~1~ Stupid Asshole

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Your family moved to a town named South Park. That means you also had to go to new school witch made you kinda nervous, but you also had some hope to finaly make some new real friends there so you tried to stay positive about it, even tho it was bit dificult.

First day was nothing special; for you at least. When you walked into your classroom for the first time, you sat to the desk that was back at the end of the classroom. It was empty so you were sitting alone and you liked that because even tho you didnt had any neighbor who could be your potential friend, you liked your space and peace. What disturbed your space and peace tho was a group of popular boys sitting right on your left in the middle row. As days were passing, you noticed things starting to annoy you even more and getting worse. They were Always laughing about something and their stupid jokes, throwing stuff at eachoters and sometimes even bully some younger kids from the school.

One day, you were sitting in class, listening to music, your favourite band radiohead ofcorse, school were giving fruits to each student in every class like every month. Since you didnt like the food they were giving in school, you didnt take the probably even rotten pineapple and kept listening to music while being on your phone, but suddenly, big juicy peace of pineapple hits your headphones really hard. It did hit them so hard that it made theme fell on the ground and break. You didnt even had to look up and know exackly it were the boys job. This wasn't the first time when something like this happened, but this was too much, they broke YOUR headphones! This was it! The frustration in you starts to grew up more than ever in a long time.

You quickly picked up your headphones and shouted at them. "Hay!! Idiots, are you shitting me?! Do you even know you broke my fucking headphones??"
You said.. no, you practicly shouted while holding your broken and sticky headphones from the pineapple.
One of them, a tall ginger boy looked at you as his laughing from another joke his friends told him was slowly dying. You knew his name was Scott, because you heard his friends calling his name.
"Oh hehe, what was that, Shorty?"
Him and his friends imidietly laughs again as he called you that, witch made you even angrier.
"I said You broke my headphones, dumbass!"
You said frustrated.
He and his friends laughs at you again, but this time less honestly and more mockingly, definitly also because of the insults you gave him.
"Oh really? Well, if so, why dont you go shut your headphones up your ass and leave us alone, huh?"
Scott laughed again, but this time you lost all your patient and throwed the broken headphones right in his piggy nose. It felt good to see him hurt and his nose bleeding after they all had made fun of you, but you quickly regret doing it as he gave you the most hateful look.
"Heh..." But you still couldnt help and chuckled just a little bit.

"Oh, you think this is so funny kid, eh?"
He wiped the blood off his nose.
"No, you will regret ever meeting me, I'M gonna make sure of that"
After he said that in a hateful tone his friends grabed you and started dragging into boys restrooms with Scott following them and you, making sure no teacher is watching.
The bell rang when Scott shutted door behind him with you and his friends in the room still holding you. You tried to get away but unsuccessfully.
"What the hell are you doing!?" You said, panicking.
Scott chuckled as he was taking something out of his bag, not saying a word until one of his friends speaks.
"Wait dude, wont we get into too big troubles for this? My dad would kill me..." Scott laughs once again while holding a hair shaver in his right hand.
"Hehe, shut up man, we will be fine like aaaalwaayyys."
He said and turned on the hair shaver, putting it dangerously really close to your head.
You couldn't run since his friends were still holding you in place, and just the second when it looked like you would go bald you heard a knock on the door and teachers voice coming from behind it. He must have heard the hair shaver while passing by.

"Boys? What the hell are you doing there? Shouldn't you be in class by now??"
The teacher speaked with a stern voice as he knocked again.
Scott imidietly galanced away from the door and look you dead in the eyes and whispered.
"If you say anything you are fucking dead." Scott threated. You were too nervous, so you nodded.
His friends then answered the teacher and you all walked out of the restrooms. The teachers face goes pale as he saw there was a girl (you) with them.
He imidietly frowned. You all get a remark and went home after the school.

You felt angry and upset at the same time on your way home. You got remark for doing NOTHING, broken headphones plus he almost shaved your head! You felt nervous, not just when thinking about telling someone about this, but also because you knew you have to go to school tomorow and spent 6 hours right next to those guys, expecialy Scott.

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