Chapter 5

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Three weeks have passed since the sorting. Classes have begun and friendships have started to form. I share a dorm with Bay, who is quickly becoming my best friend. My godmother Lunas daughter Eva Longbottom and a pug faced girl named Dayna Lowen. Dayna is a muggle born, she is always asking questions about the Wizarding world. Which sometimes I find annoying.

  Today I couldn't give much attention to the professor. My thoughts focused  on the blond boy sitting next to me. I watched him from the corner of my eye. He had his head resting on his hand as he stared off into the distance. I wounder what hes thinking about.

"ADAMS"  Isnapped out of my daze to see the entire class staring at me.  Professor Fateo of the potions class stood above me, looking down  with her cold hard stare. For a woman she is fairly buff.  She someone resembles the principal of the Muggle movie Matilda. Fear shook through me as I did my best not to cower in front of her. I am a Gryffindore, I'm supposed to be brave.

" Sorry professor.. what where you saying? " 
The class burst out into laughter. I could feel my face turning red. Professor raised her hand to silence the class.
" We where just discussing lab partners. I guess since you do not seem to care I shall pick for you. You and Mr.Malfoy will be partners for the year. "
I was about to argue but I was to afraid to get into any more trouble. I was already embarrassed enough at this point.

I looked over to see Albus giving me wide eyes. I was going to get an ear full from him after class. I have no doubt in my mind he is going to tell our parents. Not about me being in trouble, but about Malfoy being my partner. They are sure not to like this.Mum and Dad want me to stay away from people associated  witb the dark arts. To protect me frrom the dangers that come with my family history. Honestly I have no problem being Malfoys partner. He has done nothing to indicate he was anything like what his family name would suggest.

After class I ran out the door as fast as I could. I could hear Albus calling my name as I ran. I could deal with him later, right now I need to get to my next class. I could not be late again. Running around the corner and I guess I should have been looking because I hit something hard. I fell backwards dropping all my papers over the stone floors.

" Oh my gosh, Im so sorry " a boy said nealing down to help gather my papers.

" It was my fault I should have been looking I-" I looked up to see who it was. Only to be greated with a pair of grey eyes. It was Scorpius Malfoy.

I could'nt find the words to say. I just looked at him and moved my mouth to form a sentince, nothing came out.  Scorpius gave me a worried expression. 

" Are you okay? Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry! "  I snapped back into reality when I felt his hand placed on mine as we both reached for the same paper.

" Oh um Yeah, just startled me is all. I should have watched where I was going. " I picked up the rest of my books and papers. I avoided eye contact with him. Being in his presence made me somewhat nervous. We have sat next to each other in potions everyday and this is the first time we have spoken.

" It's okay, I wasn't looking either. So its both of our faults. " He said with a laugh. He's being so nice to me. Despite what everyone says. 

" Aha yeah..well umm..I have to get to class. " I said as I slowly turned the corner. I was already  late to class because of out run in. However, that isn't the reason I wanted to leave so fast. I was trying to escape the increasing nerves I felt when speaking to him.

The library was silent, everyone else would rather spend their free time with friends having fun. Reading a good book in peace was my idea of fun. I like being alone. I  think being alone and feeling alone are completely different.  I know am not alone. I have a wonderful family and Bay. But being alone is peaceful, no stress or worries. You can't say the wrong thing because you're the only one you can say it to.

My alone time was short lived when Albus plopped himself down in the chair across the table. I don't bother to look up at him. I just want to read my book, not listen to him go on about my being partners with a Malfoy. I could feel his gaze on me as I continue to read. His stare lingers for a few more moments before letting out a frustrated cough. Sighing I look up at him from over the edge of my book. He raises his eye brow at me. I take my time placing the book mark and setting the book down. Purposely to annoy him.

"May I help you" I say folding my hands in my lap and smirking in his direction.

"You and Malfoy are partners." He states not breaking his gaze from me.

"It would appear so," I relax into my chair. Knowing this would annoy him further.

"Rae that's not safe! He's a Malfoy! He could be bad like the rest of his family. If he finds out about you, you could be in danger." Albus started to raise his voice, earning a shh from the few people working around us.

"Al, it's honestly fine. We are just partners in class. I don't plan on befriending him or anything like that. There's no way he would find out about me" He relaxed into his chair, my words calming him.

It was true. I'm not going to be friends with Malfoy. We are strictly going to be lab partners. No matter how intergeing he may be, I will not risk my life. Not for a boy I know nothing about.

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