Chapter: 4

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*picture of Felix



After Luke confessed to sneaking a hybrid into my territory without my knowledge, I didn't restrain my Wolf as he delivered a blow to my third-in-command.

"You were risking the safety of your pack not just once, but repeatedly, for a hybrid?" I demanded, incredulous, feeling my Wolf stirring within me.

Luke hung his head. "She's not just any hybrid," he countered. "She's my mate, Callum. Please understand."

His words only fuelled my anger, and before I could restrain myself, my fist connected with his jaw again. My Wolf surged forward, and I continued to deliver blow after blow, until Luke collapsed to the ground, groaning in agony.

"I had higher expectations of you, Luke," I stated firmly, striving to maintain my composure.

"I apologize," he quickly expressed, his voice heavy with remorse. "My intention was to shield her and not disappoint the pack. I never intended any harm."

I could sense his sincerity, but it didn't change the reality of the situation. Luke's actions of protecting said trespasser, regardless of any bond, made me furious.

"Lock him up," I directed the beta, my voice hard.

It was a difficult decision to imprison my closest friend, but he had left me with no other choice. The last thing I wanted was to hurt a member of my pack, but Luke had to suffer the consequences of his reckless behaviour.

My frustration stemmed from his repeated actions of inviting the hybrid into my territory without seeking my approval. Not only was that disrespect towards me, but he had risked the pack's safety.

"Do you want me to kill her?" Felix inquired, awaiting instructions, referring to the hybrid. 

Glancing at the red-haired hybrid in question, I realised she was unconscious. I could sense her wolf, timid yet present. She was a half-breed, with her human side comprising the other half.

I winced. These hybrids were a mishmash of various species, rendering them weak. I seethed with anger knowing Luke was bonded to her.

Awaiting an answer, Felix called. "Callum?"

"Leave her be until I determine her fate," I finalized.

Disregarding the disapproving sound emanating from my third-in-command, I exited the underground prison, driven by the urge to depart before my Wolf succumbed to his rage.

Had it not been for Luke's exemplary service as one of my top men, I would have swiftly executed the hybrid the moment I stepped into the underground prison.

Though, I harboured distrust towards hybrids, I couldn't ignore Luke's claim of having found his mate.

Before deciding what to do with him, I opted to confine him to one of the cells until I could make a decision.

In that heated moment, anger clouded my judgement. My Wolf wanted the hybrid dead. Felix's accusation rang true- Caia had indeed plotted the attack.

There was no other explanation for the hybrid's intrusion coinciding with the Rogue attack. They had planned it.

My Wolf urged me to send a warning to the neighbouring clan by delivering the hybrid's head, but I couldn't bring myself to do that to Luke.

My leniency, unlike any other occasion, stemmed solely from the fact that our pack remained unharmed.

At present, my priority was ensuring their safety and thwarting any potential future attacks.

Once that was secured, I could delve into the motive behind the attack and resolve the conflict with my third-in-command.

Despite our infrequent interactions, I couldn't comprehend why Caia would instigate an attack. Like us, they abided by code of order and restraint.

While I had received an invitation to their ceremony to crown the next heir, I deemed it inconsequential compared to the pressing matters at hand.

The safety of my pack was my utmost priority. Yet, I couldn't shake the thought that perhaps their aggression stemmed from feeling slighted by my lack of attendance.

I had barely settled back into my office at the pack house when Felix joined me. "It's got to be them," he declared, pacing. "Should we strike back?"

I shot my beta a stern look. He understood that retaliation with a direct attack wasn't the solution. It would risk the safety of the pack.

We needed a more calculated response. "Round up a few men and conduct patrols to ensure there are no remaining rogues lurking," I commanded. "I need to be certain there are no further threats. Only then will I deal with Caia."

"Understood," Felix replied before giving me a brisk nod and swiftly exited my office.

My wolf was at bay, demanding release. I had suppressed him all day. A quick run would serve two purposes: it would give my wolf the release he craved and allow me to personally ensure the safety of my pack.

With that thought, I exited the pack house and delved into the woods. My human consciousness soon began to recede, allowing for my wolf to take control. Hardly seconds later, I was stood on all four in my wolf form.

With each stride, the exhilarating rush of the wind against my black fur brought a sense of tranquility to my turbulent emotions.

The normally bustling atmosphere of the forest was subdued, a sign of recent turmoil within the pack.

Navigating the vast expanse of my territory, I marveled at the breathtaking scenery that surrounded me— endless forests stretching as far as the eye could see, punctuated by majestic mountains looming in the distance.

Despite the darkness shrouding the landscape, my heightened senses allowed me to spot a few of my men on patrol, their wolf forms bowing respectfully upon noticing me.

Returning their acknowledgement with a nod, I pressed on, determined to cover my very inch of the land.

'Callum,' Felix's voice echoed through the mind-link, two hours later. 'The land is clear, no further threats detected.'

'Retreat,' I ordered, noting the lateness of the hour.

Midnight was fast approaching and it was time to relieve my men with the night guards. I reflected on the thoroughness of my own patrol, knowing with certainty that no further threats lurked on my territory.

It was crucial for my men to conserve their energy for the challenges that lay ahead, when the true tasks commenced.

Returning to my house, I detected a familiar scent of vanilla lingering in the air. I couldn't be distracted, but being on high alert meant sleep was far from my mind.

Opening the door to my bedroom, I wasn't surprised to find a certain she-wolf lying nude on my bed, innocence feigning in her brown eyes as she beckoned me.

"Callum," she moaned seductively, reaching out for me. "You're tense, let me help you relax."

Her observation hit home— I was indeed tense, for valid reasons. Considering not being mated, for once I found Chelsea's presence appropriate.

Without hesitation, I hovered above her, seeking release from the torrent of emotions surging within me. Soon enough, I thrusted into her with urgency, not stopping until I released all of my frustration.

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