Chapter: 38

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Being an Alpha was all I had known my whole life. I was confident in all the decisions that I had made for the pack, to ensure their safety and to lead them. Yet, in that moment at what the doctor had told me, I felt conflicted like never before.

My Luna was suffering because of me. Despite being unconscious for the worst three days of my life, she had showed no signs of recovery.

I had remained steadfast by her side whilst she had remained unconscious, praying each day for her to wake up.

I couldn't bring myself to leave her side, yet when the pack needed me I had to attend to them.

When I had learned Natalia had woken from her unconscious state, I was stunned and angry with myself for not being by her side to support her. I was also puzzled as to why she hadn't called out to me.

Though her sister deserved death, I resorted to capturing her as her punishment. I couldn't bring myself to end her life, knowing already the way my mate had reacted to the death of their mother. It would kill her.

When Natalia cried out in pain in the underground prison, I was taken aback. I had assumed she'd healed, having made it to the prison grounds to visit her sister, but I was mistaken.

Observing the bruising on her waist, I struggled to maintain composure. My wolf howled at the sight, blaming us entirely for the state that she was in.

The pack doctor hurried to attend to her, gathering equipment, and inserted a cannula to the back of her hand.

Quickly, he administered medication to ease her pain, and I watched slowly as the analgesia worked its way into her system.

"She's pregnant," the doctor had conveyed. "I apologise for suggesting this, Alpha, but the pregnancy has to be terminated before it kills her."

His words left me reeling in shock, as my brows knitted together at the sight of Natalia whining in pain. She appeared slightly calmer than before, letting me know the medication in her system was working.

The thought of her carrying our pup made me feel something I had never felt. It prompted me to think about a family with her, something I hadn't considered before until now.

Our relationship had accelerated, not giving me the chance to consider these things before.

Given we hadn't mated near as often as I wanted, I was shocked to hear the news of our pup growing inside of her. It had been merely two weeks since I discovered her.

"How is that possible?" I questioned. "I met her hardly two weeks ago."

"As a hybrid and an alpha, conception occurs at an accelerated rate for you," the doctor explained matter of factly, his eyes focused on the equipment he was gathering. "The embryo develops rapidly, and if successful, the pup is ready for life within two months."

His words deepened the frown on my face as I glanced down at my Luna, feeling angry with myself for the pain I had inflicted on her. I hardly recognised her.

She appeared thinner and paler than normal, and much weaker, now understanding why. The pup was taking a toll on her.

"If it's killing her," I spoke through gritted teeth, anger seething through me. "Does that mean she can never conceive?"

Anxiety gnawed at me as I thought about our future together, the thought of a family appearing distant. It was the wrong time for me to think about that, but I couldn't help it.

I would choose her over any pup, she was my world.

The doctor paused, his expression shifting at my words.

"No, Alpha," he replied. "She's only a few days into the pregnancy, and though, I'm uncertain if related to the attack, the foetus is in the wrong location, which is why it has to be terminated."

"Then get rid of it," I urged. "Do whatever it takes to stop her pain."

The doctor glanced at me with an apologetic expression on his face, before he proceeded to save my Luna.

His words replayed over in my head as I focused on Natalia. Her sobs had quietened down, but she remained wincing as she gripped my hand tightly.

Each emotion coursing through her was palpable in our connection, making me focus on consoling her despite the turmoil surging through me.

Her wolf whimpered in distress, and mine responded, as sadness coursed through me.

"It hurts so much, Callum," Natalia sobbed, tears streaming down her cheeks as she nestled against my chest.

Knowing I had inadvertently harmed her while unaware of her pregnancy filled me with guilt.

Witnessing her vulnerability made me question my worthiness of her, even considering letting her return to Caia if it meant sparing her this agony.

Perhaps, I wasn't good for her.

"I'm here, princess," I murmured, pathetically, my own vision blurring with the intensity of our shared emotions. "I'm really sorry."

I longed to absorb her pain, to spare her the suffering, but all I could do was hold her close as she wept.

The gravity of my actions weighed heavily on me as the doctor inserted a large needle inside of my mate. I restrained myself from lashing out at him, my jaw clenched in frustration.

Natalia's groans brought me back to the present, reminding me of my role in comforting her through the procedure.

She whimpered loudly in response to the procedure, prompting me to nuzzle into her neck in an attempt to provide solace.

"Take deep breaths, Natalia," I whispered, uncertain of how else to ease her pain. To my relief, her breathing steadied as she complied. "That's it, baby."

A loud sigh escaped my lips when the doctor retreated the large needle from my mate, almost as if I had held my breath during the procedure.

"The Luna will be alright," the doctor assured me, cleaning up. "Her vitals are stable again, and I've given her pain relief for now. She needs to rest."

Grateful for his efforts, I nodded at him once.

"I'm sorry for your loss," was all he said, before he walked away, leaving my mate and I alone.

Natalia had stopped crying and now lay peacefully against me, her breathing steady and eyes shut. The procedure had taken a toll on her, she was exhausted.

"You were brave, baby," I whispered softly, pressing a kiss to the corner of her mouth. "You did very well."

Natalia nodded faintly, her response confined to gestures. Though tears continued to trickle down her cheeks, she remained silent, her body trembling with suppressed sobs.

"Shh, you're alright now," I murmured, enfolding her in my embrace, wanting to comfort her. "I love you, and I'm incredibly sorry."

As my Luna opened her eyes, sadness reflected in them, wrenching at my heart.

It dawned on me then that it wasn't her trembling, it was me. My wolf was mourning the loss of our pup, and the pain we had put our mate through.

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