Chapter Three: Over a cup of Coffee

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Khongkwan rushed to the building's rooftop to catch her breath and clear her mind after unexpectedly encountering Fon in the same building without recognizing her.

"Why? Why didn't she recognize me? How come she asked me why I know her? What's happening? Is she pranking me?" All these questions raced through Khongkwan's head, leaving her super confused about what she had just witnessed.

"But one thing is for sure. She is Fon. I am sure it was her. She has already returned. She is here," Khongkwan whispered to herself, convincing herself that the person she saw earlier was indeed Fon, and she hadn't mistaken her for someone else.

She finished the day as normally as possible, determined not to let the earlier incident fill her head and distract her from her daily tasks at the office.

As soon as she finished all her office deliverables, she hurried to find Sky, who also worked in the same company. She invited him for a coffee, eager to share the thoughts that had been weighing on her mind since earlier that morning.

"Take a deep breath, KhongKwan," Sky said, calming his friend after she finished her confession. "Let's try to make sense of what happened together."

"So she was here? What was she doing here?" He asked.

"Yes, she was here. How many times should I repeat myself" KhongKwan affirmed to Sky irritably. "I wish I knew what she was doing here. It's all a bit confusing and unexpected." She sighed, still trying to process the encounter herself.

"But I saw her ID hanging around her neck. She is also working here, at Diversity" KhongKwan affirming what she saw.

Sky's eyes widened in surprise at her revelation. "She was working with Diversity? That's strange. I had no idea," he replied, Khongkwan's mind racing with questions about Fon's sudden reappearance and her connection to the company "Diversity".

Sky playfully inquired of Khongkwan, "What's our next move? Should I go through each department to see if Fon is on duty?"

"Given the small size of this building, it's entirely possible that I'll run into her again at some point," Khongkwan replied absentmindedly, ignoring Sky's bullying retort.

Sky, who enjoys teasing the easily angered KhongKwan, persists in posing nonsensical questions to gauge her ability to remain composed.

"How about this, I'll instruct the guards to detain Fon upon her arrival at the building, ensuring she doesn't enter until you arrive." Leaning more towards to her preparing to disclose for something bigger.

"And when you enter and approach her, Fon gazes at you, and the world around her seems to slow down. Your smooth, flowing hair bounces in sync with your every step."

"Your gaze will lock, exchanging a longing stare, as if your eyes were conveying, 'Fon, I've missed you deeply. And her eyes will respond, 'I missed you too, so much.'" The sky continues its fantasy of the two reuniting, with a subtle smirk.

"Sky, I'm too busy to indulge in your fantasies."

"Seriously though, why did you let that opportunity slip by? It's Fon... Why didn't you inquire about what happened?" Sky's curiosity was evident.

"I got scared."

"Of what??"

KhongKwan takes a sip of her coffee and admits, "I was afraid to find out her reasons. I was scared that she didn't recognize me."

"So, how do we confirm now? We've lost her again."

"I told you, Sky. She's working here," she reminded Sky.

"I wish I could run into her too, just to confirm whether she doesn't recognize me as well, or if it's just you," he replied.

"Whatever, Sky."l,

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