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Jisung's phone beams with messages from his friends and he doesn't dare to pick it up. Regrets is all he is on. Reget on agreeing on going to this party which is held by he-doesnt-know-who.

His friends always asks him if he could tag along and knowing jisung, they expect a no each time but the bad mood he was in made him shout a yes instead of a no. Now he is too much of a chicken to cancel on them.

Now he has to get his ass up and get ready cause his friends are already on their way and will be at jisung's house at 8pm and it's just 15 minutes away from it.

He let's out a big sigh and proceeds to get up from his bed and towards his clothes closet. He picks a red and black sweater top with holes with a purpose, with a purpose of showing some skin. He pairs it up with a black tight jeans.

He later throws in a black shirt below the sweater not liking the amount of skin showing, more like he thought it was a bold choice of clothes for his first party he is going to attend. He doesn't want any attention towards him in the slightest but he still wants to look good, for himself you could say.

He adds some accessories matching it, he goes with some silver ones. Dangling earrings, a ring on his right index finger and ring finger, lastly adding a thin necklace.

He finally picks up his phone to answer all the text he got from the group chat with his friends. Expecting the expected, they all thought he was going to bail on them and he doesn't blame them cause he was very much considering to do that.

He drops the phone on the table with the screen still on as he looks himself in the mirror taking in the mess above his head, his hair. he trys to look for a hairbrush but finding it not in his sight, he just goes with his hands as he brushs his hair with it. He sure pulls off some hair off with his sweaty palm but the result is probably the same, Just few hair lesser.

He glances down to his phone, eyeing the shocked message his friends send for his reply, except one so he's quick to know who will be driving. He let's a laugh out as he looks at the corner of his phone for the time, It's almost 8.

He soon hears one of his friends yell from outside his house, delivering the message like that, instead of shooting him a text. He takes the only one item he will be needing, his phone and makes his may to his loud friends waiting in the car.



this is in my draft for so long and I can't let it stay like that so publishing ittt

The start is gonna be slow i guess

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