Chapter 3

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Lorenzo Berkshire

"Either you stop eating or I'll slap a tape on your mouth." I snap at Blaise who was chewing  so loudly with his mouth open.

"What's wrong, Berkshire? Woke up on the wrong side of the bed again?" He joked. Idiot. Can't even come up with something original.

I divert my gaze somewhere else, landing at her. She enters the great hall with Malfoy's sister and that awful looking boyfriend of hers. With his hand on her waist, while she giggled at every stupid thing he says. Typical. I clench my jaw, hating the fact that I can't tear my eyes away.

Every step she took had her locks bouncing up and down, oh, and trust me— that's not the only thing bouncing. Her chest was evident through her white button up, moving in sync every time she walked.

Bloody hell.

"I'll see you guys later." I dismissed at the group, standing up and heading to their direction.

Just as she was about to sit down, I stop at their table, earning weird stares from her friends, as well as the Ravenclaws.

"My, my, what do we have here?" The blonde one, Sage Malfoy, smirks, eyeing me with amusement.

"Morning, Malfoy. How's Ravenclaw treating you? Daddy still disappointed at your sorting deficiency?" I smirk back. Her face drops before she looks away, mumbling curse words.

I finally turn my attention to West. With no surprise, she was also staring at me, eyes filled with... fear? Was she scared that I was going to announce how I accidentally fucked her one summer night? I roll my eyes at the thought.

"I need to talk to you." I grumble.

She looks taken back. "W-What for?"

Her boyfriend pulls her in closer, giving me a glare. "Yeah, what for?" He repeats her words. I could feel myself nauseating just looking at him. God, do women even have standards anymore? I mean, look at him. He's ruining the reputation for brunettes.

"Easy, Carter. Your girlfriend and I have to discuss something about a project." I lie through my teeth.

He nudges her. "You never told me anything about a project."

West gives me a glare before turning back to him. "I must've forgot. I'm sure it won't take long." She pants him a kiss on the cheek before standing up to follow me.

Funny how she's kissing him with the same lips that kissed my tip.

I pull her in the abandoned bathroom, set near Snape's office before locking it shut. I stalk her direction, licking my lips as I roam my eyes over her body.

She slowly backs away, holding up a finger. "What are you trying to do here, Berkshire? I thought we already agreed to forget about it."

I smirk. "Oh, sweetheart, I never agreed on anything." I cage her between the sink, placing both hands on either side of her. I lean in closer. "Plus, watching your eyes quiver in fear while I'm close really turns me on." I whisper, my breath fanning her face.

"What do you want?" She breathes out.

I run my tongue over my lower lip before reaching out to move the strand of hair that was covering her neck. She slaps my hand away to which I scowl. "Do that again, I dare you." I lowly taunt, making her gulp.

I slowly trace my fingers on her collarbone, allowing a soft gasp to escape her lips. God, those lips. I move my hand lower, reaching her breasts. I circle the part where her nipple was, teasing it ever so gently through her thin bra and the button up. As expected, another noise comes out from those pretty pink lips, making me smirk in satisfaction.

"Did you wake up this morning and thought, ah, maybe I should dress up like a slut?" I lowly ask.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about."

I chuckle in amusement. "Is that so? Then what the hell is up with this top?" I pull the collar of the button up, inching her face closer to mine.

"It's a uniform, Berkshire! Every other girl is wearing them."

"I can see your fucking tits bouncing from a mile difference. Either you change or I'll-"

"You'll what?" She challenges, raising her brows.

I lean closer, moving my lips near her ears. "I'll make sure you won't be able to wear anything other than a turtleneck for a whole month."


short chapter. mb gang. it's only been three chapters and I'm already losing ideas. #worstwritertoeverexist.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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