her eyes filled with tears as she followed them to where Khongkwan lay.

With gentle efficiency, the paramedics lifted Khongkwan onto a stretcher and began assessing her condition. Fon stood by, her hands clasped tightly together as she watched, her heart aching with fear.

"I'll come with you," Fon said, her voice trembling, as the paramedics prepared to transport Khongkwan to the ambulance. She climbed in beside her beloved fiancée, her eyes never leaving Khongkwan's pale face.

As the ambulance doors closed behind them, Fon reached out to hold Khongkwan's hand, her tears falling unchecked now. "Hang in there, my love," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I'll be right here with you."

As Fon sat anxiously in the hospital waiting room, her mind raced with worry for Khongkwan. When the doctor finally emerged from the examination room, Fon stood up, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Is she going to be okay?" Fon asked, her voice trembling with fear.

The doctor sighed, his expression grave. "I'm afraid Khongkwan has suffered a head trauma," he explained gently. "We need to run some tests to determine the extent of the injury."

Fon's heart sank at the news. "But how did this happen?" she asked, her mind racing as she tried to think back to any recent incidents.

The doctor furrowed his brow, studying Fon carefully. "Has Khongkwan experienced any falls or accidents recently?" he inquired.

Fon shook her head, her brow furrowed in confusion. "Not that I can remember," she replied, her voice filled with concern. "But there was an accident a year ago... a car crash."

The doctor's expression softened as he listened. "That could be the cause," he said gently. "Head injuries can sometimes have delayed effects. We'll need to perform some scans to assess the damage."

Fon nodded, her heart heavy with worry. She could only hope and pray that Khongkwan would be okay.

As the hours dragged on, Fon's anxiety only grew, her thoughts consumed by Khongkwan's condition. When the doctor approached her with the news that Khongkwan needed head surgery and a family member had to sign the waiver, Fon's heart sank.

"But I'm her fiancée," Fon protested, her voice trembling with emotion. "I should be able to sign it."

The doctor shook his head sympathetically. "I'm sorry, but according to hospital policy, only immediate family members are allowed to sign such waivers," he explained gently.

Fon felt a surge of frustration and helplessness. She had no immediate family in the area, and Khongkwan's family was unreachable. Desperate for a solution, she pleaded with the doctor to make an exception, but he remained firm.

Feeling utterly defeated, Fon sank into a chair, tears welling up in her eyes. She couldn't bear the thought of losing Khongkwan, but she was powerless to help her.

As she sat in the hospital waiting room, praying for a miracle, Fon's heart ached with fear and uncertainty. All she could do now was wait and hope that Khongkwan would pull through.

Fon's heart raced as she dialed Khongkwan's grandmother's number, knowing that she had no other choice but to ask for her help. When Grandma arrived at the hospital, Fon pleaded with her to sign the waiver for Khongkwan's surgery.

Grandma's eyes bore into Fon's, her expression stern and unwavering. "I'll sign it on one condition," she said, her voice firm.

Fon's stomach twisted with apprehension. "What condition?"

"You must promise to leave Khongkwan," Grandma replied, her tone resolute. "For good."

Fon's breath caught in her throat. The thought of leaving Khongkwan tore at her heart, but she knew that saving Khongkwan's life was paramount. With tears streaming down her face, Fon nodded. "I promise. Just please, save her."

Grandma's gaze softened, and she reached out to embrace Fon. "I'll do everything in my power to help Khongkwan," she said softly. "But you must keep your promise."

Fon nodded again, her resolve steeling. "I will," she whispered.

With a heavy heart, Fon watched as Grandma signed the waiver, sealing her fate and Khongkwan's. As Khongkwan was wheeled into surgery, Fon prayed for her recovery, knowing that she had made the ultimate sacrifice for the woman she loved.


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