Chapter 3

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Walking down the long corridor pulling my bag behind me. I could hear laughed coming from each compartment I passed. Yet to find anyone I knew. There was  absolutely no way I was sitting with strangers. Unlike my siblings I am shy and socially awkward. I need a familiar face to feel comfortable.

I continued to walk down the empty corridor until I heard a annoyed voice shouting. That was definitely James. I stopped at the compartment the voice had come from and slowly opened the door. There sat a very unhappy looking Albus and an frustrated looking James. James was the first to notice my presence.

"Oh prefect." He said standing from his seat. "Now Rachel is here to keep you company! I am going to sit with my friends. Have fun you two" James tapped my shoulder as he passed by me to door. Closing it behind him.

"He thinks he's to cool to sit with a first year. I don't think he realizes he's only a third year. Plus I will always be cooler than him no matter my age." Albus stated crossing his arms. You could hear the annoyance in his voice.

"You will act the same way when you're a third year and Lilly is a first year." I laughed sitting down across from my brother.

"That's not true." He huffed uncrossing his arms. Standing he grabs my bag and puts it in the storage space above the seat.
" I'm going to help Lilly find her way around Hogwarts and best anyone who messes with her."

"James would beat anyone who tried to mess with either of us too. He probably just wants to see his friends. Plus you're his brother. He's gonna be harder on you than he will be on Lilly and I"

He just mumbles something I cannot hear under his breath. Knowing I'm right I rest my feet on the seat and slowly drift into a deep sleep.

" Rachel wake up!" Some one said shaking me gently. I blindly slapped them away.
"Hay!" The person cried causing the car to erupt in laughter. I opens my eyes to see James rubbing his arm and pouting at me.

"Sorry, " I apologized sitting up. He continued to pout at me. I notice two unfamiliar faces sitting next to Albus on the opposite bench.

"Gosh, you are just like Lilly. Violent child. " he mocked poking me in the ribs. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

" well you've lived with me for 11 years. You should know better then to wake me up!" I argued. He let out a hmph and crossed his arms over his chest.

The two laughed at the argument between us. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, Albus seemed to notice this. Realizing he hadn't introduced me to his new friends.

"Oh! This is Bay Mercury" He nodded in the direction of a tanned girl with short wavy brown hair, brown eyes and plump cheeks.

"And that's Rufus Lotus" pointing to the tiny boy next to him. He slightly resembled a rat. Pointed nose, squinted eyes and short brown hair so greasy it appears to be wet.

I nodded and gave them a friendly smile.

"Look, we're here!" Albus screamed in excitement pressing his face against the window. It was beautiful, better then anything I ever imagined. It looked like something straight out of the Muggle stories Dad used to read me, but better. 


I was led into what they called the great hall along with the other first years. We were led in by a professor named Trout. He was a tall and rather fat man. He had a head and a full brown beard. I didn't recognize him from any of the stories Mum and Dad have told me.

He stopped us suddenly in front of the whole student body of Hogwarts and walked up the stairs to a large table were other professors sat. Taking his seat at an empty chair. As he took his seat an older witch with gray hair and a wrinkles stood and walked to the stone podium.

" Okay first years line up in order of the alphabet. Use your last names not your first! I am your head master McGonagall. "  Iremember Dad and uncle Ron talking about her. Said she was very kind but very tough. She continued to explain the way that the sorting hat works. I wasn't paying attention though. To distracted my the stars in the ceiling above me. Lit candles floating in mid air, bring light to the room. It was an amazing sight.

Finally names where being called and we where being sorted into our houses. Since my name starts with an A I was one of the first to be called. Butterfly's erupted in my stomach as I was onto the stage and sat on the stage. I sat cautiously onto the tall stool. The old and worn out hat placed on my head. I jumped when I heard a raspy voice speak to me.

" Well well, what do we have here? You are Tom Riddles Grand daughter. Being raised as a potter? How interesting.... Now where to put you? I see you are brave.. Very smart but you are sneaky. I could put you in the same house as your Grandfather." NO please no, no one must know we are related. I thought to myself.

"I see you are afraid of being like him. I believe you belong in Slytherin. However...I will take your choice into consideration" the hat spoke directly to me. I crossed my fingers, silently praying.

"Gryffindore!" The hat shouted for all of the great hall to hear. Cheers erupted from the Gryffindore table, I could see James clapping for me from the crowd of first years. Relief rushed over me, I let out a shaky laugh. Jumping down from the stool I made my way to Teddy who was standing in his seat beckoning me to join him.

Sitting down next to him he and other Gryffindores congratulate me on my sorting. Smiling in appreciation at them. My attention turning back to the sorting. I clapped after each sorting. The girl Bay from the train also was sorted into Gryffindore.

I was slowly losing interest watching these strangers being sorted. However, one name caught not only my attention but everyone in the hall.

"Scorpios Malfoy! "

He was tall for his age, blond hair fell just above his grey blue eyes. He stood with his shoulders back and walked with confidence. I watched him intently as he sat on the same stool that I was previously sat. His eyes shut tightly and he sat on his hands, waiting for the sorting hat to make its final year decision.The hall erupted into gasps and whispers. Much to every ones surprise he was not but in Slytherin, but in Gryffindore.

I watched as he walked slowlu to our table. He seems nervouse as he sat down next to a few other first years a few feet away from me. No one greated him, every one just starred at the pale boy in shock. The whispers fade as the sorting continue. I however am paying no attention. Completely captivated by this boy, destined to be the next Slytherin prince. Yet here he sat on the side who fought against his family.

I watch him from the corner of my eye. He looks down at the table, seemingly shrinking under the gaze of disapproval from fellow Gryffindores. I don't pitty him or sympathise with him. I strangly feel greatful, seeing him like this. As wrong as that sounds I can't deny it. I am greatful not to be him. No one knows who my birth family really is. I will never be in his shoes.

I am brought out of my thoughts when Albus is called onto the stage to be sorted. To no ones surprise he is also a Gryffindore. He makes his way to me, sitting in between Teddy and I. Shortly after he is sorted Rose is summoned to be sorted. Rose does not join us at the Gryffindore table, she makes her way to the cheering Ravenclaws.

Soon enough the sorting is over and the feast has begun.
" Can you believe a Malfoy got into our house! " Albus said still in shock as he shoved chicken into his mouth. 

" He is the first Malfoy to ever be in a different house. He probably put a spell on the hat, so no one would suspect his evil pla " Bay said pilling herplate full of every thing reach. I couldn't help but Feel a little angry.They judge him by something he can't control. Just like people will do to me if they find out who I am. If Bay knew who I really was, she would hate me more than she hates Malfoy. Everyone would hate me more than Malfoy. Not only would they hate me, the people looking for my birth mother may find me. My life depends on keeping a secret.

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