Chapter: 46

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Before I could fully grasp her words, my wolf instinctively affirmed them.

Although Jennifer had adeptly masqueraded as my mother throughout my upbringing, certain inconsistencies now became apparent.

It dawned on me that she had never displayed genuine interest in bonding with my father and me.

Jennifer often secluded herself within the confines of the house, choosing solitude over physical presence. Despite her verbal affirmations, she had never truly stood by us in any other way.

As anger surged within me at the realisations, I lost control and, unable to restrain myself, shifted into my wolf form and pounced on the trespassers.

As Croft stepped forward and also shifted, it was no surprise he became the primary target, particularly after openly trying to claim my title.

The rest of my men followed suit, shifting in unison as I launched myself at the intruder, disregarding the fact that his daughter observed the confrontation.

Natalia's lack of intervention didn't come as a shock. I had warned her beforehand that killing her father was a likely option on the table. This wasn't solely retribution for the havoc he had wrecked on my pack over the past month, but also the suffering he had inflicted upon my mate through his abandonment.

Deliberately prolonging his death, I aimed to inflict as much torment as possible before finally sinking my teeth into his neck. While it wasn't an immediate death blow, the damage was enough to force him back into his human form.

I sneered at the mere thought of such a weak wolf wanting to steal my title, to lead a pack nonetheless.

Before I could finish him off, a familiar wolf intervened, attacking me and redirecting my focus towards her.

'If he dies, so will you!' her voice yelled in my mind.

'You killed my father,' I reminded her, narrowing my eyes.

Her emerald eyes darkened and a mournful howl escaped her lips.

'I didn't kill anyone! He did it all to himself, if only he hadn't taken me by force!'

'That's your excuse?'

Her glare hardened. 'The fact that you doubt me only proves you're just like him. I almost felt guilty for leaving you, but no, like father, like son.'

Her words struck a chord, reminding me of the similarities between my father and I. I had, in many ways, emulated his traits, and at one point, I had taken pride in the resemblance.

'You should have never returned,' I warned her. 'Coming back here was a grave mistake. You're meeting your true death this time.'

I could have respected her for all the years she acted as my mother, but her pretending to be dead and my father dying because of it, surpassed every good memory. My wolf did not tolerate the disrespect.

'Being the Luna of this pack, it rightfully belongs to me,' she had the audacity to claim. 'I remained distant long enough.'

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