Chapter 2

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"Rachel! Get out of the bathroom, I have to pee! " James screamed for the third time, banging and kicking the wooden bathroom door.

" No, I'm busy!" I called back.
I continued to apply mums lip stick onto my lips. The banging stopped, the door knob started jiggling. Oh no, someone's unlocking the door!

Just then Mum walked in closing the door behind her. A kind smile filled her face when she she saw me standing in front of the mirror. Her makeup bags open and various products lay on the counter. She smiled at my embarrassed face and took my hand and sat me on the closed lou seat and she kneeled in front of me.

"What have you done to your face Rachel? " she said rubbing her thumb over my blush covered cheeks.

" I wanted to look pretty like you do." I whispered not looking at my hands in my lap, not daring to make eye contact.

"Rae, your beautiful. You don't need to wear make-up. You're also only eleven years old darling, far to young for a face full of makeup. " her hand gentlyq lifted my chin until my eyes meet hers.

"But Mum, I look nothing like you or Dad. Everyone well know who I really am and hate me. I want to look like you " I couldn't help the tears falling down my cheeks. Mum and Dad have been honest  about where I came from all my life. Mum gently wiped them away with the pad of her thumb.

" You may not look like your Dad or I, but you are our daughter. Nothing well change that. No one well hate you. You are an amazing kind witch. You are a Potter at heart. You are not a Riddle Rachel. Your ancestors have done some terrible things. But Darling, the worst thing you have ever done is blame Lilly for the broken lamp." Mum reassured me. I gave her a sad smile.

"An honorary Potter' " I laughed, she laughed along with me. Her red hair bouncing up and down.

"Come now darling, lets gets that stuff off. Your going to be late for the train! "


"There they are! " James pointed at our cousins Rose and Hugo as the approached us on the platform. We've been walking around forever looking for them.

Mum and Dad greated Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione, giving the each a hug. The station was filled with witches and wizards all saying goodbye to loved ones and greeting new friends.

"Are you okay Rae?" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Teddy, his hair blue today. I love my family, but Teddy understood me the most, he to being an honorary Potter.

" Yeah, I'm just nervous." I  admitted shrugging  my shoulders.

Teddy placed a hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

" Don't be Rae, you well love Hogwarts! Its amazing! Don't worry about people judging you, they know nothing about you. No one will know unless you want them too. " He smiled at me then pulled me in for a bear hug, Or as I like to call them Teddy bear hugs.

" Thanks Teddy." I wrapped my arms around his tall frame.

" Rachel! " Rose cheery voice called as she ran towards me her red curly hair in high ponytail. She practically knocked me over with a giant hug.

I laughed along with her wrapping my arms around her tiny frame. Teddy wrapped his arms around the both of us and laughed.

"I'm so exited! " she said finally pulling away.  " I hope we are in the same house! " she squealed grabbing my hands tightly.

" I hope I am in anything but Hufflepuff! " Albus said coming up beside Rose giving her a side ways hug. I was about to reply when Mum called me over.

" Rachel, it's almost time for you to go " Mum said tucking my long brown hair behind my ear.

"Remember, you are a Potter. Not a Riddle. Do not let anyone tell you different. We Love you Rae " Dad said pulling me in for a hug, I hugged him back. Suddenly I was pulled away from his embarrass and pulled into Mums arms.

She let go just as the whistle blew, singling it was time to leave. I gave Mum and Dad one last hug and ran onto the train to find Albus, James and Rose. Finally the train started to move and we were in our way to Hogwarts.

I ran into an empty compartment and over to the window. Family's gathered on the platform waving goodbye to their children until they would meet again. Pressing my face against the glass scanning the crowd for my own family. I spotted them slightly to my left. Mum, Dad and Lilly had already spotted me and we're waving. Lilly jumping up and down. It would be two years until she would be on this train. I waved back at them until they were no longer in sight.

I sighed pulling myself off the window. I looked at my reflection in the glass. I am a short girl, born hair and blue eyes. Rather slim, but nothing special about me. Taking one last deep breath I grab the handle of my bag and leave the compartment to find a familiar face.

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