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Heyyyyy guyss...🥰 so I'm SOOOOO sorry I have been MIA, nothing was actually happening in my life to blame it on other than me thinking about what to write about(for the next chapter and my new story). I know writing a new story even tho this one is on hiatus is a bad idea but I can't help myself plus I already started writing the first chapter of my 2nd ever fanfic which just so happens to be...VEGASPETE😍

Back to kimchay, I was on the toilet and I was thinking about ways to spice up the story, like what if someone or a few people walked in on Kim and chay doing the devils tango? Maybe a bodyguard walks in on them and kim kills them?? What if porsche, kinn, or tankhun walk in on them and that's how they found out Kim and chay are back together???.. I dont really know atm so PLEASEEE drop suggestions in the comments I will do exactly what you ask for bc I have NO clue what I'm doing lol.

-you're beloved author🩶🖤💙

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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