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Chay: It has been one week since p'kim sent that stupid video of himself singing.  I still haven't responded as I'm trying my God damn fucking hardest to get over him. I need to figure out how.

I have been thinking of a few things to do to try to get him to back off. Maybe I should start sleeping around? Get a boyfriend? Fuck Macau? Okay, I'm joking. But it's not a bad Idea.. just kidding.

I was brain-storming some more idea's and then my soul suddenly left my goddamn body when i heard a knock on my door. I answered and just at the right time, Macau appeared.

Macau: "FUCK HIM."

Chay: "I would love to."

Macau: "porchay."

Chay: "I know, I know.. I'm kidding."

Macau: "porchay..

Chay: "yea?"

Macau: "I think I know why kim left you."

Chay: "huh?.."

Macau: "i overheard kinn and kim talking and.. "

Chay: "And?.."

Macau: "they were talking about you"

Chay: "okay?...and.."

Macau: "you really wanna know everything?"

Chay: "tell me everything."

Macau: "fine.."


Kim: "when arent you arguing with porsche??"  Kim said sarcastically.

Kinn: "kim. This is serious. Porsche was yelling to me about how you broke porchay's heart."

Kim: "..."

Kinn: "for fuck sake kim what the fuck happened between you and porchay"

Kim: "its private."

Kinn: " just tell me so i can Porsche not to kill you"

Kim: "fine but you asked for it, when I first saw porchay I was interested in him. After a while, I found out he was Porsche's brother. But that just made me want to keep being around porchay. So I stuck around and kept collecting information about Porsche from him. A while later when porchay came here for the first time tankhun showed porchay a picture of me, you, tankhun, and Pa. Porchay confronted me about being in the mafia and then he asked if I had ever loved him and.. then stuff happened and  it wasn't until after that I started to realise that I fucked up and lost porchay forever. I kept texting him.and calling trying to apologise but he just ignored me from then till now. I sent him a video of my me apologising a week ago but he hasn't responded.

Kinn: "fuck.."

Kim: "well thats everything. So if you excuse me i will be on my way now."


Macau: "so...that dosent really explain why kim left you, but it was definitely a mistake and kim regrets it and is trying to win you back."

Chay: "i wont let him win me back."

AUTHORS NOTE: sooooo sorry for a short chapter but since i dont go to in-person school I will have time to make chapters everyday. In fact.. I think I will make another chapter right after I publish this😝 also..  even tho I'm literally making stuff up in my head and just writing down I have ideas of what will happen in the next few chapters and.. spoiler alert i think it will only be 1-5 more chapters till kim "wins chay over" if yk what I mean😏😏😏

(smut) KimChay fanficWhere stories live. Discover now