~2~ Revenge?

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The next day at school felt odd and awkward. Even Scott with his friends didnt act like they usually did and how you knew them. Probably because his friend was mad at him for getting into the troubles. But nothing unexpexted happened, only few hateful glares from Scott did. You hate him as well for what he did.

You survived the day without your headphones and starts packing your stuff, getting ready to leave. On you way out of the school tho, you saw a small fat kid absolutly raging about something or someone. He was mumbling to him self and insulting someone?
You just ignored him even tho is was weird, but then you head him saying that name "Scott".
Now that made you enough curious to walk to him and ask him.

"Hey kid, um.. is everything alright?" You said. "Don't call me kid you bitch!" He shouted.
"Whoah, my bad.. calm down"
He kept mumbling to him self and insulting Scott. It was little funny.
"Yeah, Scott is a quiet an idiot, he broke my headphones"
He imidietly looked at you and stares at you for a good few seconds.
"Yeaaah..." He smirked. "You hate him as well?"
You looked at him and nod.
"Yes, but why do *you*?" He frowns like a little kid and starts insulting again.
"Because he makes fun of me all the time, and i am tired of it! But i have a plan... But i need your help."

"What plan?"

"The police has suspicion that kids are taking drugs in the school, and from what i know, they will arrive on Thursday and search through students bags... So, i need you to buy drugs so i can put it into his bag while hes not looking so when the police find it, he will get kicked out of the school or even go to jail!"

You stare at him, thinking. It could actually work.
"And what exackly do you need my help for?" You asked.

"I dont have money, so i need you to buy them" He laughed mischievously. You didnt had as much money as him as well, but you had just enough to buy them.
"I see i see but... Where do i even buy the drugs?"
You asked and he smirked and said.
"Oh i know someone who will definitly sell you some, hehe"

It was about 7 pm and you knocked on a door of a house where Cartman sent you. An old men with a black mustache opened the door and look down at you.
"Stan is not at home, sorry" He yawned.

"Oh um i.. im not here for a .. Stan, heh.. you are Randy.. right?"
You said and stared at him awkwardly.
"Oh yeah, how do you know my name? And why are you here than?" He raised his single eyebrow half asleep.

"Do you sell weed?" You asked with quiet awkward smile. He was bit surprised how did you know he sell some.
"Im not selling weed to children, sorry kid-" You showed him the money.
"... Alright, but dont tell anyone." He mumbled before he gestured you to go inside the house. When you enter his house, you followed him behind into his livingroom and damn... That ass? Anyways. He gave you the drugs and everything looked like its going to go smoothly.

The next day you gave the weed to Cartman, and all you could do now is wait. Wait for him to give the weed in his backpack, wait to see his face when they will find drugs in his bag, wait for the revenge! This was looking too good to be true. You didnt even think about the potential troubles it could get you in if the police would find out you bought the drugs. You just wanted him to suffer so you really didnt think about it now, you really hated him at this point.

Now, the day had come, and you were just waiting and sitting impatiently in your seat, tapping your feet on the ground and waiting for the searching. Scott looked too confidently, only if he knew Cartman put drugs in his bag. "Hehe" You couldnt help and chuckled on that thought.

The police finaly arrived to school. You were feeling delighted and almost exited, but that feeling quickly disappeared when the police left your classroom without finding any drugs.
"What the fuck..." You whispered. Something was wrong, why didnt they find them?? Someone messed up and it definitly was NOT the police officers.

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